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Posts posted by brownbear

  1. oooooh yum :P :D


    This is very chocolatey, but not super sweet. It reminds me of bath and body works' cocoa simplicity stuff.

    As it dried more of the incensy sandalwood and myrrh came out.

    The dog likes it and she keeps trying to lick my wrist. Now I'll have to try some of the other chocolate ones.

  2. I agree with the yellow-orange color description. It fits.

    Until this one dried completely, I kept getting a lotion smell. It was the smell of unscented lotion; you know how it still has a lotion smell? It was like that. Then after it dried it went to a very soft spice with lotion. It sort of reminds me of something that had either frankincense or myrrh in it and a floral like heliotrope.

  3. Definitely dry woods. I'm getting a little tiny bit of the cocoa. It's not a chocolatey cocoa; it's kind of dry too and not very sweet. I'm thinking that the wood is cedar. This one is very interesting and it's hard to get my nose around. I can't decide if it's one I'll wear or not. hmmm

  4. The House of Mists, a land of icy fog, shadowy darkness and soul-chilling cold. Dark, damp blossoms winding through an impenetrable, murky gloom.

    In the imp it's heavy floral. I don't mean heavy as in strong, I mean that it smells like these flowers weigh a lot. These are flowers with a lot on their minds. These flowers have burdens. The foggy description really fits this.

    On my skin the floral part fades way behind the fog part. I guess that's the aquatic note. It has mostly faded completely away. The flowers went off to make some big decision. I'll have to see if it decides to reappear, otherwise to the swap pile.

  5. Wow, when I reread the description I couldn't believe that there were only two notes listed. It's so simple, but smells soooo goooooood.


    It changes a lot for me. In the imp, or out of it I should say as it exploded all over the place it reminds me a lot of something that I like from lush, though now I can't remember what.

    It starts out slightly strong and astringent, but mellows out into the tastiest skin type of scent. It is very warm. If it were a color it'd be a brownish red, like fox fur.


    It gets a little sweeter as it dries more.


    This just made it to my favorites list.

    :P :D :D

  6. I first sniffed this from wickedgoddess' bottle at the L.A. meet up. I had already ordered myself a bottle, but wanted a little preview. At first sniff I was a little disappointed. I found it to be a little plain.


    I got my bottle and tried it on. wow. I was wrong. It is very warm, and sweet, and vanilla. For some reason this vanilla doesn't get all weird on me. I was feeling hot and sweaty and sexy. I kept getting yummy wafts of this for the rest of the evening. The coconut came out a bit later in the wafts though I couldn't smell it at first and actually so did an incense type note. This is sexy, warm and tasty. :P

  7. in the imp: dirt with a hint of juniper, but refreshing, a calm scent


    on my skin: this one started to smell a lot like namaste to me. It smells kind of woody, then the juniper comes out. I keep getting something lemongrassy there. I like it, but I think I like namaste better and I can't help comparing them.

  8. hmmm Not bad at all. It seems to me like Hellfire (which I like, especially when I feel like I need to have some balls) mixed with dragon's blood. Though I don't know if I like it better than hellfire or not. I'll have to do a side by side comparison. Basically I get a burning, dragon's blood. :P

  9. Three white musks with poppy and patchouli.

    When I first put this on it was so sexy and gorgeous. Then it changed into a musky perfumey type scent. It changed so much with my skin. It reminds me of a perfume I've smelled before, but I can't place it yet. hmmm my sinuses are getting stuffy from it. I think it'll have to be swapped.

  10. Innocence defiled. Sticky pink bubblegum and the thick, sweet scent of orange and cherry lollipops smeared over a breath of heady womanly perfume.

    Wet: Wow! It really does smell exactly like bazooka bubble gum. Then cherry blowpops come in.

    Dry on my skin: It grows up and some cinnamon comes in. It's still sweet and candyish. It fades out pretty fast though.

    From the description I didn't think I'd like this one, but I was surprised. It does morph quite a bit. Not sure if I'm going to keep it or not though.

  11. hmm


    This smells just like it's described.

    As it dries on my skin it goes more pine and eucalyptus. This is a nice chill out scent. Not sure if it's much of a scent for me though. Maybe just when I need to cool off and zone out a little. Probably very nice on a guy.

  12. mmmm


    This was so much softer, lighter, and cleaner than I expected.

    I get a lot of citrus in this, either lemon or bergamot. I also get tea. No leather though.


    This doesn't change a whole lot on my skin, but it disappears very quickly. I like this one a lot, I just wish it lasted.

  13. In the bottle this is a very lovely rose. I get a teeny tiny bit of the other notes hiding behind the rose.


    Usually I do very well with rose scents, but this one my skin just amps the rose up sooooooooooo much. There's other rose scents that fit me better, so this will probably end up in a swap. oh well :P

  14. I tried this one about a month ago and couldn't decide if I liked it or not. Now after trying it a second time I love it!


    This is really weird, but when I sniffed the imp I got a strong orangey note or maybe oranges and neroli. I know there isn't any orange in here, but still.


    After the spicy orange stage it goes into beautiful rose and sandalwood. Not too girly and not too floral. Just right. The patchouli doesn't come out all that strong. Thank goodness. I don't like a heavy patchouli.


    yum yum yum I can't believe I was thinking of swapping this.


    ETA: ha ha I just read some other posts and I'm not the only one to get oranges.


    E again TA: I was just given another imp of this and it smells so differnt this time. I get very very very dry wood. No rose and no orange. Weird.

  15. Tea leaf with three mosses, green grass, a medley of herbal notes, and a drop of ginger and fig.

    I just realized that I never reviewed this one.

    Wet: It's green, slightly citrus fruity, fresh, herbal.
    On my skin, dry: The herbal comes out very strong. I get green tea and herbs. Not my favorite.

  16. In the imp and wet on my skin: Warm, foody, a little woody, cinnamon. And a little bit of nut? like chestnut? and rootbeer?


    As it dried it went through a very herby stage. Then it went back to the original scent, but much much lighter. It ends up being a very light woody cinnamon or cassia.

  17. This one was hard to get my head around. It's dark and heavy. In the vial it seemed to have a note something like jujyfruits. The fruit and the licquorice and the spearimint all mingling together. There is also a lot of heavy musk in here. I really like how it is wet.

    After it dries on my skin though a more menthol note comes out. I don't think my skin is cooperating with this one, though I really enjoy it in the imp. Maybe I can find someone dark and mysterious to put it on.

  18. Hmm this one doesn't really change from wet to dry. It just goes softer.


    I get a lot of green, earthy, herby, minty pine out of this. After reading the description I notice the almond in the background too.


    I don't think I'll be using this as perfume, but I do like the way it smells.

  19. Wet: I'm getting a clover/sweetgrass kind of note to this. I also get some floral. Could be a light rose, could even be heliotrope or something similar.


    Dry: It's about the same, but softer. I can see how people would describe this as a masculine scent, but it isn't hard or strong. It's a soft masculine.


    I do like it, but it will probably end up in swaps. I think someone else will get more out of it than I do.

  20. hmmmm In the vial and while wet, this one is so pretty. It's sweet floral with a bit of buttery vanilla. Then after it dries on my skin, it goes weird. My skin doesn't always work well with vanilla. This isn't as bad as it could be, but my skin still is making it into a slightly burnt plastic type smell. oh well

  21. wet: hmmm wow i had to smell this again after reading all the grapefruit reviews. yup i do smell grapefruit, but it never occurred to me before. but it's a spicy, more complex type of grapefruit


    on my skin: I was getting an interesting aquatic, spicy, rootbeer kind of scent, a little strong


    Dry: mmmmmmyummmmyummmmm :P it's tasty the grapefruit (now that i'm aware of it's existence) has disappeared, which is fine. It smells like it did wet on my skin, but a lot softer. I think this would smell divine on a guy. I would have to bite him. I think I know someone who needs to try this. I think I even know someone who would be willing to try it.


    cute roomie review: when fresh and wet- "ugh! that's terrible." when dry: "hmm i like it a lot better. it's not so strong."
