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About lupidog

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    a little too imp-ulsive
  • Birthday 09/21/1980


  • Location
    Athens, GA
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    United States

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    General: art, film, fantasy, geeky pursuits, scrabble, words, animal rescue, modeling, digital art, soap operas, dragoncon, costumes, karaoke, rocking out, zombies, crocodiles, caffeinated beverages, Dragon*con, tarot, pets, zookeeper, colors, textures, photoshop, astrology, clothes, bargains, driving, coffee, cooking, baking cakes, banter, life, nuance, allegory, mythology, fairy tales, nostalgia, nature, photography, animals, books, movies, comic books, boys, girls, people, archetypes, babies, accessories, flattery, meaningful looks, pregnant pauses, laughing, making lists.
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  • Astrological Info
    Virgo w/ Virgo rising, Moon in Aquarius, Venus in Leo, Mars in Scorpio, and Mercury in Libra - and born in the best year, the Year of the Monkey!
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  1. lupidog


    Decided to test this one tonight despite it smelling really foul to me in the imp. I think that's the vetiver, which I -think- smells like beef jerky/nasty meat to me. Wet, yes, all beef jerky/meatiness. That begins to fade to more reasonable levels fairly quickly, but it's still quite prominent. The leather shows up and is yummy, but it's a ... meaty leather. A little while later the straight up MEAT smell recedes significantly, and is less recognizable as such while it lingers in the background. It is mostly leather, which is hit or miss on me. Something is also making me nose feel twitchy, which may be the musk. I REALLY wish I weren't getting that unpleasant tickle, because otherwise this now smells like having your face buried in the neck of a man wearing a leather jacket on a cold night, perhaps during a lingering hug goodnight. Which makes me want to keep huffing, but then there's something in there making me just a touch sneezy (and maybe queasy). I may just have to hunt down the real thing. ETA: Iago is also a persistent fella. I washed my wrist w/ soap and hot water in order to accommodate another smell to test, and he was just like... nope. At first I couldn't smell him but he returned w/ a leathery vengeance. Get outta here, mister leather coat wearing guy! We hugged GOODBYE. =P
  2. lupidog

    Golden Priapus

    Imp's almost spent and I'm super sad. Definitely need a bottle. Occurs to me that mebbe I should review it. When I first tried this, I though it stunk to highest heaven. TOO sharp, TOO sweet. When I got around to trying it again, I had learned of my love of pine and the wonder of a good vanilla. And that's what this smells like (that and Dorian's way hornier cousin come into town to cause sexy sexy trouble while Dorian stammers and attempts to come up w/ some excuse for GP's totally inapprop behavior). Starts off with a MEGA blast of vanilla pine, and then dries down to a somewhat more gentlemanly but roguish vanilla pine. Super sweet, but devilishly handsome. I would swoon if my man would wear this, but he's not into wearing smells (boo) so I'll just have to swoon over myself. It's a "masculine" scent, possibly, but it's so sweet that I think it can play the field. Again, need a bottle!
  3. lupidog


    I have struggled w/ this little lady for a while now. I want to love her, I ALMOST love her, I decide to keep her, but I don't end up reaching for her, then I feel like I should test her again. I test her, I decide, nope, not for me, need to pass her along... but then I end up keeping her for another few months, then test her... ETC AD NAUSEUM. The reason for this is undoubtedly the orange blossom, a very nasty little note with whom I have a complicated relationship. On the one hand, I can't stand it, can't do it, I don't have many death notes but good lord does orange blossom sting my nose. Feh, bitter, yucky. On the other hand, it was a pretty striking revelation to figure out just what note was associated w/ that nastiness. It smells like this old German perfume my Omi had that was in this bizarrely ornate, baroque style bottle that smelled so ancient and bitter - but she loved it (mostly for the bottle though, she didn't wear it that I can recall)! Due to the nostalgia factor, even though I kind of hate it, I sort of love wrinkling my nose to it now and again. All that said, after the wet stage, the orange blossom steps back and the really yummy stuff that I love comes to the fore... fruity (I agree w/ the strawberry assessment, though in my mind this is cherry bubbleyum pinky red) floral candy sweetness. Unfortunately it just doesn't have the throw and clarity I would need it to have to make up for that initial nasty orange blossom chomp. I think I've finally decided to go ahead and part with her... but who knows how I'll be feeling tomorrow!
  4. lupidog


    This is for the resurrected version of Hod. I bought a decant of this last year because I had discovered that carnation was quickly becoming one of my favorite notes. I'd heard that this was basically the go to carnation scent and so I was quite interested. When I finally tested it, however, I could barely smell it all - my skin just ate it up. What I could smell initially was a very "low" carnation note, with a slightly metallic edge, but it went away POOF too quickly, far too quickly to really come to any conclusions. A year later, I decided to give this guy another go, and either my skin chemistry has changed (totally possible, taking different medications than I was a year ago) or age has improved Hod for me. I still get that very low pitched carnation, but it is stronger initially and doesn't disappear! It has less of that metallic bite, but a little is still there - I picture this scent as a very dusty but still luminescent silver (so much so that I keep being surprised when I'm rooting through the imp box and the handwriting on the label is in brown ink and not silver). This doesn't scream, but has enough of a throw that I'm catching lovely, sweet lilts of it as I go through the day. Several hours later it is still distinctively carnation, sweet, and slightly powdery (but not too much). It hovers ever so slightly above my skin. This is a really pretty (if somewhat subtle) blend, and if I weren't 1)lazy and 2)poor, I'd probably track down a bottle. As it is, I'll happily use up my decant when I'm needing a carnation fix. St. Germain disappeared out from under me when I wasn't paying attention this summer, and while Hod isn't exactly the same (lacking the citrus bite, less spicy, more creamy), they do share a yummy soft carnation note that I really enjoy.
  5. lupidog

    The King of Hearts

    I first tried this over a year ago, and found it to be a little too cherry for my tastes. I tried it again last night - The first thing I smell upon application is the cherry again, a little medicinal/robitussin-y, but that mellows pretty much instantaneously. Then the lavender + rosewood comes to the fore, and I just love it. Really really love it. My imp of Villain has been dry for some time now and I've been missing a nice masculine lavender scent. There is a similar feel here. Unfortunately, the lasting power of this stage on my skin is nearly zilch. In less than a half hour, the wonderful complexity has disappeared and I'm left with a very dusty, less appealing lavender. THIS stage lasts forever, seemingly, and smells like faint lavender scented baby powder. It isn't bad, but it isn't true love, either. It's a really cold day here and I've been leaving the heat off, save for a lone space heater. It is possible that my freezing cold skin isn't the best landing site for this oil, but I also tend to completely eat up anything that could be remotely described as delicate. Additionally, it could also be the cold that is keeping the cherryCherryCHERRY in check. Regardless, I don't think the King is my new main squeeze.
  6. lupidog


    this smells pretty decadent in the imp, but going on it is too strong and alcoholic for my tastes. as it dries, that booze edge softens and it becomes a really rich peach, which i mostly like, but is somehow just a tad off for me. after it is thoroughly dry, it smells like a very soft sugared peach... though it drove me crazy, because it also smelled almost exactly like something i knew was related to my pets. after much huffing, i realized it smells almost exactly like ferret ear cleaning solution. um.... okay. this is where i start to fear i'm going mad (though not really, this stuff does have a very particular odor and josie oddly mimics it) because hilma reminded me of horses/stables. who knows!
  7. lupidog


    when i first smelled this at will call, all i could think is "oh my god, this smells like horses." not in a -bad- way necessarily, but something strongly conjured up the smell of being around horses, interacting with them, which I haven't done since I was maybe 10 years old. testing it again, it is the same. i can't tell you what it is - my friend said maybe it smells like the hay. i could see that, the smell of walking through stables. regardless, while it isn't a BAD smell, it isn't really one i think of as perfumey, nor do i think that is what was intended for this oil. after it is well dried down, it becomes a faint and sweet floral, very light but pleasant. i can't decide how i feel about this one, and will definitely test it again, if only to marvel at the strangeness of my association.
  8. lupidog

    Couple Consulting an Enpon

    I was gifted a decant of this by a generous BPALer, and was quite curious to try it. It was not one that I would have selected for myself based on the notes (I don't dislike any of them overtly, but none jump out at me), but that often is where the best surprises come from! Unfortunately, the second this was on, it smelled badly of some kind of pee/body odor. This one note, high and keening, lifting itself from the others - which all smelled fabulous under the top layer of funk. It was sad. I kept hoping that shrill top note would fade, but it stayed quite dominant. I've been trying to figure out which one it was so I can avoid it in the future, or at least have an awareness of the potential for rankness. Was it the mint? The orange blossom? The blackberry? I just don't know. I'm not super well versed in sandalwood, but I've tried enough blends with it to know it isn't this pee smelling thing. Alas! I wish my skin didn't amp mystery note, or this would be quite beautiful. If your chemistry is different, you may find a unique and elegant blend with good throw and lasting power.
  9. lupidog

    Velvet Bandito

    In the imp, this smelled so strongly of clove that I didn't want to try it at all. I like cloves, and have smoked the cigarettes from time to time, but this SHRIEKED at me. I bit the bullet and gave it a go. And.... all cloves, all of the time. And pretty much nothing else. I wish I got the sweeter Tombstone that someone else mentioned... that would be poifect!
  10. My go-to Daffodil scent is The Owens' Tomb. It has a slightly "grey" edge to it (sorry, don't know how to describe the smell!) that is supposed to be representative of tomb dust, but I don't find that it detracts from the prettiness at all. If anything it keeps it from smelling as overwhelming as florals usually do to me. I have the same problem with Amsterdam vanishing nearly instantly on me, but The Owens' Tomb has a much better wear length, in my opinion.
  11. lupidog

    Dandelion and Clover.

    I have to chime in and add my love for Roadhouse. I DO get a hoppy smell, but I find that it blends beautifully with the dandelion. It's in my top ten and I've been really loving it for early spring!
  12. lupidog

    Ol' Roswell Cemetery

    Sniffed from the bottle and just going on, this smells totally of dirt (think Zombi). As it dries, flowers start to peek through... This really smells like rural GA on a hot spring or summer day. Eventually the dirt note fades to a very quiet whisper and it is all the light florals. They are light and sparkling but very sweet. Totally dry is my favorite stage. I am passing along my bottles to others and there is a tinge of regret in my heart. Not too much though, because the dirt note lasts just a LITTLE too long for my preference. I think dirt lovers are really going to dig this! Yes, I said dig. Like in the dirt. *slaps forehead*
  13. lupidog

    MVJBA: Pancake Breakfast

    I bought this bottle at a reasonable price on ebay, unsniffed, because I have a very serious relationship with pancakes. After several years of the Atkins diet (I know, I know...) pancakes came to represent all that was most decadent in all the world. I have also come to realize that it is my absolutely favorite post-coital meal... How's that for far TMI? But it cannot be helped, as it is a direct reason I went for this impulse buy. Smelling this from the bottle - well, it's dead. on. Delicious, perfect pancakes. It is almost eerie, the level of accuracy. It brings me to a happy, well fed cat place... I just want to roll around in bliss! Unfortunately, Pancake Breakfast plays something of a cruel trick when on... The butter note, which is problematic for me in many blends, gets really loud and proud. Also, their is a strong sort of ... dough note, very similar to the cake note in Eat Me, that also presents very strongly. These things aren't bad, but they are stronger on my skin than they are wafting up from a stack of the real thing. The butter is indeed a musky goat butter, which may be a bit too rich for some. As for the syrup, I never really get boysenberries specifically, just sweet sweet maple or perhaps butter pecan syrup. I don't wear this often, and when I do it is a small amount just for that rush of seratonin... but I'll never ever trade my bottle away, just being able to sniff from it is a dream!
  14. lupidog

    Salty scents?

    Though it is an LE, I will second the recommendation of Vampire Tears. It smells SO salty to me, but is also very floral. The salt helps take that super flower edge off, and it is one of my favorites. I've seen many decants floating about the for sale forum, so maybe you can snag one to try without TOO much trouble...
  15. lupidog

    Blood Kiss

    This is in a category of scents that I tried, didn't like (but didn't hate), took a few notes on, and then vowed to test again. Except the testing never happened because I spent more time with new and more intriguing scents. I was with several friends when I initially tried this. It reminded me immediately of something VERY specific. I was practically doing the crazy dance while madly huffing, trying to figure out WHAT in the heck it was. It wasn't a bad smell, but it wasn't a perfume smell to me -- it was a very specific scent memory. Then it hit me! DOG SHAMPOO. The "green" kind that we always used in the 80s and 90s. I was much relieved to figure this out, but it made it really hard to take the oil seriously as perfume after that. Even without the association, I have a feeling Blood Kiss would not be for me, as I am not a big cherry fan, and cloves are dangerous territory. It wasn't offensive by any means, and I can see cherry lovers really digging it.