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About Jenn2D2

  • Rank
    a little too imp-ulsive
  • Birthday 12/24/1975


  • Location
    Olympia, WA, USA
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    Mme. Moriarty, Alice, Litha 2009, Smoky Moon 2009, Gothic Horror 2009, Loviatar, No. 93 Engine, Stinky, Samhain 2009, Shub Niggurath, The Black Rider

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    BPAL (natch), books, comics, board games, table-top RPG's, video games, writing, cats
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  1. Jenn2D2

    RPG Combos

    Just got my first three bottles, and layered Half-Elf, Neutral, and Paladin. (each one applied evenly) At first, I got a sweet, woodsy, leathery scent that was awesome. Later, the armor from Paladin stomped all over everything. (slightly more Half-Elf, way less Paladin, same amount of Neutral) Perfect. Woodsy, sweet skin musk, a hint of leather which morphs into a slight bit of armor later.
  2. Jenn2D2

    Thirteen (13): May 2011

    This is definitely an odd one, but I like it. In the bottle, and wet on the skin, I get a lot of chocolate and an amorphous 'spicy' scent in the background. Once dry, it changes into what I can only describe as 'smoked chocolate.' There's a hint of sweetness, a lot of sharp spice, and the cocoa in the background. It didn't morph too much after that, but sometimes it was sweeter than others, and the chocolate faded first after a couple of hours.
  3. Jenn2D2

    Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat

    I once left a box of Lemonheads in my car for 5 hours at 100+ degree heat - the resulting smell is almost exactly what this perfume smells like on me. Lemony, sugary, warm. It has a lot of throw, I amp most citrus, and lasts on my skin for ages, and ages (I put it on for the first time in the morning, and could still smell it the next morning before I showered.) As a couple of people have mentioned, this doesn't really morph on me at all - the smell in the bottle is the smell when I first apply, and a fainter version lasts on my skin. A definite keeper for me.
  4. Jenn2D2

    Phantom Time Hypothesis

    This sort of blend is a "nose fooler" for me. In the imp, the scent was harsh and off-putting, with sharp 'chemical' notes. On - it blooms into a gorgeous perfume blend with a character that changes throughout the day. For me, it starts out primarily rose with some benzoin and balm, and a bit of green aloe. After a while, the balm and rose blend together, and I get a bit of the orange water. The ambergris and musk seem to 'ground' the scent for me, and don't really come to the fore, but provide a nice background. When initially testing, I wasn't sure if I would even want to keep the decant, but after wearing the perfume all day, I might be getting a bottle.
  5. Jenn2D2

    Staged Moon Landing

    This is a walk through a dusty diorama in a museum, eating candy. Exactly that. It takes me back, precisely, to the first time I visited the Natural History museum in DC. I'd just finished eating a very, very melty ice-cream bar on the mall and my hands were all sticky with sugar, but I was too excited to see everything to stop and wash my hands. This perfume is exactly that moment in time.
  6. Jenn2D2

    Croquet Claw Polish

    I really like this polish - I've only ever used two metallic claw polishes, so this is my first experience with one of the BPTP "jelly" ones. Here's how it turned out on first go: I used a clear under coat, one coat of Croquet, and a clear overcoat. The polish was very thick on the brush, but very easy to work with. Most jellies can have an "overlap" problem if you have to take your brush away from the nail, but I didn't have that here at all. I also noticed that if I very patiently let most of the polish go back into the bottle, it wasn't quite as thick, so it was a bit easier to put on. In full natural light, the color is a nice pale pink. In shadow, or office light, the pink is a bit deeper, and more "Barbie," but in the best way.
  7. Jenn2D2

    Snake Oil Soap

    I'll echo some of the previous sentiment - this is gorgeous smelling soap. The bar itself smells spicy and sharp - a lot like "fresh" Snake Oil perfume. In use, it tempers almost immediately to that wonderful, smooth "aged" smell, where the vanilla is more assertive and mellows the other spices into a gorgeous blend. On dry-down, the smell is nice - not too strong, but definitely lingering. I'll have to stock up on these
  8. Jenn2D2

    Port Royal Soap

    I like this soap even more than I expected to! Before use, the bar itself smells lightly of bay rum and spice. Most bay rum soaps I've used have been pretty overpowering, so this was nice and light in comparison. When using, there's a light whiff of perfume that tags along with the bay rum, keeping it unisex, rather than just MANLY, as bay rum can go. Dry on the skin, the smell is light, with a salty edge; it reminds me strongly of how my skin feels and smells taking a quick water shower after swimming in the ocean. I could still smell a bit of the other scents right close to my skin, but it was not super-strong. I have pretty hard water, so I was pleasantly surprised at how well this lathered up and lasted through my shower.
  9. In the bottle: pepper and effervescence, with a honeyed note in the background Wet: the pepper fades a bit, and the peru balsam and sandalwood come to the fore Dry-down: beautiful, sweet, peppery effervescence with a mild woodsy grounding note. On my skin, this morphs into something halfway inbetween No. 93 Engine and The Black Rider -- there's no leather, but it has that same sweet, but not cloying scent. This has pretty good throw, but in that enticing, curl-your-finger come-hither sort of way. I keep catching a faint whiff of scent and following it. This is a definite favorite. [EDIT] My poofy white cat seems to think this is the most bestest thing he's ever smelled. EVAR. He's currently laying over the arm I tested it on, hugging tight and sniffing my arm. I guess this is a winner.[/EDIT]
  10. Jenn2D2


    This is a wonderful, bright spring scent -- freshly sprayed, it reminds me of sun-warmed cherry blossoms. I don't get much of the iris or wisteria specifically, but the floral scents blend so well together into the "sun warmed blossom" scent note, that I don't smell them specifically. After it lingers a bit in the room, it actually seems to brighten as the hibiscus asserts itself. Absolutely beautiful
  11. Jenn2D2


    In the vial: incense and some indeterminate floral Wet: ROSES... and some incense Dry-down: thick rose scent, with some incense in the background and a brief whiff of "soapy" floral from time to time, but in a good "clean" rather than "old lady" sort of way I tend to amp rose, but I love the smell, so it tends to work out for me. This reminds me very strongly of a rose incense I used to have in college, but without the resiny-smoke after smell. Nice.
  12. Jenn2D2

    Black Hellebore

    In the vial: light green with an undefinable "sweet" background, with a bit of fresh plant roots Wet: still sweet, rounding to more of a sweet pea smell with freshly crushed, sharp green notes Dry-down: all of the sweetness has gone, and left behind a sharp, pungent green note which has lasted for hours and hours This smelled very nice in the vial, and when it was first on the skin, but pretty quickly became far too sharp for me. I might like this in a scent locket, but it is too headache-inducing for regular wear.
  13. Jenn2D2

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I have the exact same reaction! I am alright with the 'night blooming jasmine' accord they use, so there must be just enough different between the two. I also have problems with the lab's 'prune' accord (oh, Nov. '09 13, I weep for you...), magnolia, gardenia, and sometimes fig. Not so fond of the stabby pain.
  14. Jenn2D2

    Green Tree Viper

    Oh, my. This is what I imagine in my head when I think of snake oil In the bottle: minty, with a spicy undertone Wet: the mint and tea blend together for a fresh green smell, with a thread of spice slithering underneath Dry: all of the elements blend into one constantly morphing fresh, green scent with each element peeking out from time to time This has rocketed to the top of my favorite perfumes. The scent is bright and green, with mint and herbs playing with the serpentine spices I associate with Snake Oil. Unlike Temple Viper, this didn't feel like a 'watered down' snake to me, but the full, bright, coiled serpent in all of its different moods.
  15. Jenn2D2

    Robotic Scarab Claw Polish

    This polish is so gorgeous - in direct light, it definitely gives off the "oiled bronze" vibe, As the previous reviewer mentioned, it does need two coats to properly show off the color. The polish itself is just the right consistency, not too thin or too goopy, and is easy to control with the brush. I didn't have too many "outside the lines" moments. While quick drying, the consistency was good enough that I didn't end up with overlap lines on the first coat. Here are the first results (2 coats of RS + a clear under coat and over coat):