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Posts posted by Amoraexcena

  1. Imp: a fun blast of tropical fruit! with a faint whiff of white tea. That mango, kiwi, pomegranate and pineapple is just juicy, dripping deliciousness.

    Wet on Skin: almost immediate floral amping. I love jasmine and peony, but where did all they juicy fruit go??? It's now a pale floral with a hint of soft musk and a touch of pink pepper.

    Drydown: The pink pepper and ginger give this a bit of bite, while the florals bloom happily on my skin. An echo of the initial fruit keep this sweet and fun, although they're all but overgrown with florals and drowned in musk. The tea keeps this a bit adult, but all in all it reminds me of those sweet Escada scents.

  2. Bottle: I love that star jasmine. And musk.

    Wet on skin: Initially jasmine, ylang ylang, birch and amber. That amber is not gold, it’s really crystalline-white-grey, like quartz. It’s not a warm, come-hither scent, it’s a seductive, come-if-you-dare scent.

    Drydown: It’s quite sweet and vanilla-like, the pale musk is gorgeous. The staying power is great, though the throw is average, it’s persistant while being an elusive silver serpent...... ahh it’s so lovely.


    I don't know what davana and immortelle smell like, but this is a blend that has its notes all so well blended it's hard to pick out any one scent anyway. Definitely glad one of the literary vampires work on me!

  3. Imp: Pretty, very light florals.

    Wet on Skin: Gets a little juicier with the aquatic notes. Hmm I don’t know what rhododendron is like but I’m reminded of a lilac/jasmine/lily-of-the-valley.

    Drydown: Sigh.... unfortunately, quite soapy at this stage and fades quite quickly. Maybe a scent locket oil.

  4. Imp: dark, strongly alcoholic red wine, patchouli.


    Wet on Skin: suddenly the alcohol disperses and we’re left with a lovely aged strawberry dessert wine, perfect for sipping. There is a whiff of smoke of some forbidden opium-like drug- nicotiana? The red musk and sandalwood to ground it all but not to overpower. Lovely.


    Drydown: Lovely lightly tart red juices, sweet musk, a warm amber and the grounding sandalwood. This is absolutely stunning, with good throw and decent staying power.

  5. Imp: a shot of sweet Malibu coconut rum.

    Wet on Skin: the coconut threatens to go a little plasticky, but otherwise it’s lovely... the tobacco is more discernable now, adding a bit of bite to this blend.

    Drydown: staying quite true. Medium throw, a bit above average staying power. It reminds me of Captain Morgan’s rum and Malibu coconut, if those two rums were blended perfectly... this would be the result.

  6. Imp: Very much smells like a christmas tree.... Pine needles, warm cinnamon sugar.

    Wet on Skin: the cinnamon really warms up and rounds out and it’s beautiful. I wish all cinnamon notes were like this.

    Drydown: mulled cinnamon apple cider and that lovely pine tree.... I now can’t wait for it to be Christmas again. I wish I had tried this earlier, it would have been perfect for my Christmas down in Cancun.

  7. (res. version)

    Bottle: oh wow, mint chocolate candies! I don't usually like mint, but like this... mmmm.

    Wet on Skin: instantly transforms into a cookie scent, incredible. There's the rum! It's a tad similar to Sugar Cookie now, with a bit of mint.

    Drydown: very different discernable stages to this one. The mint reappears after drying, and stands in front of the butter cookies protectively. The coconut definitely shows up now, sweet and reminding me of Obatala except a bit creamier. It hugs the skin.

  8. Bottle: I get a big blast of herbs and clove.

    Wet on Skin: a bit of red musk, but still predominantly smokey herbs and spice. It’s a bit medicinal, very strange for a scent dedicated to a bloody sexy vampire. Where’s the vanilla!?

    Drydown: sadly, it stays quite true and I get none of the sweet sexy fire I was hoping for.

  9. Imp: fresh shiso. I get a bit of lemon zest, and the salty aquatic note.

    Wet on Skin: it mellows a little. It reminds me a little of a saltier version of Davidoff Cool Water.

    Drydown: I think I’m getting a bit of jasmine coming out as well as a light musk. Beautiful layers of notes, a nice gender-neutral fresh aquatic.

  10. Imp: swedish berries and twizzlers made into the stickiest syrup ever.

    Wet on Skin: ok Lolita now your innocent mask is coming off and I’m getting a seductive edge to that all sweet candy.

    Drydown: what a morpher. I’m getting some florals now with an undertone of cherry-orange-cinnamon bubblegum. It’s disappearing fast but it’s an interesting experience.


  11. Bottle: a bit too herby and green- the hyssop and root maybe? I can taste the bay rum.

    Wet on Skin: turns a little smokey, a bit sweeter: hello bourbon vanilla, great to see you!

    Drydown: sweet bourbon vanilla further alcohol-ed by the bay rum, which also spices things up a bit, with a bit of smoke. Very nice drydown!


    Edit to add: this doggie has certainly aged beautifully. The herbaceous, green edge has all but diappeared. It's rounded out, gotten sweeter in a non-cloying way, and the spices of brimstone are divine (I'm guessing clove and nutmeg). I get tons of compliments on this one. Too bad it's so hard to come by!

  12. Hmm my review is quite different from everyone else....I don't know if it's skin chemistry, ageing, or batch variation but...


    Bottle: tootsie rolls, nutmeg, allspice, and a touch of sandalwood. Strong.

    Wet on skin: the spices take over, with a slightly herbaceous background and just a hint of cacao and honeysuckle. Kind of cloying....

    Drydown: Allspice and tootsie rolls. I’ll pass.

  13. Bottle: deliciously mouthwatering candied violets.

    Wet on Skin: powdered violets and spun cotton candy. I really understand now the comparison to Pink Sugar. It’s a slightly more adult version of that popular Aquolina confection.

    Drydown: it’s so nice and smooth and creamy and yummy.

  14. Imp: a dark, think oil that smells quite intense. The patchouli is so strong... it seems tinged with eucalyptus and spicey ginger.

    Wet on Skin: it’s staying quite true. It’s a warm, heavy patchouli scent still although the musty orange blossom is peeking out now.

    Drydown: it’s sweeter but otherwise no morphing. Great throw. Best stage of this blend, it’s a warm sweet glow now. It’s tingling on my wrist though...

  15. Imp: phew, that’s a lot of spice- saffron and others. It somehow reminds me of allspice.

    Wet on Skin: licorice... and spices. Some amber is showing up too, and something sweet- almond?

    Drydown: Still a lot of heavy spices. I have a feeling it will age really well so I’ll keep the imp for a while I guess. Quite a bit later into drydown it turns sweeter, quite similar to Al-Azif.

  16. Imp: strangely, I'm getting peony. Mowed grass dotted with peony.

    Wet on Skin: something herbaceous is showing up, as well as CUCUMBER! Very juicy and fresh, perfect for a nice clear sunny summer day. I'm still somehow getting peony...???

    Drydown: it's all settled down into a nice big english cucumber dark green and thick with juice.

  17. Imp: a nice resin and a whiff of jasmine.

    Wet on Skin: Incense smoke fog, a thick sweet resin sweetened with honey, rosewood I think grounding it. Jasmine flowering around happily.

    Drydown: This oil reminds me of O in that it takes forever to dry. My skin's amping the jasmine and the sweetness. It's a really pretty floral at this point, what I imagine a spiced jasmine nectar to smell like.

  18. ressurected version. I must say, I LOVE this label, the colours are even prettier than the original imo<3


    Bottle: I'm getting patchouli, okou (Japanese funeral incense sticks!) and tobacco smoke. I believe patchouli is used in most(?) incense so that makes sense. This is going to age well. A touch of vanilla, a drop of cognac and musk grounding it all.

    Wet on skin: It's getting smoother and creamier! Lots of throw at this stage. A dark but sweet, edgy but soft, complex and intriguing scent.

    Drydown: Oh my god. It's quite possibly the One I've been looking for. A close, beautiful, comforting sweet bourbon vanilla and musk balanced with solemn okou, tobacco. It's not very alcohol-like, it's really very little cognac. The scent of a black-laced Victorian funeral dress. I was going to keep two bottles of this and sell a third but I have a feeling I'll be hoarding all three. It's WONDERFUL.

  19. Imp: first impression, the vag*** of a sexy lady that only eats honeyed pineapple.

    Wet on Skin: sweet sex. This oil isn't eaten up by my skin instantaneously like most others, it stays wet. I frankly want to use this as lube for sex on an event night like Vday or xmas eve. The amber threatens to turn to powder but it doesn't! yay!!!

    Drydown: This oil takes about an hour to soak in. It blends well with my skin chemistry though, it's probably the best honey scent I've found yet. I definitely want to try aging this imp, and will order a bottle in the near future...

  20. Imp: bubbling spring water, delicate rose and lavender water (one more flower scent in there I can't pick out- lily or maybe cherry blossom?), fresh-squeezed splash of lemon, a squirt of lime.

    Wet on Skin: the citrus amps a little, as well as something slightly spicey- maybe the floral I couldn't feel out was carnation? but still predominantly watery and definitely relaxing (even though I'm always stressed trying to pick out notes!). It's strangely energizing too though. Like a draught of cool water when you're parched.

    Drydown: this is absorbed into my skin SO fast. Good throw. Definitely keeping the imp, though something is curdling it a bit into soap- it's probably lily of the valley.

  21. Imp: Blooming lilac and gardenia. Maybe jasmine, but I think it's maybe several florals making up something reminiscent. I really want to say lotus too, because "Has" (or "Hasu")= lotus, "No Hanna" means "___'s flower" in Japanese (a translation that makes more sense would be, "the lotus flower".) Something making everything a touch green and juicy, probably pear. I like it a lot! I'm having a lot of luck with BPAL florals, even though I tend to veer away from them in commercial perfumes.

    Wet on Skin: Something slightly green-herbaceous peeks in, but it's not turning me off like it usually does. It's like the whiff of the stem as you snip that cutting from the lilac bush (tree? the lilac in my garden looks like a tree..)

    Drydown: I'm going to keep the two frimps I got of this for sure, and will probably get a bottle sometime. It's a walk through the most fragrant treasured blossoms of a seasoned and reputable gardener. A faint breath of freshly turned loam grounding the big bouquet you've just accumulated. A lovely floral.

  22. In Vial: The colour and scent of vanilla-infused honey with just a hint of spice.

    Wet on Skin: The myrrh is definitely stepping it up and the amber starts to glow. Definitely a gourmand scent. To me, it's the lovechild of Haloes and O. Haloes is a more solemn, revered kind of cathedral-glow-incense, and O (on me) is sweet, lightly sex-kissed nectar.

    Drydown: Lots of depth, lots of throw. A definite warning to slatherers, DON'T. This is what I hoped Brisingamen to be!!!

  23. Imp: fresh, light dewy peony.

    Wet on Skin: The aqua note comes out, as do the grass. Crushing deep grasses dotted with peony with a bright gurgling stream nearby. It reminds me slightly of Chance by Chanel.

    Drydown: it dries fast, stays close to the skin. I can see the tulips now, still in the process of blooming, just going from green pods to yellow blossoms. Definitely a springtime scent.

  24. Imp: Very medicinal-herbaceous....probably the myrtle.

    Wet on Skin: ok... the ambers are showing up, more gold than green. Quite powdery-perfumey. Not really my style.

    Drydown: Glittering gold antique necklace set with thousands of amber gems in flower patterns, but best adorned on an old venerable queen than a young ‘un like me. The florals almost bloom- but are overpowered by everything else, a hint of carnation and no apple blossom.
