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Posts posted by brownbear

  1. In the vial i get a lot of neroli and lemon. On my skin I get a nice citrus with a little bit of sandalwood. It's very airy and light. The sharpness fades very quickly. It's very pleasant and spring/ summery. I'm not sure if it is really for me though.

  2. This one didn't change a whole lot as it dried. It just went softer and lost the cream cheese note.


    I also got a pineapple note from this one. It's creamy, sweet, and pineapple, with a tiny little bit of floral in there. I really like it. It's a little like milk moon, but didn't do a period of rancid milk and it's slightly fruity. I like this a lot and wish I'd bought a bottle. oh well

  3. In the vial this one smells like a cross between cream cheese and sweetened condensed milk. Yummy creamy sweet.

    On my skin the mint started to come out. uh oh

    After about five minutes it turned into a rotten, rancid, sour milk smell with a tinge of mint. I was about to wash it off, then decided to give it a little longer.

    After about half an hour it mellowed and softened back into a sweet milk and cream cheese smell again. The mint was still there, but it didn't overpower.

    Not bad at all. I like it, but that rancid stage is a little hard to deal with.

  4. As far as the scent, this one I probably wouldn't have kept. I wanted to test it out for the voodooness. It has that odd note that I can only place as celery. :P And then it goes kind of sweet.


    I had a tiny dab of it on last week along with hellfire (this one seems good for me when i need balls) and a teeny tiny dab of has no hanna. I was going into a sort of interview to make drawings for a television series. I got the job. A great job. They paid me unsightly gobs of money to draw all day. Can't complain about that. Too bad the job is finished now.

  5. Oh man, I have to stop trying imps of LEs that are gone. I love this. :P

    It's very foody. It's all warm and nutty and buttery and then, what's this? rose. I'm going to eat my wrist off. There's a hint of incense that comes a bit later and there is the potential for soapiness. Aha and now for the amazing trick of my skin... the rose is getting waaaaaaay stronger. hmmmm I wish it didn't change so much on my skin, but I still like it. damn. mostly rose now. it's a good thing I like rose, but I really liked all those other earlier notes too. hmmm

  6. Well, this is just what I'd imagine the card to smell like.

    It's dark, smoky, burning, acrid, and heavy.

    I agree with coulrophobe about the grittiness.


    Disclaimer: I only sniffed this one from the vial. I didn't want to wear it. Not because of the scent, but because it's for the tower. I just didn't want to. *shrug*


    ETA: Okay. Now I've tried it on. Yes it is still smoky, dark, acrid and heavy. It is burning bitterness. There is something that might be vetiver in here. I can't decide what is so acrid in here. There could be some civet. I already know that it wouldn't get any use from me.

  7. At first this started out more herbal. Must be the lavender. After drying it went to a soft, light, white floral. Very nice. I kept getting little wafts of it all day. Eight hours later and I can still smell a trace of it. Very nice.


    ETA: just sniffed the imp and yeah, duh, lavender. lots of it.

  8. At first I was scared to try this because of the bad mint experiences I've had. In this case I think the juniper and the lotus keep it from totally taking over completely. I got a hint of chocolate too, reminded me of a york candy. Mint still is a bit amplified on my skin. I won't be wearing this as a perfume, but I'm curious to try it the next time I go surfing. (And I wonder if I would've bashed my face in last time if I'd been wearing it. Though who knows, I probably would've been caught in an undertow and drownd. jeez :P )

  9. This one is full of notes that I loooooove. However (I'm blaming the apple blossom), they do some kind of weird mutant thing.

    It gets stronger and worse on me as it dries. A big mutant rose. Eventually, it mellows into a medium mutant rose. It never quite mutates into something that I can say I like though. :D I had such high hopes for Eve.


    cute roommate review- "eiw! *points to my wrist and makes face*" :P

  10. :D This one makes me so happy. :P

    I couldn't place the fruit until i read peach in the description. duh. of course. it's very peachy. It's peaches and dirt at first. The patchouli mellows out and the dirt fades. The whole blend just smells so lovely and fun and happy and sweet. mmmmmmmmm


    cute roommate review- " :D smells musky... and fruit. yeah. :D "

    good nonperfumey friend review- "ooohhh that smells so good"

  11. When I first opened this one I thought, "ooooh good. I'm gonna like this one!"

    It has a fruity/lotus/pineapple kind of smell to it. yummy

    Five minutes later it's completely gone.

    So I put some more on...

    Fruity. some sweet, light floral.

    annnnnnnndddd... it's gone.

    oh well

  12. This one starts out kind of herbal and very earthy. Then the second it dried it turned into a weird version of play-doh. Then it got worse. I just washed it off.

    -cute rommate review- "um, no I don't really smell play-doh, but it's bad, bad."

  13. When wet this one is very earthy. It's earth with sandalwood and a tiny bit of cinnamon.

    As it dried on my skin it smelled more and more like bitter almond. Not really sure what I'm going to do with this one. hmmm *shrug*

  14. Yes this is definitely as it is described.

    It doesn't change a whole lot from wet to dry on my skin. The cinnamon stands out slightly beyond the clove and pepper. This is tasty warm. I'll be wearing this a lot when the weather cools off. It'll probably be good for layering too.

  15. In the vial I get chocolate and citrus. yummm :P i want to drink it


    On my skin the chocolate disappears into citrus and tea. I really wish the chocolate had more staying power. It mellowed a whole lot from when I first put it on. Now it's a soft, still tasty, non-chocolatey, slightly lightly foody, pleasant, light scent.

  16. Strawberry is not a note I usually look for. I was pleasantly surprised at how I liked this one. It is very sweet and creamy and strawberry. It reminded of those lifesavers candies strawberry and cream. Quite tasty. :P


    -cute roommate review- "fruit! right? *with an i got it right this time, right? kind of smile on his face*"

  17. :P


    I will be picking up at least one bottle of this the next time I'm at BB (I will cry if they don't have it). I tried it on the last time I was there, but couldn't spend any more money to get it.


    My skin likes to take rose and really pump it up. It's a good thing I like rose. And this particular rose is sooooooooo nice. It's a little sweet and I'm getting a touch of the green that everyone is mentioning, but mostly ROSE. mmmmmmmmmm

    I love it.

    This would be good for layering too.


    -cute roommate review- "mmm I like it. :D " (and he really doesn't usually like floral ones)

  18. Like wickedgoddess I'm more of a fall than a wintery scent person. I was a little afraid of this at first because I've had a couple bad mint experiences and I was expecting mint, but to my surprise there is no trace of mint whatsoever. To me this seems more like a cold mountain spring kind of refreshing than a snow blizzard kind of refreshing.


    It had a bit of soapiness when I smelled it directly or if I put my nose right up to my skin. I kept getting nice, pretty wafts of a lighter, possibly lemony? note, though I can't exactly place it. It's a very clean, cool scent.

  19. OH MY GOD!!! :D :D :P


    For some reason I didn't try this one on my skin yet. I got to sniff wickedgoddess' bottle at the meet n' sniff yesterday and now I have to go order two bottles at least. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I am so in love with every single bit of this. So when I try it on I hope the vanilla doesn't do anything weird or it will seriously break my heart. The notes are so nice all together it's so tasty and the citrus and pomegranate add a little bit of contrast to the warm sweet notes. I love these warm, foody ones. :D


    Ok, I've tried this one on my skin now and I stand by my original review. Wowza!

    I can't stop smelling my wrist. I have to try this in my hair so I can smell it more often without looking weird walking around with my wrist up to my nose.

  20. I love this one in the vial, but my skin morphs it a bit. Wet I get a floral, fruit punch. It's a very lovey scent.

    On my skin it goes slightly powdery and more of the floral comes out. Can't quite place the flowers, but they are sweet.

    -cute roomie review- "eh, I like the other one (cerberus) better. That one is kind of flowery. (ok, apparently he isn't into florals. :P )"

  21. YUM! :P :D :D

    This is soooo tasty. It is definitely a food scent on me.

    And *jumping up in down for joy* it didn't go weird on me!!!! I expected it to go the way of the other rummy scents I've tried.

    This one stayed very true from the bottle to dry on skin. I get warm, toasty, sweet, slightly figgy, a little buttery, rummy, slightly chocolatey, deliciousness.

    I want to take a bath in this.

    -cute roommie review- "mmmm that one's nice. it's not flowery."




    I get a lot of clove from this oil, which I love. Beth mentioned that the TAL oils are more for what they do than for how they smell, but I like how it smells. To paraphrase what Beth said, it basically accentuates the positive about yourself and brings out your attractiveness.

    On my way home from BB I put some on one of my wrists. I already had about six other oils on at the same time. When I got home my cute roommate/ bpal sniff tester was giving me this weird, very very attentive look. We chatted and I had him sniff my arms. When he got to Mantle of Venus his eyes kind of bugged out and he said, "I like THAT one!" woo woo

    The rest of the day was just as enjoyable as the beginning. The two of us went shopping together and then joined up with another roommate and his girlfriend for dinner and a movie.


    Thanks Beth!

  23. I haven't actually tried this on, but from the bottle the scent really fits the name. It smelled wet and kind of muddy with a little bit of the medicinal smell that wicked goddess mentioned. It smelled like what I would expect a salamander and it's habitat to smell like. (I hope that was helpful :P )
