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BPAL Madness!


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About Saeva

  • Rank
    wrist-sniffing wench
  • Birthday 11/30/1984


  • Location
    CA, USA
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
    Sugar Plum Fairy V3
  • Favorite Scents
    Sugar Plum Fairy V3, Punkie Night, Fairy Wine, Coral Snake

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    I'm a grad student in media who loves television, movies, and basically any sort of live-action narrative (except slapstick). I spend most of my time agonizing over what I'm going to do my thesis on between playing with my cat and going out with my colleagues.

    In particular I LOVE science fiction, written or broadcast, and wish I had more time to write some science fiction for myself. I'm currently stressing over end of the semester papers and fanvids, and spending way too much time and money on the forums and LiveJournal buying up a bunch of scents.

    I'm pretty new to BPAL -- last year I got six imps (plus three frimps) for XMas and this year I've taken my XMas money and devoted it to buying BPAL. My family thinks I'm crazy and my friends are nice and sick of hearing about BPAL constantly, but I'm this close to collecting the whole Atomic Luau Lounge line in bottles ('The Bar') and Imps ('Flotsam,' 'King/Queen') while trying to collect a bunch of winter scents too.
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  1. Saeva

    Black Cherry Sufganiyot

    In the bottle, it smells like thick cherry filling, canned and ready to be poured for pie has been drizzled with maraschino cherry syrup. Then I put it on myself and it immediately went to pastry. Not only was the cherry filling darker, trending into black cherry, but I instantly smelt like I had rubbed buttery, flaky pie crust across my skin. Ultimately, a few minutes in it mellowed out into a sharp cherry pie and stayed there. I usually like sugary scents, but I'm not sure how I feel about this one. It is so distinctly one specific sweet treat that it mostly keeps making me crave pie. Low to medium throw. Lots of staying power -- I still smelled just as cherry after 12 hours, which is longer than most BPAL scents last on me. My best friend tried it too and ended up smelling like someone tried to bake maraschino cherries. They're not a fan of sweet scents and said this one was particularly sweet.