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Everything posted by oceangirl

  1. oceangirl


    In the imp: Warm musky scent. Slightly manly, but very exotic. Wet: The musk really pops out on this one. I can smell the sandalwood too. It's still nice and warm. Dry: Still musk and sandalwood. Smells faintly of vanilla as well. For some reason, it makes me think of Chanel No. 5. It has the same warm undertone to it. I like this. It's nice and warm, and it would work well for a date. I'll keep the imp. Fiance's opinion: My fiance said he smelled an undertone of baby powder. I don't know where he got that from.
  2. oceangirl


    In the imp: Minty. Like a stick of gum that's been laying in the sun and is all warm and gooey. Wet: Strong lavender scent. The mint's still there, too. I'm not sure if I can smell the lime yet, but the lavender/mint combo's nice. Dry: Mellowed into a herbal, medicine smell. The lime came out more and toned down the mint kick a lot. Like everyone else has said, it's a very green smell. I'm not sure that I like this too much. I enjoy citrus smells, but the strong mint in this one turns me off. I feel like I'm wearing some sort of old lady rub. This one goes in the sale/swap pile.
  3. oceangirl


    In the imp: Very faint scent. Mostly tea, with a hint of lemon. Wet: Still tea, but more lemon now. Dry: Quite delicate. Mostly tea, but with a faint lemon undertone. No honeysuckle for me, but I think my skin conquers faint-hearted florals. However, it disappears fast. One, maybe two hours? This scent's perfect for spring and summer. Especially for an outdoor event, where you don't want your scent to heighten with heat and kill everyone. Watch out for the fast rate of disappearance, though. I'm going to keep testing this one and see how long I can make it last. I may add it to a lotion to increase the staying power.
  4. oceangirl


    In the imp: Hmm. Musky, with a hint of sweetness flying around. Wet: Strong honey smell, with lots of vanilla cavorting behind it. Not too sure if I enjoy smelling like I rolled in my grandmother's baklava. Dry: The foody smell has died down, and I guess the amber is coming out now. It's a warm scent, very unlike what I normally wear. I don't quite get the smell of sex, like some others down, but it's a very intimate scent. You have to get close to smell it. And boy, does it last. I can still smell it strongly and I put it on at least six hours ago. My skin normally eats scent but O is staying alive. By the way, I may not smell sex, but my fiance says smelling this makes him think of the quickest way to get into bed. So while I'm not going to buy a 5ml, I think I'll keep the imp around to use when I really need it.
  5. oceangirl


    In the imp: Smells like old lady perfume. I'm not too sure about this. . . Wet: Whoa. No more old lady, now I smell coconut and some type of floral undercurrent. There's no coconut in the blend, though. I think one of the notes is being mangled by my skin. Dry: The floral is the strongest note now. Very tropical. This scent would be good for sunbathing or going to a luau. However, I don't think my skin likes it too much, and I have other scents that I don't turn coconut. So this one's going into the swap/sell pile.
  6. oceangirl

    Embalming Fluid

    In the imp: Bright and green. Nearly overpoweringly green. Wet: I can smell the lemon. Not as strong a lemon as Phantasm, and it's tempered by what I'm assuming is the tea. Dry: The musk surfaces and makes the scent more rounded and less sharp. In addition, my fiance kept grabbing my wrist and smelling me. I think for that alone I'll be getting a bigger bottle of this!
  7. oceangirl


    I'm not good with identifying actual notes, but I'll do the best I can. In the imp: Lemon with a hint of something floral. Wet: Still lemony, but with a powdery smell to it. A very clean smell, without smelling like Lysol. Dry: The lemon has faded into the background, letting the other scents come out to play. It's floral, but not so floral as to put me off. Overall, I really liked this scent. I like cirus scents, and this one was citrusy enough without making me feel like I bathed in lemon juice. The other notes balance the lemon nicely, without becoming overpowering. I am so getting a bigger bottle of this.