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Posts posted by brownbear

  1. This is really different than I expected. I sniffed a bottle of the 04 version and I remember it having a lot more chocolate. I am a little bit sad that this one doesn't seem to have any chocolate. Though it does smell good. I get more of a smoky, deserty, floral type scent. Some people mentioned ylang ylang and yeah I get a bit of that too. It's a good thing I like ylang ylang. Hmm I am disappointed though about the lack of chocolate. :P

  2. :P

    I love how this smells. Just like I thought it would. This is how I was expecting Swank to smell based on someone else's review. It has a bit of the orange, a bit of booze, and a bit of bitter fruit. yum. I wish it lasted longer on me. I might just have to really slather it on. I'll probably wear this a lot more in the spring or if I'm feeling springy.

  3. hmm, it's not what I expected. I sniffed a bottle of the 04 version of this a while ago and I loved it. It was cidery and spicy and warm. This one is spicy and warm, but it is also a bit medicinal. I'm not getting a lot of cider in this. I still like it, but wish it was a bit more cidery. It had a phase that smelled like camping. I really hope that the medicine smell isn't the pumpkin as I'm expecting some pumpkins soon. Overall, I do like it as a spicy camping kind of scent, but I don't get any apple at all.

  4. Holy cow! :P

    I just got this in the mail thirty minutes ago and I'm ordering another bottle. It is so tasty. It's smoky, warm, tasty, sweet, oh man. oh man oh man. Maybe I should get two more bottles. Um sorry this isn't much of a review, I have to keep stopping to smell my arm. It is definitely autumn and foody. wow :D


    ETA: yup still one of my favorites. When I layer it with samhain it gets really sweet, like heavy dark honey. One of my roommates said it smelled like a candy shop and another roommate said it smelled like vanilla.

  5. That's weird. After reading the description I had to go back and check that I really did try the right one. I wouldn't have guessed any of these notes. It's a scent that is swirling with odd, but interesting notes. I thought I was getting some kind of tea note from here. It's slightly sweet and light and a little bit of light peppery spice. It's a tad gingery, but not like food ginger. This is a really hard one to describe. I can't decide how I feel about it. I'll have to try it again on another day.


    ETA: Tried it again. I still only get ginger and pepper. Then it turned a little soapy. Not going to keep it.

  6. This one started out being mostly patchouli to me. Then as it dried it turned into mostly orange blossom. Much better. Occasionally I'd get these weird notes that were something like B.O. (I swear it wasn't coming from me!), but those faded away. This scent lasted a really long time and turned out quite nice. I just had to make it past that weird drying stage.

  7. A chilly, bright perfume: flurries of virgin snow, crisp winter wind and the faintest breath of night-blooming flowers.


    The first time i sniffed this was out of the bottle at a meet up at black broom. I thought it was beautiful. It smelled like gorgeous, cool, flowers. I just finally tried an imp of the 2004 (I believe) version after ordering the 2005 version. I really really really hope that they are different. It did the same thing on my skin that milk moon did. It went a bit minty, then it went to sour milk products. It's been hovering at the sour stage for a while with hints of plastic. :P

  8. This one really does fit the description. It's very airy, clean, cool, fresh, clear, powerful, it's nice. I don't think of this as being a man's cologne, but I bet it would smell good on a man. I'm getting a tiny bit of a bitter citrus in here and a lot of clean laundry. Not sure how much I'm going to wear it though.

  9. mmm this is really nice and not what I expected. It's warmer and woodier and less green and flowery than I thought it would be. It starts out a little more flowery, but that fades away. I'm getting some slight bit of a spice. Maybe cinnamon and maybe nutmeg. There is some kind of nut note I keep getting too. Maybe chestnut. It is really nice. The wood isn't too strong. This is a good scent for autumn. mmmm really nice.

  10. In the imp this smells so good. It's all berry wine, sweet alcohol, fruity juiciness. The notes blend together very well. It smells sort of a burgandy purple color.


    Then I put it on. The note that comes out on my skin isn't quite the play-doh note and it isn't quite the burning plastic note, but it's a whole new unpleasantness that I haven't experienced before. I kept hoping it was just a phase, but no, I am stuck with that awful note. oh well.

  11. The first time I smelled this it was from sniffing someone else's bottle at a meet and sniff. The impression I got from that one was: flowers. From my bottle I get: fruit. Lots of juicy fruit. Then the jasmine comes out and then a bit of the pink pepper. I never noticed any of the musk. They must be extra light. Overall it's pretty, feminine, soft, light, and pink. Nice.

  12. This one changed a lot on me. It starts out delicious and buttery. It's just like a fresh baked snickerdoodle. Buttery, cinnamon and sugar. So good.

    Then it dries and it's mostly cinnamon. Then the butter turns into some kind of burning somewhat plastic note. boooooo!

  13. Very flowery. Wet, it is just gorgeous. The tangerine note comes out and blends well with the floral ones. On my skin the tangerine gets buried by the jasmine and rose and lilly. It's just a little too much of these flowery flowers for me. oh well.

  14. This one really changes a lot on me. It starts out smelling both earthy and foody. I think I was getting a lot of vanilla at first. It is such an interesting blend. It's a combination of earth, darkness, and fruity desserts. I'm surprised and relieved that my skin didn't amp up the rose a bunch. It just barely lingers in the background. Very nice.

  15. An effervescent blend of crystalline champagne notes and sweet strawberry.

    Wet it was kind of sharp strawberries. I think the sharpness must've been the champagne note. As it dried it got a little creamy. Overall it smelled a little fakey to me. For a strawberry scent I really prefer Strawberry Moon. oh well

  16. Wet this one smells very fruity. At first it was more cherry, then the strawberry came out when it dried. I'm not a big fan of heliotrope, but I think the amber, vanilla, and fruits toned it down into something pleasant. I get a lot of amber in this actually. I'm gonna keep this one, at least until I run out of space.

  17. This really is lovely. It's pretty floral with something dark. The darkness is probably the oak and leaves. I definitely get the aquatic note in this. The first time I tried it I mostly got the lillies, but this time I'm getting more of the other notes. It is so lovely and calm, but it isn't really my style. hmmm I'm undecided on this one.
