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Posts posted by brownbear

  1. Very herbal lavender with something green and something a little bit lemony. Ok I just read the description and yeah it smells like that. It's very relaxing, but a little too herbal for me to wear as perfume. oh well

  2. To me this smells a lot like Bengal, which I like very much. The spice smells the same. It is warm, sexy, sweet, spicy, and delicious and close to a skin type smell. I'm not getting the rose, which surprises me. Usually my skin amps up rose a lot.


    ETA: I'm trying this one again next to the old one. I think the old one may have been mislabeled. The new one I'm trying has a lot of sandalwood in it. I get mostly sandalwood and musk and a little something salty. I like it. I'm still surprised that rose isn't coming out though.

  3. While wet I smell floral wood. It's a bit perfumey. When it dries my skin really amps up the rose and I can't smell anything else. It is very pretty and feminine. I never really got any patchouli from it.

  4. Mmm This is nice. It starts out very strong in the imp and while it's wet. After a minute though it is nice and subtly woody with a little spice.


    Ok, just read the description and yup, that's what it smells like, but I smell a little something ambery too. Maybe that's from one of the othe notes. It's kind of a skin type smell.

    I like it.

  5. In the imp this one smells like a cold floral. I think the coldness is due to the white musk and lavender. It doesn't go too herbal either, like lavender sometimes does to my nose. The rose softens it out very nicely.


    I really thought I'd like this, but when I put it on it went very musky, then totally disappeared. Then five minutes later a hint of rose came out and then it all disappeared entirely. It is so lovely, but there is no way it's working on my skin. oh well *sigh*

  6. wow boozy it is. Usually this is a good thing for me, but mint is usually not a good thing for me. At first this is a super strong drink, then it fades a little and mellows. But then my skin and the mint turn it into an ugly bar brawl and the mint wins, but it's all bruised and mashed up and not so nice as it started out. So, uh, this isn't going to be a keeper.

  7. I definitely get dragon's blood here. There is a warmth to it as well, but i'm not getting spice like some of the other posters have. I'm also getting a tiny little bit of floral, but mostly dragon's blood. I'll have to try it again when I'm going to be around other people to say if the voodooness of it works for me. As far as scent it's ok, but I wouldn't wear it just as perfume.

  8. At first this one smells like PEAR. Then some of the other floral notes come in. It is so pretty and yummy. mmmmm After a while it gets a little powdery and less peary, but I still like it. I just wish it stayed more like it smells at the beginning. hmmm

  9. Wow this is hot and spicy. It keeps making me think of black spice tea with honey. Like chai but spicier. As it dries more of the honey sweetness comes out. I like this one a lot better as it mellows out. I think it might be making my nose a little stuffy though. I think I'll be good with an imp for now and maybe a bottle down the line.

  10. This one didn't really change at all on me.

    It is very soft, pretty, and feminine. It is a floral for sure. It has floral notes that I really like, but I guess I just haven't been in the mood for awhile for purely floral scents. It just isn't feeling like me.

  11. :D

    Oh wow. When I sniffed the imp, I said, "Oh My God," then my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I started drooling. Well it almost happened like that.


    This one is sooooo tasty. :D :D :P

    It's deep, dark, rich chocolate with a little bit of coffee. The richest, darkest mocha ever. I get only the smallest hint of wine and blood here and after it dries I get a little bit of incense smoke. I really wish it stayed as strong as it did in the imp, still, I'm considering a bottle.

  12. This one changed quite a bit on me.

    In the vial it is pure deliciousness. :P It's all sweet almond and fig.

    Then it goes through a horrid rancid stage. I was thinking I'd have to swap it.

    But then later it comes back to a really nice toasted, meaty coconut with a tiny bit of honey. I never really got any sandalwood from this.

    ETA: I'd consider a bottle of this.

  13. ahhh this is very soft and pretty. In the vial it smells almost fruity or even like bubblegum. On my skin it dries to soft, light flowers. I'm glad it wasn't too herbal. It fades quickly on me though, unfortunately. I might just have to slather it as it's a keeper.

  14. ooooh this is nice. At first I get the saffron and amber. mmmmmmm

    Then after it dries the citrus comes out with the vetiver. This is more masculine than I expected. I think this would be much better on a man than on me. Hmm this is how most of the SiA scents have been for me.

  15. I was a little afraid when I opened the imp and smelled mint. Mints usually don't do well on me. This one is very nice though. It's a refreshing candy peppermint. It softens up a lot as it dries. mmm I like it. There is another soft note under here, but I can't place it yet. I'm not really getting any citrus from this. It's more of a powdery scent with peppermint.

  16. In the imp this one is delicious. On my skin it fades pretty fast though. Will I ever find a long lasting chocolate scent?

    Anyway, it is chocolately and a little fruity. I think there is the tiniest hint of something a little woody in there, probably the orange blossom. It's a bit candyish. The cherry never comes out too strong. The orange blossom comes out more as it dries. I really like this one, I just wish it lasted longer.

  17. This one didn't really change much as it dried down.

    I get lots and lots of dry wood notes from this. I'm thinking maybe both cedar and sandalwood. Plus some patchouli I think. It's a nice scent if you like those notes, but for me I only like those notes in the background. oh well Off to swaps.

  18. Wet and drying down: musk, for sure, with a bit of herbs (must be the lavender), and a tiny bit of citrus. It smelled like a sexy man. I kept getting wafts of it over the next couple hours and every time I'd think, "mmm sexy man." In the next couple hours though when I'd get a waft, I'd think, "this is stupid a guy should be wearing this, not me." So unless I find a man to put this on, it's off to swaps.

  19. Hmm

    This one is a happy warm scent. It has some citrus in it, but not a sweet citrus. It is a tiny bit spicy and a little herby. It fades a bit on me. It isn't bad at all, but I'm not sure how much use this one will see from me.

  20. This one changes a bit as it dries. It starts out very warm, red, with some spice and a bit of carnation? or some kind of floral bit. Then it seems more like dragon's blood and some kind of leafy note (or maybe it's a morphed version of carnation that i smell). Then the spice comes out a bit more. Then something like spicy violets? Then spicy spice. This one is really hard to put my finger on and it changes a lot, but I really enjoy it. :P

    It never seemed as spicy as three witches to me.

  21. In the imp and in the drydown stage it was smoky-floral. Very nice. The name and description fit it perfectly. Now that it's dry, however, something isn't right. There is something very bad gong on here with my skin. It's acrid and bitter and a little bit plastic. oh well

  22. When I first opened the imp it smelled very green to me. A cool, wet, juicy, green. Just about everyone on here has mentioned violet, but for me there is only the tiniest tinge of violet. This is a cool, clean floral to me. It fades way too fast on my skin though.

  23. Wet: fruity, juicy, tasty with a little sweet incense


    dry: ooooohhhh cranberry. makes sense. Still fruity, but now there is some wood with it. It fades very quickly on my skin which is a shame because I like this one very much. I'll keep the imp and probably slather it on until it's gone then move on to the next fruity one.
