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Posts posted by Amoraexcena

  1. To a Wreath of Snow was my favourite of the 2020 Yules, and I'm overjoyed to see it return. I hope it's going to come back often!


    2023 version is identical to what I remember the 2020 version was when fresh. It's got a bit of cool, almost-minty freshness in the bottle, but blossoms into a sweet, slightly salty floral grounded with oudh. The ambergris is slightly stronger in the 2020 version now, with a little added depth from aging. I think the blends are pretty much identical, and any slight difference is either age or batch variation. 


    The lavender is a supporting note to the tobacco flower, which I really love. It works as a sleeptime scent for me, but my favourite use is wearing it when on walks in frosty winter air. 

  2. I got this in the hope that it's a little like To a Wreath of Snow, and while it's not similar really, the vibes are there. They're both scents that work super well on me in biting, cold North-American-winter air. This is a little less floral and definitely less sweet on me than WoS. While WoS is pure, soft white, this also has a bit of a green edge I attribute to ti leaf that reminds me of the scent of our rainforests after snowfall. It doesn't really have a woody scent, more resin-y, evergreen needles crushed underfoot. I'm surprised that the white sandalwood isn't turning into pencil shavings on my skin as it tends to. It's an intensely WINTER scent of slivers of deep green herbaceousness encased in pale ashy resin and layers of ice. 


    It's already very nice and wearable, and I look forward to seeing how this ages. 


    This is definitely going into my winter rotations, especially for walking my dog! 

  3. So I made my big Weenies and Yules order, and I was all excited to try all the new shinies. Then I sniffed this in bottle and I HAD to skin test this first.


    This is the soft, sweet sandalwood scent of my dreams. It reminds me of the fresh, milky-sweet skin scent of a baby. The sandalwood is super gentle, with only the lightest hint of wood. The vanilla is also a kind, sweet-but-not-foody one, and blends seamlessly into the sandalwood. For such a simple note list, it feels well-rounded and complete.


    It's not a strong scent, but it's got respectable throw considering its gentleness for an hour or so. After that, it stays very close to the skin. I want to keep reapplying, it's so good - I'm having a hard time resisting, even though I do want to test my other shinies!!!


    I absolutely love this, I'll need to get backups. 

  4. My friend generously gifted me a bottle of this as a wedding gift. It's probably the Lace that's closest to OG Antique Lace, as noted above. The tea rose is the main floral I smell, especially on my rose-amping skin, making it feel like the lovechild of Antique Lace and Sybil. "Phantasmagoric" is a great descriptor for this - it really has the ghostly feel of OG Antique Lace - I think it's the coconut+musk+cream that's causing that.


    I think OG AL, Sugared Lace, and this one are my top 3 favourite Lace scents now. This is beautiful. 

  5. I was hoping to love this, as I adore most of the notes in it... unfortunately, not my thing. It was surprisingly not very sweet at all on my skin, very sharp and powdery - I think perhaps the combo of dry sandalwood and musk took over. It reminds me of how I felt with Reapers Gonna Reap - when I think of sandalwood, I think golden sweet resin-y goodness, but some varieties are really sharp on my skin and doesn't work out. Luckily, this is beautiful on my friend, so it's off to a good home!

  6. This is a lush, sweet floral in the bottle. Like Dancing Raven, to my nose I get honeysuckle as well (maybe it's a component of the honey musk?) 


    On my skin, the honey amps - but it's thankfully held in check by everything else. Beautifully blended. It's rather strong, I only need a light dab of it. I think it's my favourite magnolia blend to date. It's a sugary, fun magnolia party. It's a little like Gucci Flora Gorgeous Magnolia, though I like The Bride better! 


    This scent screams spring or early summer floral to me, so I'll be putting it away for a month or two (it's middle of winter now, and it feels blasphemous to be wearing now haha).

  7. 4 hours ago, rawgirl75 said:

    Nicotiana IS the genus name for tobacco https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotiana

    I LOVE tobacco flower, and have all of the above recommended scents (and more).  These are the ones that I have/tried that fit the 'pale' theme.

    I missed out on Hag Grey Hair Gloss when it was released, sadly 😢

    I see, thank you for the recommendations! I'll have to keep an eye out for them! I missed out on Hag Grey as well, sadly... They resurrected To a Wreath of Snow, so maybe we'll one day see this one again as well (or something similar!)

  8. On 11/20/2023 at 8:15 AM, rawgirl75 said:

    For nicotiana:

    Smoky Moon 2009: Tristesses de la Lune (Soft sandalwood, nicotiana, and velvety orris drifting over lustrous pale musks, stephanotis, elemi, and cyclamen.)


    Door (Golden honey, nicotiana, blue chamomile, and cistus)


    Mysterious Warning (A scent evocative of poisonous family secrets: dry lavender-infused amber, battered leather, nicotiana, osmanthus, and jasmine tea.)


    Long Night Moon 2017 (A bouquet of night-blooming flowers, petals dusted with frost. Cereus, datura and moonflower accord, night phlox, honeysuckle, silver thyme, nicotiana, pale tuberose, white mint, and blue musk.)

    Ohhhh, I had overlooked nicotiana - is that the same (or similar) to tobacco flower? 

  9. Gosh, this is such a beautiful blend. I'm so, so lucky to have had a generous Parlour friend hook me up with this. 


    Wet, it reminds me a little of Midnight on the Midway minus the ozone and night-blooming jasmine. A little less floral, more sugar. Not the same for sure, but some similarities. A cousin twice removed. In terms of the Laces, definitely closest to original Black Lace, as Little Bird mentioned above - with more bourbon vanilla and sugar added. 


    Dry, the sweet floral incense blooms. I have a beautiful handmade Witcher 3 Yennefer cosplay, and I definitely want to wear this perfume when wearing it. This scent is exactly that dark, sensual, powerful witch in my mind (though no lilac or gooseberries). 


    Dry, a few hours later, reminds me a lot of original Black Lace drydown, a soft dark incense with more vanilla sugar, faded florals. Solid throw and longevity. It's just a shame I can't buy 11 more bottles of it. I'll treasure every drop I have!

  10. Hopefully it's okay that I'm starting a new thread, I did do a search to see if this existed yet.


    I've lately really gotten into the "pale tobacco" scents, with tobacco flower or white tobacco - To a Wreath of Snow, Pediophobia, Zorya P... I'm wondering if I've missed any GCs that I should try/LEs to hunt down. Hag Grey Hair Gloss seems really popular, is that a must-try? Any others that folks love?

  11. When autumn hits, I always gravitate toward the golden resins. A few years ago I went on a bit of an amber/resin spree - I wanted to find the "perfect amber" blend for me. I knew I loved Haloes and L'estate, but they weren't quite as resin-forward as I wanted sometimes. 


    Hesiod's Phoenix and La Lugubre Gondola are the two syrupy-sweet, yet not foody, rich resins I like most. I adore the scent of Lyonesse, but it unfortunately burns on my skin for some reason. Hesiod's is a little less sweet than Gondola on my skin, a tad more woody-oudh-forward, but very much in the same scent family. As many have mentioned before, they're beautiful alongside Implacable Beautiful Tyrant hair gloss, which is my favourite HG of all time (and I heard Ted made some more recently, waiting on labels... I TRULY TRULY hope I can snag a bottle when they restock, because I'm almost out). Walking through the park painted in fall colours, dry leaves underfoot, with Hesiod's or Gondola + IBT HG gently wafting around me is such an experience. 

  12. I recently got myself a bottle of this. I tried a decant ages ago and wasn't the biggest fan back then. I'm really glad I'm now able to try it from the bottle, as it's different from what I remember.


    On my skin, CC:F is mostly the softest, gentlest suede, sweetened by tonka. It's got the slightest hint of some sort of metallic substance - the clay? it smells like copper, maybe - which reminds me of Antikythera Mechanism a bit, though this is much more wearable for me than AM. This isn't as floral or sexy as Liz, and they're pretty different, considering the similarities in notes. I want to wear Liz with a nice leather jacket and skinny jeans and red lipstick. CC:F is what I want to wear with a pretty cream-coloured Free People dress and suede belt and boots and natural makeup, if that makes any sense. I'm definitely enjoying both! 

  13. I'm so happy to finally get a bottle of Stekk! Here are some side-by-side comparisons...


    In the bottle and wet on skin, it's reminding me most of Midway, actually - it's got a bit of vanilla sugar tart/funnel cake similarity, it's quite foody at first. After drying down the bakery-ness of Stekk fades though.


    It's not super similar to AL imo, on my skin at least - definitely not like original, and not much like res either. Of the scents I own it's closest to Vanilla Bean/Marshmallow/Benzoin, though it's definitely more like true marshmallows after drying. Now I really want to try Marshmallow Chick to try and smell the difference!


    I love ALL of the above and I'm so happy to see more marshmallow from BPAL. Here's hoping for a Marshmallow Snek and Marshmallow Lace one day 😍

  14. I amp rose a lot, and on my skin this is definitely a vanilla-sugared rose. Because of the rose prominence, I'm not getting quite a Lace vibe - it reminds me more of Joyful Moon 2010 and Sibyl. I like Sibyl the best I think, the tea rose in that one is a little more well behaved on my skin.


    I'll definitely keep the bottle and see if the rose tones down a bit. I was hoping to smell a bit more of the cream musk and marshmallow root, hoping they come out with a bit of aging. 

  15. Really enjoying this one. While wet, I get a bright, sweet lemon - I immediately think of pretty golden cat eyes. This stage doesn't last long, and the soft vanilla amber musk follows, reminescent of a soft cat's fur. The musk actually kind of reminds me of the gentle baby-musk smell of my cat.


    It's definitely a low-throw, close-to-the-skin scent, which is very appropriate I think - it's snuggled up on your lap. Might need another bottle, I like to slather this.


    Edit to add that yup, I need a backup of this. It's my favourite vanilla-lemon-amber scent now. It's a grown-up, sophisticated Sticky Bat with a touch of woodsy resin and sweet powder.  

  16. Doing a side-by-side comparison...


    Flickering Lights vs Antique Lace (original)

    Not that similar to my nose, though both are beautiful. Flickering Lights is more golden to my nose, more amber-y, almost beeswax-y. It has much less throw than original AL, which has incredible throw with the lightest application. Both are definitely sweet, lightly floral non-foody vanilla though so I get the comparison. AL original is just in its own class, imho. Whatever component it was that led to it being discontinued is hard to emulate, I'd guess.


    Flickering Lights vs Antique Lace (res)

    Again, not that similar. AL res is quite a bit sweeter, somewhat more foody/marshmallow-y than the original. Flickering Lights is more subtly sweet, subdued. 


    Flickering Lights vs Tattered Lace

    This is definitely the closest lace that I own to Flickering Lights. Tattered Lace is a tad more cognac, a touch of woodiness, less floral, less sweet frankincense-vanilla (the herbaceous/green has calmed down a LOT with age). But if it wasn't a side-by-side comparison I'm not sure I could tell which is which. 


    I love all of the above dearly, so I'm super happy to have gotten my hands on a bottle of Flickering Lights! This scent is definitely "Tattered Lace Curtains" in my books. 

  17. This scent has aged to perfection. Like a lot of reviewers, I got a surprising amount of citrus when I first bought this (okay, two bottles) and wasn't sure about it. But now it's definitely a pink-pepper-and-vanilla-sweetened Dorian. Like a bright, happy, effeminate Dorian. The white tea is also settled snugly into everything else. Gorgeous! 

  18. Sweet vanilla marshmallows, this is making me crave more marshmallow scents. I think I need to find a bottle of Stekk, I missed it during my perfume hiatus, if it's similar to this one.


    It's sweet and foody but not cloying. I love wearing it to sleep. I'm so glad I was able to grab a few bottles of this.


    Edit to add that I did get a bottle of Stekk! This one is a tad less foody - probably due to the sweet, slightly resinous powder of Benzoin. They're both utterly lovely. This one is my favourite for layering - this + a smidge of TKO is my go-to sleep scent now.

  19. The words that come to mind for this scent are: gentle, warm, golden. Fresh out of the mail it was strong chamomile, but now it's changed quite a bit. The chamomile is still there, but well blended with a soft lavender and sweet pear blossom, the last which gives it just a smidge of fruitiness. Amber is quite prominent as well, very lovely and gentle, not powdery at all, playing beautifully with the golden musk. The sweet floral blendedness of it, the "high-end perfume"-ness of it reminds me a little of Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels attending. It's not similar really, but I could see someone who loves that one liking this too. 


    Utterly beautiful amber-musk-floral. It's really calming too. I love this.

  20. Hello! I've been out of BPAL forums for ages (though still a big fan and occasional buyer), but had to leave a review of this one. 


    This is my fave of my recent big order. On me, it starts with about 60% Banshee Beat patchouli+sweetness, and 40% honeysuckle nectar - and by nectar, it smells almost like honey. I don't usually play very nicely with BPAL's usual honey note, but this is working really well on me. Definitely getting the "flormand" vibe. After about 10-15 minutes it becomes more patch-and-sweet-vanilla. As a big fan of BB I adore this one. VERY glad I got a bottle, might try and find backups! 

  21. I couldn't put my finger on what this reminded me of at first. Then I was reading a bit about Only Lovers Left Alive (as I ordered some Ava/Eve), and vampires... And it hit me. It's The Girl!


    I had a bottle of The Girl that I let go of. Something about that scent curdled on my skin, and I sadly couldn't wear it. Best for someone who could give it the love it deserves, right?

    Zorya is a version of The Girl that I can wear. It's definitely a cool, ethereal floral-vanillic-amber-musk. More similar to the original Antique Lace than the most recent reincarnation of AL, which I find much sweeter and almost-foody vanilla. This is much more crystalline and certainly not edible, but I find it very wearable. So does my boyfriend. On him, it's a little more musk-forward.


    Just ordered another bottle to tag along with Ava and Eve. If you ever need a The Girl replacement, this is definitely along those lines. It works way better than TG on my skin so big winner for me. Top 5 maybe. So glad it's not an LE!!!

  22. So I tore myself away from Moon Reflected for a brief moment to try using this, and it's gorgeous. Agree with all the reviewers - it's refreshing white tea and cherry blossom, with strawberry adding sweet fruitiness, making the blend gourmand, not floral. In my hair, it's more than a drop of strawberry - I'd say it's equal parts strawberry, cherry blossom, and white tea. It screams sunny, breezy spring day to me, so I'll go back to Moon Reflected and IBT while the temperatures are still in the single digits here, but I imagine this will be my go-to soon.

    I really wish Ted would sell soap/shampoo/co-wash/conditioner with this scent. They would be marvelous.

  23. Tonka absolute, ylang ylang, benzoin, and smoked vanilla musk.

    This is an extremely richly sweet scent. I was hoping for something a little more mild, but this is full-on, BPAL-strength smoke-heavy vanilla-musk and ylang ylang. It's sexy and sultry and bordering on cloying. Subtlety isn't the specialty here.

    It's kind of what I imagine Ted and Beth's bedroom to smell like, actually... If it had a bit more dark incense or something.

    If you like "classic" BPAL heavy-sweet vanilla, don't let this pass you by. If you want anything lighter, this is not for you.

  24. A similar rice note to Boomslang, but for me it's better without the cocoa - it blends perfectly with the vanilla and musk. I can't tell what iris root smells like, but I imagine something grounding it. For me the scent is quite strong - I applied after blowdrying my hair. It's lasted 8 hours and is still going strong. It smells sticky-sweet yet refined and comes in lovely wafts when my hair moves or when I run my fingers through it.


    Love. I'd want this in perfume form too.
