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Everything posted by loubric

  1. loubric


    This is a lovely and refreshing scent. Smelling the IMP it has a very alcohol smell to it. On me it’s very strong! In a good way. It first had hints of cherry licorice liquor but now about an hour later it’s died down to a lovely minty fresh smell. It’s a very cool wintery slightly floral smell and reminds me of winter’s in England when I lived in a tiny fishing village by the sea. WONDERFUL!!
  2. loubric


    This is a very pretty and clean scent. At first on me it smells like a new house!! But in a very floral way! As it starts to dry down it reminds me of something I used to wear when I was 18 and just started dating my BF (now DH) I it and want a bottle now!!! It has soft sweet flowers with a hint of citrsu trying to poke through! LOVELY!
  3. loubric


    WOW OH WOW OH WOW OH WOW I this scent!!! In the bottle it has a very tart apple smell. On me … that’s a different story…. I smell like sweet crisp apples mixed with candy and sweet pea. The passion fruit and guava are there but just not as prominent! If I close my eyes, this is what Jane Austen’s Emma or Jane would wear!! Very sophisticated and lady like. PS. This was a gift from my lovely witch Tartchef!!
  4. loubric

    Blue Fire

    In the Imp - Blueberry liquor, something that I would want to drink and drink because it smells soooo good!! MMMMmmmmmm on me it smells divine. Lemon goodness!! If I close my eye's I'm lying on a boat drifting on the Carribbean waters!
  5. loubric

    Herbert West

    AM I the only female who loves this scent on me??? I love Embalming fluid and this has that huge splash of lemon that works wonders on me. This is what a lazy summer day smells like to me and I think I may have to get a bottle, for ME!!!! LOVE it with all it's lemoney goodness!! I might share with DH and see how it smells on him!!
  6. loubric

    Screeching Parrot

    Golden rum, apricot liquor, pineapple, pomegranate, ginger, brandy, grapefruit, and pink lime. I open the bottle and if I close my eyes I could be lying ont he beach on a distant island somewhere sipping apricot flavoured cocktails. I have to resist the urge to take a swig from the bottle. The grape fruit screams from my skin, but I LOVE it!!! My nose is stuffy it at the moment, so I'm sure it'll smell different in a day or so when I can smell properly again EDIT: Sadly does not work on me - smells great though 3/29/10
  7. loubric

    Blue Moon 2007

    On sniffing the bottle it smells very sweet/tart like a flower liquor!! Very Blue … On my skin the tartness fades away and the floral comes through much more. It’s a very blue and sophisticated scent on me. It’s also nice and clean smelling. A few minutes later the floral has died down a bit and the greenness is trying to push through. LOVELY!!! I feel like one of those Winter Fairies ice-skating in Fantasia!
  8. loubric

    The Dormouse

    Love Love LOVE this scent!!!! In the IMP it is overwlmingly tea like with sharp citrus undertones. On me it just smells gorgeous. At first it reminded me slightly of Shanghai but the more I smell my wrists the more it doesn't. It has a lovely sweet smell. For me the tea notes fade to the background. *sigh* this will have to be bought in bottle form sometime.
  9. loubric

    Berry Moon 2009

    Not as sweet as I had hoped but a lovely spicy blueberry scent! It's very musky on me at first I hope it tones down abit, a nice Fall scent that reminds me of Thanksgiving, could be a really great room spray!! It's a very warm and sophisticated smell, I might put it away and let it age a bit, see what happens!! Tried it again and it's a little too musky on me -pretty though.
  10. loubric


    In the IMP ~ Sweet and sharp with lots of citrus On me ~ The floral sweetnes comes through a bit more as does the grape fruit. No mint, just cirtus fruity floral goodness. I smell like a freshly sqeezed orange!!
  11. loubric


    I'm always wary to try anything too floral ... BUT... In the IMP ~ It smells gorgeous, very sweet and fruity. The white grape comes through the most On Me ~ Bright, clean, fresh and very feminine! A little bit of the musk is trying to peek out, but with all the floral and fruit blending in, it's very subtle. It also has a lovely alcohol smell, like fruit champagne!! If I close my eyes and breathe in deeply I can imagine standing in a meadow, the warm morning sun just peeking throught the trees. 10 minutes later ... I smell like lovely sweet STRAWBERRIES!!! I love this!!
  12. loubric


    This infamous herb has a long, complex history: it has been used in spells of death and destruction, was a principal component in traditional witches' flying ointments, and was the poison used to put the philosopher Socrates to death. We have created a dark, profound herbal blend to personify and honor this wicked little plant. In the IMP ~ Very green and herby. Mint, pine and eucalyptus notes. On me ~ Spicy green, a little hint of Vix but hardly noticeable. It’s a very clean, purifying almost aromatherapy type scent on me, with hints of lemon and herby sweetness coming through. I think I really like this one! It feels and smells like I’ve been dancing through a dew laden wood, where the trees are dense and green!
  13. loubric

    The Sea Foams Milk

    "...Down along the rocky shore Some make their home, They live on crispy pancakes Of yellow tide-foam;…” From The Fairies by William Allingham I haven’t thought of this poem in years and as soon as I put this scent on, the words came rushing into my mind. This is a very pure, clean and sweet smell on me. It’s a mixture of creamy milk and sea salt. I love it and think I might just have to get a bottle!!!
  14. loubric


    I like this on me .. I do, I do!!! A touch of fire smoke, a hint of green and a bunch of Tomato leaf, mix this all together and thats what October smells like on me!! A little musky on me, but not too much .... just enough to blend everything else nicely together.
  15. loubric

    Hairy Toad Lily

    In the IMP it's sweet and herb-y green. On me at first it's very lily/plum like. As it dries it has hints of baby powder (a lot of scents have this effect on me) but has hints of nature and floral at the same time. I like it but not enough to buy a bottle ... LOVE the name!! I see some other people have the soap effect! Glad it's not just me!
  16. loubric

    Jolly Roger

    In the IMP and on me it's VERY musky and leathery... Usually aqatics work pretty well on me, I'm unsure of this one ... Kinda musky spicy floral on me. No rum no salt Still pleasent though ... just not what I was expecting! Awhile later ... this is a really nice small on me, not sure if I would buy a bottle... it reminds me of what a young maiden living on a pirtae ship in a romance novel would smell like!!
  17. loubric

    Come to Me

    In the IMP it is very faint, I can barely detect any smell, maybe a little bit of green cleanliness.. On me WOW it smells so floral and pretty and clean Normally florals scream something terrible on me, but this has hints of jasmine and maybe lavender? The soap/cleanliness comes through but in a subtle soft way, I smell all soft and clean This might have to go on my bottle list ...
  18. loubric


    I was excited and wary about this scent because I love lemon peel and mint, they do wonders on my skin but rose is a whole other story. I thought it would be okay because the rose is one of the bottom notes... In the IMP it had a weird spicy floral smell, almost like it was trying to hide a bad smell, but wasn't succeeding, I sort of liked it but I was scared ... what would it smell like on me? On me ... I smell like those hard heart candy's (the ones that say "I love you" or "Be mine") it's lovely! The rose does come through (of course) but in a very pretty, subtle way, so that I smell like rose flavoured candy!! On me this is a very pretty, floral and youthful scent... pity I didn't get the mint or lemon peel but I love it all the same!!
  19. loubric


    In the IMP it’s very clean and sea/nature like, quite strong but it’s very calming! Can’t smell the orange. On me it’s lovely!!! These pine/herby scents usually do well on my skin. On me it has a gorgeous sweetness that is coming through. Hints of mint maybe and the orange is very noticeably!! I LOVE IT!!!!! This is the first “orange” scent I’ve tried and it does very well on my skin. I am very happy!! I want a bottle!!! PS I Smell like CHRISTMAS!!
  20. loubric


    Absurd! Green mango, fig, patchouli and green tea. This scent is very confusing on me.... in the imp it's very girly sweet, like a hard candy type of smell .. very fruity. I can't really tell the mango or fig, they blen in very nicely together. On me it's not as sickly sweet, its different in a good way. I can't really smell the green tea at all... I kind of smell like mango and fig, I think I like it... not what I expected, theres something there that I can't place, think it reminds me of a memory.... this is a very ninja scent! Think the patchouli is trying to come through. Lovley
  21. loubric

    All In The Golden Afternoon

    In the IMP - All golden sweetness, this smells like a hot summer day dancing on hill tops… MMMMMMMM Not as sweet on me, very pleasant has a lovely muskiness with an underlining sweetness I can smell the amber and tobacco more and the sugary fruit more softly. A little baby powder on me (but not much) was hoping for more fruit on my skin… maybe later ..an odd scent, I like It but it will need further testing….
  22. loubric

    Blood Countess

    In the bottle it smells lovely - all berries and rose and candy sweetness. Unfortuantly on my skin florals and especially roses don't do well on me, I tend to end up smelling like an old lady. This one started out ok on me (was nice and rosey and clean) but as the time went on it blended into a baby powdery floral rose mess Actually now that I've waitied a few more minutesit's not too bad, now I smell like dried roses almost potpurri which is nice, plus I can smell hints of plum!!
  23. loubric

    The Red Queen

    In the bottle the sweetness and richness of the cherries hits me hard. Reminds me of my childhood… On my skin I smell like a little old lady in a museum!! With hints of baby powder (which a lot of scents smell like on me ……) Straight from IMP on me …I can’t decide if I like it or not *sniffs wrist* nope I don’t, well not on me anyway. This would be nice in a room no on a person!! I will give it a few minutes though… 10 minutes later it actually smells better now, more subtle, less powder and a bit muskier, I quite like it now, don’t think my husband will …. PS it does vaguely smell like Barbie (that’s why it reminds me of my childhood!!!)
  24. loubric

    Embalming Fluid

    This is one of my favourite scents so far. Very sweet on opening, it actually has a slight cigarette smell (not a lit one, mind you, but if you smell an actual cigarette, it has a sweet minty/herb tabacco smell) and this reminds me of that. I'm not a smoker but I love sniffing cigarettes .. On me it's just divine, very light so I do have to reapply. Can't really smell the aloe. My skin adores green tea and lemon so this works wonders for me... I feel light, fresh and airy!!
  25. loubric


    Ocean water, hyacinth petals, star jasmine, and fir. I love this scent! I got it as a freebie in one of my orders! Very sweet and woodsy in the bottle. On me it’s more musky/fir on me, but still pleasant. A few houtrs later, much softer and more floral, still musky but luckily subtle so it still works nicely on my skin. A very nice Fall scent!