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Posts posted by amanderinorange

  1. This one is definitely a dark and heavy scent.


    In the bottle it's a heavy incense with roses and what I think is the shittim wood. There is also something a little sharp/sour which I think might be the tobacco. Normally tobacco and I get along very well, but it's not usually this strong.


    On the skin, the rose fades away and the incense and tobacco amp up to almost overwhelming amounts. A little really goes a long way with this one. After about an hour or so all I can really smell is the tobacco, unless I sniff my arm up close, then I get some of the rose and incense.


    Overall, I actually kind of like this scent in a weird, nostalgic sort of way as it reminds me of my grandpa. Hopefully the tobacco blends a little better with the rest of the notes over time, but I'll hold onto it even if it doesn't. :)

  2. #141


    At first this is a very light scent, almost to the point where I couldn't really smell it in the bottle.


    On skin: This is still fairly light, but I can actually smell it now. A light amber with a resinous/incense scent on top, though I'm not really sure what. Frankincense? Myrrh? Either way, it's lovely and dry but not powdery. In fact, it's a perfect amber/incense blend for summer. Light enough that it won't give me a headache while still being rich enough to smell.


    I'm very happy with my amber blend and glad I took a risk. :)

  3. #127


    My initial impression is that this is straight up vanilla buttercream. Super sweet and creamy.


    On skin: this is still super sweet and creamy but after a few minutes begins to take on a sort of plastic edge. :P


    Fortunately, I've found that if I layer it with another scent, the plastic goes away. So far the best combo is Queen Alice and #127 making it a lovely vanilla rich scent that I like better than either alone. I think I'll keep my bottle for layering, but I'm ordering another in hopes that I get something a little darker.

  4. I bought a bottle of BL right after it was released on the DD website and it was a vanilla-cotton-tobacco-musk scent that I love. I ordered another bottle of it this weekend and received it today and there is no vanilla or cotton, but instead apple.


    Now, I like apple, but it's not what I was hoping for. :(

  5. This is definitely a fizzy scent and a lot lighter than I was hoping it would be. It goes on fizzy and stays that way for about a half an hour. After that it's strictly ginger, which is nice as the fizzy part of the smell doesn't appeal much to me.

    Unfortunately this does not last very long on my skin and I have to reapply frequently. This might be a scent for the locket.

  6. This smells like a lovely spicy cookie that my mom used to make around Christmas. Definitely clove, as well as cinnamon and maybe some nutmeg. There might even be some ginger, but I'm not completely sure. I don't get any orange from this, unless it's what I think is the ginger.


    Overall, this is a yummy scent that is perfect for this time of year. :)



  7. I really like this scent, just not on me as it's a little overwhelming. On the husband however, :yum: .


    It starts out a really dark musk with a hint of some spiciness. After about an hour or two it turns into a delicious dark vanilla with just a hint of the musk and spice. This is a very nice scent, even if it is a little too masculine for my skin, because it works perfectly on my husband.

  8. In the imp: this is an awesome scent. Very juicy smelling almost like a melon Hi-Chew candy.


    On the skin: same yummy melon, but now with a hint of the green tea and maybe a bit of the mint.


    Overall: This is fantastic, even if it makes me crave Hi-Chews and I will definitely be getting a bottle. :wub2:



  9. I actually got this back in April for my birthday and was really excited for it based on the notes and the reviews. Unfortunately fresh from the lab I couldn't even bare to sniff it from the bottle it was so horrid. I thought that I would let it age and maybe it would get better. Last month I tested it again and forced myself to put it on to see if it would get better and no such luck. I kept getting whiffs of something rotten, like decomposing plants and had to wash it off, which took several attempts.


    Very sad that this did not work as the other three Stardust scents I have work. Guess you can't win them all. :cry2:

  10. This is lovely! I just received it yesterday and have been spraying it over everything that I could.


    To me this is better than the perfume oil, which to my nose is all fir needle and black patchouli, while this has apple, cinnamon, spices and even a hint of tea. Not really sure where that last note is coming from, but it's there. This is very much an autumn scent and it's perfect for the chilly weather we've been having lately.

  11. In the bottle I got a really rich pumpkin pie scent that is yummy. The spices blend nicely with a warm buttery pumpkin scent that to me is the smell of autumn.


    In the bath, the pumpkin smell lessens and a cinnamon candy smell is the most prevalent. It's good, but not quite what I was expecting. As the review stated above, this is one oil that you will have to go light on, due to the cinnamon. I'm glad that I used it in the bath as even then some of my more sensitive bits got a little irratated.


    After the bath the cinnamon smell goes away and the pumpkin smell stays to linger on the skin. All in all this is a wonderful bath oil and I'm interested to see if the pumpkin will deepen over time. This might be a two bottle scent. :)

  12. I gave my imp to my SIL so this is going off my notes


    In the imp: this is a very fruity, tart smell which would be wonderful for me, except that it also smells like there is a hint of cat urine underneath.


    Unfortunately because of said cat urine smell I never tried it on, so it could have been wonderful dry, but I couldn't get past the wet stage.

  13. In the bottle: very floral and musky, almost overwhelmingly so. It smells like an expensive, generic perfume.


    On me: this is morphing quite nicely. The floral tones down and I can smell dry leaves reminiscent of in Down the Rabbit Hole but not quite so powerful. The throw is quite strong, which is nice as most oils seem to get eaten by my skin.


    Overall: an excellent late summer/early fall scent. I'm tempted to order another bottle of this, though not sure that I will be able to before it goes down.


    EDIT: Yay! I was able to get another bottle! :woohoo:

  14. Creepy 2009


    Bottle: delicious caramel-dipped green apples. Very sweet smelling but not overly so.


    On me: still yummy smelling and the apple comes out a bit more as does the coconut rum. Unfortunately, I have to keep reapplying this one because my skin seem to eat it up.


    Overall: I really like this one even if it does make me crave a caramel apple.



  15. In the bottle: straight up apples and cinnamon.


    On me: still straight up apples and cinnamon. There is just no morph to this scent on my skin. :(


    Overall: Hopefully as this ages it'll become a more complex scent. It's a lovely scent, but kind of flat on me.

  16. I received this yesterday and at first couldn't smell anything, probably because it was too close to Boadicea. I let them set seperately and today I could smell this really beautiful scent.


    The sakura is a soft floral which blends nicely with the plum wine and rice flower, giving it a creamy, slightly fruity and floral scent that has a light throw.


    Like others, I wished this would be a permanent set because this is a lovely scent and I will be very sad when it's gone. :cry2:

  17. In the bottle: I agree with everyone that this is a fizzy scent. Which kind of worries me as it's kind of like Velvet Pink Kitty and that didn't really work well on my skin. Anyway, it's a fizzy lime with juniper scent in the bottle.


    On me: still juniper but now it's heavy on the grape. After a bit the lemon and tangerine are more prominent, but unfortunately the raspberry and blueberry, the whole reason I bought this scent, don't show up at all. :(


    Overall: I like this scent, even though it wasn't what I was expecting.


  18. In the bottle: at first sniff, all I smell is frankincense and amber. Not my favorite, but I'm hoping that the saffron and chamomile come out.


    On me: the frankincense fades down and the saffron definitely makes itself known. It's almost sweet, like saffron taffy. After about half an hour, the saffron calms down and blends nicely with the amber.


    Overall: I just put this on, so I have to see how long the scent lasts, but it's a great scent and I don't normally like 'golden' scents.

  19. I love this!


    Instead of putting it in my bath, I applied after a shower and was amazed and happy how cherry scented this was. About two minutes later I started to worry because I kept getting powerful whiffs of sharp myrrh. Luckily that passed and the red musk and pomegranate came out more.

  20. I just recieved this and am so glad that I did! I love roses and was quite happy with The Queen's Croquet Ground, but this is definitely not the same. It's, as people have commented above, more of a perfume smell instead of a fresh, wet rose and very much reminiscent of a Victorian parlor.





  21. I actually really like this one, but on the hubby rather than myself.


    In the imp: a nice musky, but oddly clean scent.


    On him: it stays on him the way it smells in the imp and is a nice surprise to smell when I hug him. Actually, it makes me bury my nose into his neck and not let go. :wub3:


    Overall: I really like this scent on him and will definitely have to get him a bottle.


  22. First off, I have to say that I love the artwork for this bottle. Even if it ends up going rancid on me, I might have to keep it for the bottle. Also, summer and horror movies is the BEST combination and to have a perfume to wear is awesome.


    In the bottle: slightly citrus and musky. Not smelling any jasmine, which was my concern with this scent.


    On me: the plum starts to pop out, but not a lot. In fact, there is no stand out scent in this so far, just all of the notes blended together.


    Overall: I'm really glad that this didn't turn to into a horrible scent on me. :lol: It's a lovely scent and I can see myself wearing this quite a bit.

  23. A gentle, soothing blend of cherry blossom, white sandalwood and star anise.

    Yay! I received this as a frimp which is awesome as I had this on my to-try list.

    In the imp: light and slightly floral.

    On me: uhm, this is starting to smell like a toilet bowl cleaner on me. :ack: Luckily, a few minutes later and it starts to smell like cherry blossoms and sandalwood.

    Overall: I think I'm going to have to try this a few more times, but I'm thinking that this will be a bottle purchase.

    Thanks Lab!