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Everything posted by zankoku_zen

  1. zankoku_zen

    Amaterasu v3

    I found this to be very faint on me. I would say it's golden amber, skin musk, vanilla incense. Smoky, female, radiant. I can see the comparison to L'Estate but in some ways, it also reminds me to Leo 2007. Perhaps a slight hint of leather? Not my type of deal at all but if you like golden vanilla musky blends, give this a whirl. If you can find it. ETA: Tried some Amaterasu v3 again, and this one was more of a golden vanilla blend, hint of sandalwood. The vanilla was definitely still musky and it made me think more of the vanilla you use for baking. Since I've become more of a vanilla and sandalwood fan, I found this to be very pretty. Very grown up, lady sophisticated actually.
  2. zankoku_zen

    Midnight Bell

    Midnight Bell does remind me alot to Midnight Mass. In fact, among all the resins there has to be some amber, because I definitely got amber from this blend. Incense, amber and the same 'stone' note that I got from Night's Bridge. Slightly masculine, very golden.
  3. zankoku_zen

    Tiki Princess V3

    Fruity pineapple on wet, hint of light rum, and then it dries to an odd fruity floral. I think it has a shot of sweet pea in there and a dash of maraschino cherry.
  4. zankoku_zen

    Eden v7

    Odd - I didn't get the coconut blast on wet. I could have sworn on wet, I got mango. Like the same mango note in Corazon. As it dries, I get more of the coconut, sandalwood and a hint of honey. Very tropical and creamy.
  5. zankoku_zen

    CD: Misfortune Teller v3

    There is definitely plum in this, and way more red musk. This prototype is way more wearable on me than the released version. It's got that sultry red musk, with hints of smoke and fruity sweetness. Red musk amps to high heaven on me, but this one wasn't too bad.
  6. zankoku_zen

    Titania v3

    Very different from the released version. It definitely had hints of green grass, perhaps a touch of honeysuckle, and yes, there is still sweet pea in this. As it dries, it becomes sweeter but the released Titania is unbearingly cloying on my skin. This one is light, floral, sweet and refreshing. Still not a fan of sweet pea, but I find the prototype to be superior to the released version.
  7. zankoku_zen

    The Forest Reverie

    Dirty grapes, patchouli and a swirl of opium smoke. The swirl is very similar to the one in Gun Moll, but without something to truly sweeten this blend up it ends up in a fairly masculine territory for me. In other words, this is cologne for Satyrs. Yup. Definitely.
  8. zankoku_zen

    Polynesian Pop

    For all of you that have lost out on Geek.goth, fear not. Polynesian Pop is basically orange Geek.goth. It's got the same fizzy, sugary note as Geek.goth courtesy of the gingerale, and instead of lime it's orange. Actually for an orange, it lasted about 30 minutes which is really a record on my skin. As it dries, I get more of the rum coming out but the fizzy gingerale holds and some of the spicy ginger is coming out dry. Bubbly, refreshing and really, I am surprised at how well this is. Loving the fact that it is a GC and thus, very available to everyone.
  9. zankoku_zen

    Anjali v3

    Woody, spicy, resinous. This definitely has cassia, a hit of cedar and something that smells dry spicy - either ginger or carnation. Not my type of blend at all, but all those spice/resin fans should check it out.
  10. zankoku_zen

    Persephone v6

    On wet, I definitely get a hit of fruit, something tropical like mango, and a taste of apple but that maybe from the rose itself (like in Rose Red blends). As it dries, the rose is very powdery and sour... and I'd swear there was a hint of tuberose in the background. After an hour, it's not sour and more of a full bloom rose in there. There's still that bit of fruityness that lingers. Not a rose fan, but if you are, give this a whirl.
  11. zankoku_zen


    Holy crap! There's a giant blast of lilies on wet. It dries to a more golden resin blend (definitely the frankincense and musk) with just a whiff of lily florals. Not my type of blend, but if you like resins with a hint of white florals, give this a whirl.
  12. zankoku_zen

    The Velvets

    This one started out as dusty, slightly sour rose powder. But as it dried, the musk came out, the sourness dropped off and it was more of a dark, slinky powder. The powder is probably either from the sandalwood or violet (violet being the most likely culpit). It's the baby powder that Marilyn Monroe uses. You know, it's not BABY powder. It's more like LADY SEX powder. From the reviews, I can see that this is a hard blend for some skin chemistries to pull off, mine included. But I can also see this as being lovely if it doesn't go to powder.
  13. zankoku_zen

    Desiccated Frostberry Pie Filling

    I definitely got buttery crust and pie filling. It sort of reminded me to Crumpet Rebellion with the buttery pastry thing going on, but it dried alot more to Blackberry Jams & Scones. The berries are very sweet in this, syrupy. If you like sweet pastry blends, give this a whirl. If you haven't been able to get your hands on CR, I'd give this a try as they are very much in the same vein.
  14. zankoku_zen


    On wet, I get the Snake Oil/Snake Charmer vibe best with giant blast of red musk, but as ti dries, I get the lavender, amber and hints of sandalwood. It's definitely a kissing cousin to Snake Charmer, but on me it wasn't as heavy as say Panther Moon was. Dark, sultry, femme fatale sort of blend. If you like Snake Oil/Snake Charmer, give this a whirl. SO and I haven't always gotten along, and it is best behaved in this blend.
  15. zankoku_zen

    Rosy Maple

    Okay, I definitely got something that smelled like bananas on wet and then quickly moved to something fruity and sweet, albeit somewhat generic. As it further dries, I finally get the whiffs of vanilla, candy and berries. Very girly, very sweet. I would definitely find this appropriate for a young girl. It sort of reminds me to Strawberry Shortcake dolls.
  16. zankoku_zen

    Great Grey Witch

    On wet, I am surprised how 'powdery' and 'sour' on me this is - I think its a combination of orris and ambergris. As it dries, the sugar and chamomile have a chance to come out. It's much more pleasant after about an hour. There's something slightly fuzzy about this blend.
  17. zankoku_zen

    Snow White v2

    Mmm. On wet, I get a blast of the same cool minty snow note that is in Ded Moroz, and reminds me alot to Skadi actually since I get sweet mint and a blast of pine. As it dries, I get hints of vanilla and almond. As opposed to released version, which I invariably get a metric ton of coconut that blasts whatever notes there may be into a sort of tropical suntan lotion oblivion, I find the prototype version to be sweet, icy and deliciously memorable. Strong vanilla/with a fair bit of almond on dry. No melon for me, but yes, perhaps some birch underneath? Lovely. Perhaps a tad too sweet for me, but definitely something very wearable. And covetable.
  18. zankoku_zen

    Dido v1

    White floral with a hint of fruit. On wet, I really think this has a fair bit of plumeria because it had that rich, juicy floral sweetness that I tend to associate with plumeria. As it dries, it takes on a more 'ethereal' and 'wispy' quality that reminds me alot to Empyreal Mist. There is something green in the background, lurking.
  19. zankoku_zen

    The Rat Speakers

    I definitely get a bit hit of lemongrass on wet, and then it dries to this dusty, dirty patchouli and fig thing. Kinda furry actually. I'm sure part of that 'dirt' is coming from the sage, which isn't a note I tend to get along with. Very apropos, since well, it smells of a dark, furry, dirty little creature. Ah well.
  20. zankoku_zen

    Night's Bridge

    If I found a man that smelled like this, I would let him do any manner of unspeakable things to me. No joke. Needless to say, this blend is a slightly aquatic, musky, VERY masculine blend. And masculine not in the "leather dominant" or "puffed up on testosterone" or even "urban sophisticated" type of guy. This is a guy that you know is a guy, that you know likes getting naked, who isn't an asshole but isn't completely nice either. The musk is warm, I get the slightest touch of ozone. But in general, I can't get over how gorgeous this is. I am totally slathering mr. zee_zee in this when I get home, and hopefully his skin chemistry will cooperate and he'll smell as delicious as my wrist does. Because this is what all men should smell like, at least in my world. ETA: Sadly, this does not smell nearly as awesome with mr. zee_zee's skin chemistry as it does with mine.
  21. zankoku_zen

    Oleander Honey

    Oleander + Honey. The oleander is strong, floral and I'll have to say that oleander smells to me what magnolia should smell like (except magnolia and I have ISSUES). It's a creamy, white heady floral. In a way, the vibe is along the lines of Black Butterfly Moon or Black Dahlia (obviously less complex) + honey. It's got that heavy floral, slightly darker feel to it.
  22. zankoku_zen

    Byron v7

    I think there's lilac, hyacinth and something warm. Either vanilla or honey musk. On wet, its floral but as it dries it is very creamy, sweet and with a warm musk base. Hmmm, much more enjoyable than I originally anticipated.
  23. zankoku_zen

    Yellow Jessamine Honey

    Strong jasmine + honey. If you can do either of these notes, then try it out. As neither of these is a fave of mine, I think I'll just pass this along to a better home. Admittedly, the jessamine is not cat-pee jasmine. It's the jasmine I smell whenever I smell fresh jasmine, heady and floral with a touch of green.
  24. zankoku_zen

    Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey

    This one is interesting - its got a green, tomato plantish vibe esp. on wet. It dries to a green honey. Interesting.
  25. zankoku_zen


    Mentholic male cologne with a touch of leather. It dries to a very expensive masculine soap on me. Clean, male, soapy.