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Everything posted by Belladonnastrap

  1. Belladonnastrap

    Blue Moon 2004

    Blue Moon...the stories about your glory are true. First sniff Oh gods. Something sweet and familar...yet rare as well. I've smelled this before but I cannot for the life of me remember where. The juniper really jumps up at me but there's another stronger scent...maybe the moonflower? I don't know but I LIKE it! Smells very much like the I imagine the actual blue moon would smell...fleeting, mysterious and beautiful. When wet *flusters* This is brilliant. It turns into this wonderfully aquatic smelling floral...one I've been lusting after my whole life. It's a bit berry as well...heartbeast was right it does smell a bit like Love's Rain Scent (which I adored) only without the nasty alcohol smell. My body chemistry really picks up the juniper now (one of the very few scents I can identify on contact as I used to slather myself in Bath & Body Works Juniper Breeze) and I can smell more of the cucumber as well. Absolutely beautiful, I feel enchanting. Drydown I think this is the very first oil that hasn't changed its nature on me as it dries down. Still the same lovely wistful scent it was when wet...if anything the juniper is brought out even MORE. Perhaps my body just loves juniper...who knows? Aftermath WHY. WHY did I not buy a 10 ml of this? Or 8 5mls? This is beautiful, it's goregous and ITS MINE. MINE DO YOU HEAR?!
  2. Belladonnastrap


    An agricultural gargoyle. Though he is the Guardian of the Crops and Keeper of the Fields, his visage is still the stuff of nightmares. The scent of a hot wind blowing through desolate, scorched, barren fields. Thanks to Diana I have an imp of this scent which is great because it's not something I normally would have went after! First sniff Wow this is actually...sweet. I don't get really images of barren fields but it does seem a very gold/yellow sort of scent. Maybe a *bit* of wheat in it. When wet Whoo okay NOW I get the images of fields. It smells a bit nutty, a bit sweet and there's a note here I've smelled before but for the life of me I can't narrow it down. Ther's an earthy element to it...maybe some sort of grain. It's lovely though and really not something I'd have chosen for myself. Drydown Oh this is lovely. As it was drying down I kept sniffing myself...it turned into a lovely sort of masculine scent (BPAL oils make me want to find a boyfriend so I can test out scents on him/sniff him like crazy) that doesn't scream GUY so much. It's very warm, very soothing and ...gosh. I love this stuff. Aftermath Ok I gotta get a bottle of this. Which is great because I never would have picked it out orginially for myself..change is good! to Beth for making it.
  3. Belladonnastrap


    Ah Voodoo how you TAUNT me. On first sniff it smells like something primal. I can only pick out almonds and I think rum. It really does invoke images of shadows on the wall...writhing in some tribal rhythm. Wearing: Okay for 2 seconds it smelled yummy and almondy but when I wore it I started to burn. Dammit. So up for swap it goes...I really hope it's not the almond in this that makes me burn but I had a somewhat similar reaction to Eclipse so. Figures...I love the scent of almonds but if I can't wear it...pain! Ah well. edited for grammar.
  4. Belladonnastrap


    YAY for Diana (shrinkingviolet)! She sent me a bunch of perfumes I had shipped to her house and gave me some of her extra imps...one of which was Xiuhtechutli. On first sniff it's a lovely white floral that's very vcery creamy. Sort of if a very rich decadent vanillaish orange creme was smothered in lovely fragrant blossoms. It invokes images of soaring for some reason. I couldn't wait to try it. On me the scent stays pretty much the same as it is in the imp but my chemistry brings out the orange a bit more then normal. It's a very light sweet floral and great for days when you want to wear perfume but you just sort of want it to trail. The staying power of this is pretty long, I put it on around 5pm and it's now almost nine hours later and if I turn my head I get a whiff of it. This is LOVELY and the orange really makes the floral come out for some reason. I see a bottle of this in my future.
  5. Belladonnastrap

    Where is this scent?

    Gah tart you lucky ...tart! Head thee over to the review forum and post! It's been ages since we've gotten a new prototype! And while you're at it...Lampades review!
  6. Belladonnastrap

    The Hermit

    I ordered the Hermit because his is the card that is currently ruling over the year for me. First sniff Mossy. Books. This actually smells a lot like virgo's inital sniff so I think it might have some oakmoss in it. It's a very wet sort of scent and definitely conjures up images of old bearded men grumping about... Wearing it Well holy crap. This just turned aquatic on me. Well no that's misleading...it went moss drenched in seawater on me. It's a very sort of subtle scent but I keep sniffing my wrists over and over because there's a note I'm missing but I can't place it. It's a bit sweet but mostly I get this overwhelming scent of tranquility wearing it. It's light but always lurking just beneath the surface. I'll update on staying power.
  7. Belladonnastrap

    How to make a paypal order.

    Okay ANOTHER question,...do we use the shipping calculations on the site (ie it says for orders up to $40 it's $6.50) or do we use what CCNOW calculates and put that over to paypal or what? Sorry I'm dumb
  8. Belladonnastrap

    How to make a paypal order.

    Quick question about Paypal orders... Do these need to be connected to a bank card? Because my paypal account is connected to my amex and not my bank card and since I'm seriously considering putting in another order for the King & Queen I wanted to try and do it via paypal since I (stupidly) used CCNow for the Mabon/Wildfire order. Did that post make ANY sense? So yes. Help!
  9. Belladonnastrap

    Lush to BPAL scent comparisons (BNever included too)

    I love layering March Hare with Skinny Dip. It really brings out the clove smell and I feel all deliciously twisted.
  10. Belladonnastrap


    First Sniff Like a rainstorm going on outside in the country. With the wind blowing...very fresh. Initall thoughts Wearing this makes me feel like I am standing in the middle of a storm with the wind whipping about me and thunder and lightening crashing around me. It smells like lightening would smell I imagine. After wearing it Oh this is lovely for the dog days of summer. Very fresh and cooling it has a tinge of sourness . It smells clean as well but I don't get any of the bathroom cleaner scent othes have. Very ...yellow and crisp. Perfect for the summer months but I doubt I'd use it in the colder ones. Nice!
  11. Belladonnastrap

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    Open Office is my new best friend. I do most of my spreadsheet stuff working it <3
  12. Belladonnastrap


    Oh wow. This is beautiful and I can't believe I haven't reviewed it yet! First sniff Very very green and a bit mentholy. A bit like NyQuil but not really...maybe NyQuil left outside on a crisp autumn night in the pacific northwest. I get visions of a woman cloaked in leaves. First wearing it This turns into a lovely pine scent when I first put it on. Definitely very green and earthy but there's also a deeper note underneath. I detect nothing herbaly about it really just pure green pine notes. Very much Christmasy almost. Drydown Oh this is fabulous. Belladonna turns sweet and piney on me. Very much beautiful but there's a bitterness there that sort of says "Don't fuck with me if you value your sanity" I love how it reminds me of cool breezes in a large forest, of whispered secrets and beautiful people. It makes me feel very sensuous. I imagine that this would smell lovely on a male as well, it doesn't smell too flowery or anything. In fact I'd probably have to be pryed off a man who smelled like this. In short LOVELY work and my favourite green scent. Must...own...large...bottle.
  13. Belladonnastrap

    Rose Red

    Thanks to the loveliness of a fellow forumite I have gotten my hands on some of this. First sniff: Oh this is beautiful. Like I'm standing in a perfect winter garden surrounded by the largest, most perfect red roses imaginable. Also if any of you remember the doll PJ that was Barbie's friend and came smelling like roses in a lovely rose dres...this smells a bit like her. Wet: Rose. Pure pure pure rose. No other scents, just a pure pure rose. I keep sniffing myself and swooning. It's like I am drowning in rose scent and its so so lovely. Have any of you read Patricia A. McKillip's book Winter Rose? There's a scene when the main character Rois is overwhelmed by roses...I imagine this is what that would smell like. Dry down: Not quite as strong now but when I turn my head I get the barest whiff of Rose...like a memory of a scent. This is flipping gorgeous. Why did I not grab a 10 ml of this stuff?! WHY. This is a true rose scent. Oh to be able to bathe in a tub of this...gah. Lovely. Just lovely
  14. Belladonnastrap

    Info about combining orders?

    There is no more combining orders...once its placed it is final. However in the past I believe you had to email the lab with the information. As for the order not showing up...there was a bottle shortage so they may have contributed to the delay. A lot of people haven't got their orders as well..I'd say wait out the term until the lab reopens and then if it still hasn't come up email.
  15. Belladonnastrap

    Estimated ship time.

    I think perhaps you should maybe bold it on the webpage Beth so it's more noticable. The way it is now (at least on the computer I'm on currently) the font is very tiny and tends to just blend in with the rest of the page. Bold it or make it a different color. Just a suggestion. And I tend to order oils..and then promptly forget what I ordered so when the package comes its a happy surprise. I don't mind the wait so much...it adds to the experience
  16. Belladonnastrap

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Anyway you could maybe snap a picture and upload it Vicious Mistress?
  17. Belladonnastrap

    A Little Lunacy

    And you are DARLING for doing so since I doubt I'll be able to get back online after tonight!! *taking advantage of hijacking internet connection*
  18. Belladonnastrap

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    You guys. ROCK. Thanks SO much for all your replies and help. I love this damn board
  19. Belladonnastrap

    Mail server is up

    for all of you! Hopefully all of these problems will just END and they'll be smooth sailing soon.
  20. Belladonnastrap

    Jolly Roger

    Oh Jolly Roger...how I have been longing for you... On First Sniff Old pirate movies. The sea. People yelling "shiver me timbers!" Rollicking waves. Mint. Storms After wearing it YES. Another aquatic scent that doesn't disappear on me! I recieved this from the lovely Diana and wow...absolutely floors me. I was afraid that the rum would make this more mannish but it doesn't show up at all. The leather is very light (almost untraceable) but the defintie scent on me at least is just pure sea. Sort of like sitting outside cape cod on an early autumn day as the wind blows. Very very lovely. I agree with Dispatcherbert...its a toss up if I prefer this or Lightening more as they both have that more heady aquatic feel.
  21. Belladonnastrap


    Oh MAN. I have to get a quick order in before I leave for California next week... But but... So many....
  22. Belladonnastrap

    Dana O'Shee

    First Impression It smells like Lush's Snowcake. Oatmeal and honey goodness, it invokes images of fluffy white clouds, wamrth and lovely summer days. This is a scent made for relaxation and goodness. After wearing it Oh Dana....the praise heaped on you is true...you are lovely. I was really excited to try this scent as Snowcake is one of my favourite scents ever. However Dana has a bit more bite then Lush's scent.. While it is a very "white" sort of scent, it's not too sweet or vlying. Perfect for summer! My only gripe with this is that the lasting power is really really small..I wish it stayed longer! Definitely a huge repurchase
  23. Belladonnastrap

    New team helper

    Welcome Nella! I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly with us ...you're a BPALer after all
  24. Belladonnastrap

    Cinnamon girl...

    I agree. I adore Cinnammon and this was TOO much. It kicks yer butt.
  25. Belladonnastrap

    Since I seem to need to reiterate it...

    *MASSIVE HUGS FOR ALL THE BPAL CREW* I appreciate all the work you guys do for us and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Hopefully one day I'll get both my ipod mini and my BPAL oils and I'll come here and post out of sheer happiness.