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Posts posted by brownbear

  1. Definitely fruity. I get a bit of the musk too, but mostly a general fruit note. The tea didn't come out til later on and the general fruit does get to be more berry as it dries. At first I wasn't sure, but after a while it was really nice. Fruit and green.

  2. Hmm, well I think this makes it official... I like myrrh. Leather isn't a note that I look for in scents, but it doesn't do anything weird here, so that's good. Sometimes leather smells too masculine for me, but not in this case. This is a very warm scent. It's a slightly spicy body type scent.

    I probably don't need any more like this, but I just can't send it away. I'll have to make some room for it somewhere.

  3. The orange is what stands out the most to me. It's like a softer version of Rakshasa, which I like very much. I only notice the lavender a tiny bit at first. It gets warmer and dryer in a bit. Overall I like it, but it fades too fast on me.

  4. This one starts out so pretty. Veil is really a good name for it. It is light, wispy, floral, soft and pretty. It mostly smells like lillies and gardenia on me. It is gorgeous. Unfortunately, as it dries it gets kind of harsh on my skin and all the lightness goes away. oh well.

  5. wow, I guess I like myrrh. It seems every one I try with that as a note, I like. The juniper, oakmoss, myrrh, and patchouli all blend very well together. Nothing jumps out too much. Not sure how much I'll actually wear it, but it is really such a nice blend. It is a little bit foresty, but not overly green. This would probably smell good on a guy too.

  6. I love Macha's artwork on this one. My favorite so far.

    At first sniff I thougt eucalyptus, but that changed into birch with a bit of the pine. Once it dried it went more floral. It definitely smells cold the entire time. I probably wouldn't have ordered this because of all the florals and I'm not usually a cold scent type of person, but my birthday is this month. And to my delight I like it very much. It does get floral after a bit, but it stays cold. Overall it is beautiful. :P

  7. Thoroughly revisited. This year’s Hearth is warmer, sweeter, and more traditionally comforting. This is the scent of candied chestnuts, buttered, covered in brown sugar and honey, alongside the scent of cedar smoke and soft pine.

    mmmm This is as good as I expected it to be. It is buttery, sugary goodness. There is a hint of cedar wood in here, but I'm not getting smoke. I'm also not getting any pine from this, which is fine with me. It reminds me a bit of this year's gingerbread poppet, but better. :P

  8. Yep cheesecake all right. It's cream cheesy with lots of sugar. I smell like I did when I used to be a cake decorator and was up to my elbows in frosting.

    That's how it starts out anyway...

    It does that awful thing that milk moon and a few others did, where the cream turns sour on my skin. I was going to try a suggestion to put it on over almond oil, but realized that I was out. So I tried it over some shea butter that I did have. It didn't do the sour thing, but did change a little after a while. I still like it though.

  9. The '05 version is just like graham crackers! I've sniffed the '04 version before and it's more gingery and spicy than this version from what I remember. I think I might like this more if I layered it with Three Witches for more spice. It is still good though. I had this on one wrist and beaver moon on the other and I smelled a lot like lucky charms cereal.

  10. At first it's very woody. A little too woody for me. But then as it dries and fades it softens up a lot. There are some light notes in there that keep the wood from getting too heavy. It's pretty green too. Not sure how much I'd wear this one, but it isn't bad. It just isn't really my style.

  11. Aha! I knew there had to be plumeria in here! It starts out so sweet and fruity floral. It is so pretty and girly. I can't stop smelling my wrist. It fades really fast though. It is still everything that it was, but there is just a faint whisper of it. Never got any pear or rose from it, but it still smells great.

  12. I couldn't believe that this doesn't have gardenia as a note. In the bottle it smells like a strong, heavy, pungent white floral. On my skin it is GARDENIA. My mom will absolutely love this. I poured half the bottle into some unscented lotion for her. I like it myself.


    ETA: I forgot to add that she LOVED it! She wants more.

  13. This one starts out smelling like chocolate, wine, cherries, and hard candies. Then on my skin I mostly got wine, cherries, and hard candies. The florals never seemed to come out. Then it went to powder. oh well

  14. mmmm This is very orangey. It smells more like orange than orange blossom. I wish this lasted on me. It disappeared in five minutes. Red patchouli must not be as strong as whatever type they usually use. Hmmm I'm trying to think of a way to use this that will last longer on me.
