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Everything posted by impolight
The Uncapping: A very light scent is revealed which comes as somewhat of a surprise. Initially, it is quite difficult to pick out single notes, so homogenous is the formula. After a protracted episode of huffing, which inspires the wife to eye-rolling and greatly disturbs the poor, wee dog, Lilac became the first suspect. There is either some Mint or, perhaps, some Lime pith that goes to great lengths to mask the Cumin nestled smugly in the wings. For the moment, all the cerebral whirling and twirling makes it nary impossible to discern whether it is Vanilla, Tonka, or Sandalwood lending some sweetness. Applied to the skin, it becomes momentarily indecent! There is a green, woody fragrance that is very nearly as subtle as a No. 2 pencil forcibly inserted into the left nostril… Well, that may have been an exaggeration, a pinecone would surely do the trick! In a good way! Seriously! This is a much loved scent. It could be worn to the ballet or an awards ceremony. It takes on the coloring of pewter, maroon, and evergreen. While there is some sweetness here, it could not be mistaken for anything other than a masculine scent. This is a must have scent for gents who want to look sharp. Thank you once again, BPAL!
This turned out to be one of the best Christmas gifts this year (to accompany the GREATEST XXL Naughty T-Shirt EVER) From the Bottle: Truly an escapist's scent. Upon first breathing in Boneshaking Antique Velocipede from the opened neck, there is a NICE, clean element that brings about an affliction of whimsy... There is black licorice's lustre, indulgent cocoa, a brilliant spark of citrus peel, and an entire punch-bowl filled with chilled, garden fresh cucumber... There is this ear-popping teleportation to a Victorian parlour where fancy sweets are enjoyed over teatime. Wet on skin, Leather and Coconut appear, bringing yet another stratum of surreal to the whole experience and enveloping one's whole person in slapstick yumminess... After wearing a while, all of the elements come together and intensify into a carmelized sweetness... Plus, it evolves further! Imagine subtle notes of Black-walnut spritzed with blood and an "artificial" scent; kind of like a new, inflatable plastic swimming pool... And the picture begins to develop...The other party present at the tea-parlor was found out as an android! *GASP!* Overall, Boneshaking Antique Velocipede is an awe inspiring scent that should be coveted by all... And, perhaps, find itsself a permanent residence in Phoenix Steamworks? *nudge, nudge* The sagacity of the brains behind Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs will be long applauded here in this heart and the world over.
Uncapped, this bottle immediately unleashes an olifactory avalanche of Ambergris, Mint, and Rosemary. There is something quite evergreen with this particular formula. There is also an element of charred wood and, strangely enough, a damp, earthen smell and, perhaps, lime rind. The associations with conventional men's fragrance is apparent, however the effect is likely lent by the combination of Ambergris and Neroli. On the drydown, this softened and rounded somewhat; lightening up into a, "just after the rain" freshness, revealing more of the jasmine note and developing what strangley smells like a Muscat Grape. This scent is villainously dark green, almost black. It is vainglorious, elegant and sinister. This is the scent of both a scoundrel and a seducer. It also implies immodest power. The attourney that anybody would love to have on their side would wear this fragrance with relish. A great introduction to BPAL for a male.
Wow! How incandescently assertive! JOOP! Is brought to mind with the very first whiff from the bottle. An impressed, "hmm!" is uttered here. A bit is slathered on... Look! The carnival has come to town! Lavender and resinous white-flowers of mystery dress up in their finery, hold hands and traipse about the fairgrounds; lavender sucking a raspberry candy lozenge while white flowers has a go at a grape one... Or are those both black currant? After wearing this for a bit, all of the fragrances come roiling together and coalesce into this deranged, technicolor stormcloud. Ah... Ozone! It was YOU flitting hither and yon in the periphery, having a jolly good pout along with white musk! Now this is all starting to make sense... Lurid is a rich, velvety purple with a pinstripe halo of neon flamingo. It is a delicious sort of madness, a misfit superhero, the person across the room who has no right being as sexy as they are.
Awwww! this smells like the dearest, cutest little old lady wearing Sunday perfume and Violets in her hair, eating toast and honey... Lovely, twinkling, Violet constellations! Ideal for listening to Enya's "Watermark"
When first applied to the epidermis, the initial impression was long the lines of, "Oh, no! Teriyaki Sauce!"Experience has demonstrated, however, that, in terms of BPAL Formulas, a metamorphosis of almost supernatural proportions will, in all plausibility, take place.As The Black Tower began to mellow, the strongest notes were both the Wine and the Blood... Sharp and coppery!As it smoothed out, The Black Tower rounded out exquisitely; taking on the characteristics of a luxuriant cologne that would seem to convey affluence as well as a position of great respect and power.The moss notes compliment copper's verdant flames. While the wine is still there, it is more in the dark-red fruitineness, and the distant floral notes.The ozone is flickeringly subtle... Not conspicuous and worrisome for afflicted with unease.The Black Tower is Cordovan red. It is a leather jacket and scarf on a motorcycle tour of a lonesome alpine road. It is the plaything of sybarites. Fans of "Phoenix Steamworks" will NOT want to pass this up!
Hellooooo CHOCOLATE! Mint, Licorice, Incense and Cherries insinuate themselves into the mix and harmonize from deep within the folds of a much loved smoking-jacket... Kali is like an exotic pattern on cloth. She is purply-black. She is Taboo. She is uneasy sleep.
Now this is nice... The Imp itsself has this all day sniffablisciousness! Amber hardcany and Rose liquor. A satin, Chocolate-Marischino cocktail dress worn by a brazen seductress. On the skin it sharpens slightly; becomes more rubicund. This is the perfect feminine counterpart to, "SATYR".
Nine-tailed fox demon of Korean lore who transforms into the visage of an irresistible beauty in order to seduce men and lead them to their doom. A sharp, biting blend of crisp white tea and ginger. Very Very nice! Mandarin, Ginger and Limes quickly take charge of this scent. There is a suggestion of a storm blowing in from over the ocean, though without the Ozone one could expect from oceanic scents. 0_o Mimosa drops by with a pretty smirk... This scent is a blustery sort of blue. A daydream in a place far from home. Very nice! Almost immediately, this scent introduces what seems to be Mandarin, Ginger and Limes. There is also a suggestion of a storm blowing in from over the ocean, though with none of the ozone associated with The Lab's oceanic or stormy scents. Mimosa makes an appearance with a pretty smirk on her gob... This is a blustery blue scent. A daydream in a place far from home. ADDED Jan. 18: Very nice!!! Mandarin, Ginger, and Limes! There is this suggestion of a storm blowing in from over the ocean; though, with none of the Ozone that typically accompanies aquatic/cloudy BPAL formulas. 0_o Mimosa makes an appearance with a smirk... This is a blustery sort of blue. A Daydream in a place far from home.
A veritable rain of tree blossoms exploded into the room upon uncapping an Imp of this scent. Fresh apple peel and dark fruits peek from beneath a suggestion of tea. This brings to mind a late-night stroll down a metropilan sidewalk after the rains have passed. Clean and shiny hair.
This is the scent of Verdant Divinity! The first impressions were of Apples, Melons, Cucumber, and Celery. Spectrally, this would be sort of a transparent Honeydew colour. This is very fresh and very clean! A deep and rolling lungful of springtime air; Early morning with dewdrops still loitering about on the clover and alfalfa. Once on the skin it becomes supremely dense and wet. Cruched. Planty. Green. The first one that the wife really and truly applauded! Bless you, the lot, at BPAL!
Buzzing Darkness. Patchouli, Walnut, Vetivert and sticky, ripe fig. Dark Chocolate and Darker, Charred Wood. This takes on a dusky, spicy edge once it finds skin to cling to. This is masculine, shadowy confidence. Leather gloves and a length of garrote-wire in the pocket of an immaculately tailored coat.
Manila is a rich and golden smell. A decadent dessert made from exotic fruits. A bright potpourri of flowers, friuts, and crushed vegetation. An afternoon nap out on the veranda, seaside, after a much needed, stiff drinky-poo.
Very pleasantly floral, this one. So scintillating and posh. Aqueous and clean! This is bracing air streaming through the open window of a luxury sedan. A soft, blue light illuminates a resplendant centerpiece boquet. Someone with obscenely good taste might have given this to Jackie Onasis as a gift.
IN THE IMP: This was so much mellower than anticipated from what the name implied. This is a nice lily... A lily that one might present for teacher as a gift. ON EPIDERMIS: Mad, Mad Mad AMPLIFICATION! This goes from being a lovely, if proper, flower to a back-breaking boquet. This is an entire afternoon's worth of lazy, golden sunshine. A teensy, tiny amount makes for a MIGHTY-BIG impression.
IN THE IMP: Goodness! What IS THAT? Sruce or Fir? Pineapple? Plum? Pommegranite? Something sweet... Raspberry? Marshmallow or Vanilla? ON EPIDERMIS: Jeepers!!! Clove? Cassia? Cinnamon? APPLE PIE! This one is EXTREMELY yummy. (In an impertinent and flouncy way) A kiss from fiery-cinnamon lip-gloss. Burgundy and Brazz. Topaz and rich, red wood.
IN THE IMP: Very faint. Is that... Coconut? ON EPIDERMIS: MUCH, Much sweeter than expected. The coconut (strangely) makes more bold an appearance than the berries. The evergreens are wreathed in a vanilla mist. Electric, pastel, mentholated green. Confections on a woodland carriage ride...
This amazing scent is completely incongruous with it's foreboding moniker... Here lies cemetary sediments, pale woods, and peach skins. This is as bright as new pennies. Saturnian Yellow... Salient. On the skin, it develops this Golden-Brown chrysalis... Dolce de Leche? Tobacco Flower? Powdered caramel? Oh... Me likey! Exquisitely unisex. Meowch!
Sicky Orangey-brown. A warm apricot tart served at a sunlit table outside the tea-shoppe on the first chilly day of Spring. Delish.
A powdery yellow. A soft and proper dress. A quiet room with an austere blonde. Discrete. Subtle. Elements of butter, vanilla, sandalwood and straw. Inspires quirk. Test the sharpness of your canines with the tip of your tongue!
Bright, bright yellow with jagged purply bits! Astringent... Pineapple, Pepperminty and Floral O_o Intimidating. Laughing at the ways of spoons. Smitten with pins. Reverence for hospitals...
Lovely! Cheerfully green... Remniscent of, 'Zombi'. Tearose? Rosewood? Oakmoss? Dust and a hint of leather... Perfectly captures old-timey theatrics and parlor-tricks. A fireside leer. A Lady's gloved hand hanging out of an inadvertently opened steamer trunk.
The Boys would be PROUD! Spectrally, this would insinuate Mahogany, Cordovan and Indigo. An arched eyebrow. A lick of the lips... SWANK!!! A snap of the fingers brings a sycophant to one's elbow. An upturned collar and killer hair... The last pelvic thrust you EVER need to see. MEOWCH!!!
It's all in the name... Dark, syrupy blackish red. Dark, dark wood. Smoke from burnt caramel hanging in the air... Blood-red flowers, lightly dusted with cocoa, and pounded to a pulp in a wooden bowl... Haughty corruption in a confessional. The bejeweled finger of an assassin. A midnight ride in the trunk of a car... The blackest of amusements.