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BPAL Madness!


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About totheo

  • Rank
    evil enabler
  • Birthday 03/06/1990


  • Location
    Newport, Sydney
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  • Interests
    Fruit bats, guitars and a serious lack of sobriety.
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  • Favorite Scents
    Anactoria, Sapphics, Pisces, O, Beaver'versary, Eat Me, Agape, Snake Charmer, Morocco. Musks = yay. And frangipani is gorgeous. Violet = win.


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  1. totheo

    The Phantom Cow of Yerba Buena Island

    Strangely reminiscent of Tissue. Has something similar in there. But I like Tissue a whole lot better than Phantom Cow. I get lots of sour milk, blegh.
  2. totheo

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I am so confused... I have this goblin squirt of Cathouse. And it is the most delicious thing ever. Caramel and sweetness and absolutely f*cking delicious - I want to eat and bathe in this stuff. I just ordered a 4oz bottle... and it smells like alcohol and faint florals. And I don't mean booze - I mean like ALCOHOL. Perfume alcohol. Please please help me! I adore my squirt, but this is hideous. Aging can't change it THAT much...?
  3. totheo

    Thirteen (13): March 2009

    Oh, I am getting a LOT of cherry and chocolate! I think this is what Dark Chocolate & Cherry should be (very similar, SC&C has a bit of a plastic-y feel to it, though) Very nommy, for cherry and chocolate fans. All the other notes kind of band together to keep it from being obvious.
  4. totheo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I have some Panacea labels on my BPAL flickr gallery under General Catalog. Quietude, Seduction (not shown on flickr), and Bitch are all the triple dagger/heart, but GRR is different. Bitch and GRR were both somewhat recent purchases. Aha! Thanks so much (I lost this thread and only just came back) Mine is actually like the ones shown in your gallery with the triple dagger/heart... but SIDEWAYS! Like, exactly the same but the label is reversed to go around the bottle, instead of up/down (if you see what I mean) I'm curious why...
  5. totheo

    Perle von Mauren

    ? Baby powder! I mean, very very nice baby powder but still... baby powder. Okay, maybe more lightly fragranced body powder than plain old baby powder. But very strange, considering there's meant to be dirt and blood. I... do not know what to do with this. It's a nice smell but really, really not what I was expecting.
  6. totheo

    That! The Terror From Over There!

    A swarm of chittering greens, smooshy kiwi, and wasabi. I sniff this with a comparison to Velvet Cthulhu because that's one of my favourite green scents and they have wasabi in common! It's much sweeter, the kiwi is bouncing around going haaaaaaaaaai, look at meeeeeeeee. Not like The Carpathian Mountains does (seriously, to me that smells JUST like kiwi) but still quite yped up. But the wasabi keeps it in check and amps up slowly but surely so they're really vying for attention. I like the idea of this as a 'palate cleanser' - an olfactory palate cleanser! Quite the nom.
  7. totheo


    Hm... 2009 seems different to the one other Samhain I've tried (not sure, maybe '07?) It is ALL about the woods, fir and black patchouli. I don't get any of the nommy stuff. Doesn't mean this isn't an interesting scent. But it reminds me of Samhainophobia a lot, which seems strange! I get a strangely chloriney note in the middle of all this. Makes me think of a proper deep, dark forest on Halloween night. Your settlement is close, with shining lights in the windows of the log cabins and the big wooden houses, but you're in the woods and it's dark and there are unspeakable, unknowable things around, maybe just behind you. So close to safety... but close doesn't count when there's a ghouly or a ghosty within whispering distance. (Might be getting a little of the nommy stuff now, maybe some pumpkin, but this weird chlorine smell is really bashing them into submission... they definitely come out after ten or fifteen minutes, but seems the whole package just doesn't work on me this year - boo!)
  8. totheo

    Trick or Treat

    Oh. My. God. YUM. I am not a fan of candy corn. I think it's hilarious and very Halloweenie and if I was in a country where it was more readily available and that celebrated Halloween, I would have at least one huge bowl of it in the house come October. But I'm not in love with the taste or smell or texture when eaten. This is NOTHING like that. MAPLE SYRUP!! Delicious, sugary maple syrup!!!! With a hint of something I can't guess, perhaps cinnamon.... but soooo good. Think I'm going to have to get me a bottle of this bad boy.
  9. totheo


    A return of 2006's Ridiculous Scent! As creepy as Spooky was spooky, this is the scent of butterscotch-kissed, caramel-smothered red apples spiked with a blast of coconut rum. Creepy 09 Oooh! An apple scent that doesn't just scream apples at me! YAY! Yummy and sugary and delicious. Not much for throw or lasting long, but that could be because it's on my left wrist which touched the computer more often. I believe this might be a slatherer.
  10. totheo


    Getting a lot of green. Grass, mostly. But it's more complex than that - I can sense some spice in the background. Like a very very very low burning heat, the memory of a flame. Green, green grassy top note, with something warmer hiding underneath. A cool flame, though. Just a touch spicier than grass.
  11. totheo

    Feeding The Dead

    Okay, in the decant and on me, I get a BLAST of milk. But it can't be milk, because it's not doing the nasty thing milk does on my skin - how odd! Can't decide if this is the beer or the cakes or the meeting of the two. I very light foody scent. Not that it fades quickly (only had it on for a mo) but not a GRAAAAAAR FOODY kind of scent. The type that sticks to your clothes after you've been in a kitchen for twenty minutes. Reminds me of that cinema scent - popcorn, carpets, anticipation, air-con, darkness. A very nice scent, but I think I'll be happy with my lil' decant.
  12. totheo

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Hi! Could I ask what the Panacea labels look like, or if they've changed a lot since they were first released? I have a cobalt bottle of Succor and it has the strangest label - the triple dagger heart, sideways, with Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Succor also written sideways. I am teh curious.
  13. totheo

    Val Sans Retour

    I got some citrus and the idea of something green but BAM - my skin ate this in a matter of minutes. I mean, completely. There is not even a HINT that it was there. That's never happened before o.0
  14. totheo

    Pulse Points

    Reminds me of Sacred Whore of Babylon. Which I feel like I should like, like I KNOW it's a lovely scent, but I hate it. Same here. It starts out so nice but it just morphs into this faintly icky smell... and when you get hints of it from they great throw, it makes you think you've left some food out or a little milk in the bottom of the glass... something rotten. Which is a SHAME, because I was really looking forward to this one! Nyaaaa.
  15. totheo

    Shanghai Tunnel

    Coriander. Or, more accurately, coriander inside a cold Thai rice paper roll. Um, yum? Then it backs off into a very light woodsy/green smell.