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wrist-sniffing wench
- Birthday 12/01/1989
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BPAL of the Day
The Antikythera Mechanism
Favorite Scents
Zombi, Hellfire, Kyoto, Ligur, Pollution, Centzon Totochtin, Galvanic Goggles, No. 93 Engine, Isaac, Joulumuori, Talvikuu
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Man, you kids these days and your hip trends. *bandwagon* // And yes, it is pure coincidence that the first two icons I made were to do with the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I'm as confused as you are. Hellfire is completely apropos of nothing, other than the fact that it got that song stuck in my head.
Ozone deepened by liquid amber, and a spray of hot nighttime rain mingled with the scent of lightning-struck wood, water-soaked summer blooms, and sun-scorched grass. In the bottle, I smelled a kind of freshness and soap. Wet on skin, it continued to be soaps, but gave off a greener scent-- not plant green, but a high synesthetic green with a blueish hue. As it dried, it retained its greensoap smell, but developed a mellow spiciness. This was so strong on me that I ended up washing it off after a few hours, on account of the fact that it was starting to make me woozy-- tho' I suppose that could have just been medication withdrawals-- but! Like I said, vurreh, vurreh strong. Will have to remember to apply less next time 'round. And speaking of synesthesia... for some reason it really bothers me that the bottle is blue and pink, rather than green: "Clearly you're green with a mild brown and blue undertone, you fibber!" I yell at it, which in itself is probably indicative of an entirely different mental condition.
In the bottle, I smelled a kind of freshness and soap. Wet on skin, it continued to be soaps, but gave off a greener scent-- not plant green, but a high synesthetic green with a blueish hue. As it dried, it retained its greensoap smell, but developed a mellow spiciness. This was so strong on me that I ended up washing it off after a few hours, on account of the fact that it was starting to make me woozy-- tho' I suppose that could have just been medication withdrawals-- but! Like I said, vurreh, vurreh strong. Will have to remember to apply less next time 'round. And speaking of synesthesia... for some reason it really bothers me that the bottle is blue and pink, rather than green: "Clearly you're green with a mild brown and blue undertone, you fibber!" I yell at it, which in itself is probably indicative of an entirely different mental condition.
My new novel. Love Mint Ozone Ginger Eucalyptus Citrus Almond Sugar Milk Tobacco Leather Cherry Tea Rose Honey Clove Dirt Melon Hate Patchouli Vetiver
According to my mom, this is floral. According to my dad, it's evergreen. Me, all I can smell is (burnt) pork soup base. JUMALAUTA! Please tell me I'm not the only one who smells pork in this! I'm afraid to put it on. I don't want to smell like pork (even more)! Fun Fact: when I went to Hawai'i, the volcano gave off a distinct pork smell. I don't even want to know.
As I am a dork in all fields, I've taken to fantasizing about my own blends that will never be. Unless I figure out how to make them myself. O_O Original Characters BARILLO - cigar smoke, leather, gin, whiskey, gun oil, licorice, black coffee, charcoal, molasses, chili pepper, match strike VIEULETTA - absinthe, opium, lavender, poppy, mint, eucalyptus, burnt sugar VESPA - ozone, crude oil, plains grass, rubbing alcohol, grapefruit, lime, rice milk, ammonia, bitter almonds, clementines, oatmeal The Claidi Journals (Complete with links to old fan arts!) CLAIDI - desert winds, jasmine, Moroccan rose, Arabian spices, incense, herbs, lavender, vanilla, heather, star anise, mint THE HOUSE - incense, well-polished woods, marble, perfumes THE GARDEN - rose, JIZANIA - tropical flowers and fruits, citrus, incense... THE WASTE - something desolate, salty, with an undercurrent of rain, sweetness, flowers NEMIAN - gold, honey, cologne, tobacco, sunflowers, gunpowder, vetiver ARGUL - leather, coffee, black tea, cream, black pepper, saffron, cinnamon, clove, cardamom THE HULTA - horsehair, leather, old woods, camp fires, spices, frankincense, myrrh THE RAIN GARDENS - rain, lava rock, wet animal PESHAMBA - bronze, metallic, clock oil IRONEL - metallic, sharp, ginger, black pepper, vetiver MOON SILK - lilies, lotus, cream, sugar, mint, white tea THE WOLF TOWER - rain, soot, ink, and old paper GREMBILARD - tropical woods, greenery, moss, herbs, green tea JOTTO - metal, oil, something sweet, floral, cakes and candies THE STAR - mint, eucalyptus, ozone, citrus, sugar WINTER RAVEN - snow, sharp icy air, metallic, black pepper HRALD & YAZKOOL - A cacophony of tacky scents, colognes, red wine and tea, citrus. USTARETH - black musk, sandalwood, incense, charcoal, SCIENCE! Music THE RED TIDE IS OVER - saltyfishy ocean stink, warm dog hair, gasoline, cedar, metal, rope, gravel, cigarettes, freshly lit match
I haven't gotten around to doing a full review/study of this just yet, but I've got to ask. Am I the only one who got the distinct scent of Choward's Violet Mints off of this? Which is good for me, as I love their smell, but hate the fact that they taste like soap-- and now I can wear them! *victory* Also: there's patchouli in this? For reals? *bogglesniffsnort* I will never understand you, patchouli.
By slathering yourself in several different scents at the same time, on different parts of the body. Dance of Death on my wrist and neck, Umbra on one hand, Iago on the other... Not to mention the myriad of other scents that I've tried and simply let fade, instead of washing them off properly. *fail* Is it my fault that I've bought about 300 different imps/bottles in the last month and now I don't know what to do with them? (Yes.)
Brings peace to the spirit, a sense of calm and fulfillment, and attracts the aid of beneficial spirits. In The Bottle Smells like watah. And a bit of flowery. Wet On Skin Aquatic, with light, calm florals. Maybe I didn't put enough on, but I have to put my wrist right up in my nose to get much off it. Dry On Skin Much stronger now, especially the florals; I can actually smell it without trying to. A little like soap or baby powder. It's hard to describe when I don't have a proper description to work off of. Longevity Lasted only two or so hours. Color Bright white and light lilac.
In The Imp The metallic scent is quite prominent here. It has a mild alcoholic burn-- the sort you often get with perfumes-- but the other elements stop it from being unpleasant. There's a sort of sweetness underneath it all. Wet On Skin Much sharper then in the imp; it almost has a citrusy eucalyptus tang to it. The muskiness is apparent, but mostly covered by the metal. Dry On Skin The metal's calmed down, though still hanging around. Now the musky scents have come out, giving it a soft but masculine feeling, but with a hit of sweetness. I really have no idea what tobacco leaf or balsam smell like (or at least, I don't think I do), so I can't say how well they stand out individually. Heady, but nothing that'll make you feel like falling over. Longevity Expect this on to be on you for the duration. It's OK, go to sleep; it'll be there when you wake up. Color Silver and brass and brown-orange with a little swirl of light, light green-blue.
Pink pepper, peony, jasmine, mango, kiwi, pomegranate, pineapple, white ginger, serene white tea and light musks. Thank God I at least know what most of these things smell like on their own, because otherwise I would be in something of a pickle trying to decipher such a multi-element scent. In The Bottle First reaction: I don't know what I'm smelling, I know I've smelled it before, but I don't think I like it. On closer inspection, I could catch the fruity notes and even a bit of sharpness-- the ginger? The florals stood out above that. I'm not sure what the first scent I encountered was, as my mental scent library is limited, but I suppose it was either the pink pepper or the peony-- being the ones I'm unfamiliar with. Starting to soften on my initial reaction. Wet On Skin Much sharper! More floral here, but not much fruit. A bit musky. Less startling when diluted. Dry On Skin The musk is starting to come out over the floral, but still not much in the way of fruitiness. Though, oddly, I did get a faint tang in the back of my throat resembling fruit roll-ups of all thing. Suppose it does make sense, considering all the fruits listed. Longevity Color Antique rose, mauve, yellowed paper.
I say! There wouldn't happen to be an infertile ladies in the audience who might happen to be in the market for some eggs? Anyone? Hell, ovaries, tubes, the whole package-- I don't need it! But it can be yours for the low, low price of everything listed here! No? Then where my leukemia patients at, because have I got some marrow for you! ARS AMATORIA Ave Maria Gratia Plena Carnal Casanova Debauchery Defututa Delight Fascinum Harlot Kabuki Muse Nefertiti Queen of Sheba Whip ARS DRACONIS Dragon's Hide ARS MORIENDI Danse Macabre Darkness Deep In Earth Embalming Fluid Eternal The Ghost House of Night Nocturne The Reaper and the Flowers Sheol Thanatopsis ATOMIC LUAU LOUNGE Blue Fire Golden Wave Polynesian Pop Red Tide BEWITCHING BREWS Aeval Antique Lace Bewitched Black Forest Black Opal Black Tower Blood Brimstone Burial Cathode Calico Jack Event Horizon The Forest Reverie Highwayman Hurricane Incantation Inferno Intrigue Jack Jolly Roger Kill-Devil La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente Leanan Sidhe Lightning Lurid Magus Mary Read Mata Hari Morgause Ouija Plunder The Raven Séance Shattered Tavern of Hell Undertow Voodoo DIABOLIS Black Annis Blood Countess Djinn Dracul Ekhidna Hellcat Horreur Sympathiqe Kitsune-Tsuki Kumiho Loup Garou Nephilim Nocnitsa EXCOLO Aizen-Myoo Bastet Coyote Ehecatl Hades Kurukulla Mania Nyx Ogun Olokun Oya Pele Santa Muerta Shango Thanatos Xiuhtecuhtl ILLYRIA Anthony The Apothecary Hermia Queen Gertrude Titania Viola Yorick MAD TEA PARTY Alice's Evidence All in the Golden Afternoon Cheshire Cat Croquet The Dodo The Dormouse Jabberwocky The King of Hearts Mouse's Long and Sad Tail Queen Alice The Red Queen Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat White Rabbit Imperious Tiger Lily Brusque Violet Rocking-Horse Fly Bread-and-Butterfly How Doth the Little Crocodile 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster The Sluggard MÄRCHEN The Rose Egle The Sea Foams Milk The Sea Foams Blood Prunella Bensiabel The Witch's Garden The Miller's Daughter The Little Sparrow Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues The Black Rider The Chicken-Legged Hut Fire for Thy Stepmother's Daughters Old Demons of the First Class The Grave-Pig Beer from the Marsh Woman's Brewery Utrennyaya Zorya PHARMACOPOEIA Nostrum Remedium Slippery Poppy Tincture Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener A PICNIC IN ARKHAM Al Azif Arkham Brown Jenkin The Deep Ones The High Priest Not to Be Described Night Gaunt Shoggoth Shub-Niggurath Herbert West Y'ha-Nthlei RAPPACCINI'S GARDEN Baneberry Belladonna Black Rose Blood Lotus Bohun Upas Destroying Angel Hairy Toad Lily Hemlock The Lotus Tree Mandrake Opium Poppy Slobbering Pine Voodoo Lily Yew Tree SIN & SALVATION Envy Sloth The Great Sword of Wars The Scale of Deprivation Anathema Laudanum Nero Oblivion Roadhouse Sea of Glass Seraphim SOMNIUM Oneroi Baku Temple of Dreams STEAMWORKS Phoenix Steamworks Aelophile The Antikythera Mechanism Ether The Robotic Scarab Violet Ray WANDERLUST 51 Amsterdam Baghdad Bengal Crossroads Danube Glasgow Gomorrah The Hanging Gardens Havana Kathmandu London Mag Mell Moscow New Orleans Ogygia Paris Pontarlier Santa Eulária des Riu Santo Domingo Shanghai Silk Road Sybaris Tenochtitlan Uruk Venice Windward Passage The Isles of Demons Kumari Kandam THE SALON CARNIVAL DIABOLIQUE The Organ Grinder Pulcinella & Teresina Melisande Doc Constantine The Parliament of Monsters Arachnina Eshe Faiza Banded Seasnake Boomslang Green Tree Viper Habu Isaac Kataniya Meskhenet Thalassa Stormclouds Knuckle Bones L'Heure Verte Aeronwen The Blood Garden The Blasphmare Reliquary Faeu Boulanger The Contract... The Grand Inquisitor's... Hand of Glory Licwiglunga Shrunken Heads Sir Hugh Ockram GOOD OMENS Agnes Nutter Aziraphale The Bugger Alle This Bible Crowley Famine Jasmine Cottage Pepper Pollution Shadwell War Wensleydale Hastur Ligur GRIS GRIMLY A Fit of Artistic Enthusiasm Hideous Heart HELLBOY Kroenen Plague of Frogs
metallic, Indian musk, tobacco flower, African balsam In The Imp The metallic scent is quite prominent here. It has a mild alcoholic burn-- the sort you often get with perfumes-- but the other elements stop it from being unpleasant. There's a sort of sweetness underneath it all. Wet On Skin Much sharper then in the imp; it almost has a citrusy eucalyptus tang to it. The muskiness is apparent, but mostly covered by the metal. Dry On Skin The metal's calmed down, though still hanging around. Now the musky scents have come out, giving it a soft but masculine feeling, but with a hit of sweetness. I really have no idea what tobacco leaf or balsam smell like (or at least, I don't think I do), so I can't say how well they stand out individually. Heady, but nothing that'll make you feel like falling over. Longevity Expect this on to be on you for the duration. It's OK, go to sleep; it'll be there when you wake up. Color Silver and brass and brown-orange with a little swirl of light, light green-blue.
Under all kinds of construction. Note listings are mostly for my own forgetful benefit. • Aperotos Eros // benzoin, Indian musk, massoia bark, myrrh, ambrette seed, galbanum, bergamot, fir • Bathsheba // carnation, plum, Arabian musk • Bien Loin D'ici // red musk, benzoin, caramel, honey, spice, Moroccan oils • Brisingamen // amber, myrtle, apple blossom, carnation • Defututa // olive blossom, honey, smoky blossom, cinnamon, jasmine, sandalwood, champaca • Hunger // black narcissus, orange blossoms, vanilla • Jezebel // honey, rose, orange blossom, sandalwood • Lady of Shalott // gardenia, musk, muguet, water blossoms, aquatic, white ginger • Libertine // rosewood, chamomile, bergamot, violet, red sandalwood, primrose, Arabian musk • O // amber, honey, vanilla • Psyche // Bulgar rose, Chinese white musk, lavender, orchid, frankincense • Salome // almond, star jasmine, oakmoss, red sandalwood, Egyptian musk • Seraglio x2 // sweet almond, Mysore sandalwood, Bulgar rose, neroli, nutmeg, clove, orange peel • Le Serpent Qui Danse // violet, vanilla, gardenia • Succubus // mimosa, orange blossom, neroli, bergamot, sweet clove • Wanda // red merlot, leather, musk, rose, violet, myrtle • Dragon's Blood // dragon's blood • Dragon's Bone // dragon's blood, white sandalwood, orris, blondewood • Dragon's Reverie // dragon's blood resin, poppy, amber, ylang ylang • Dance of Death // orris, black musk, patchouli, myrrh • Jazz Funeral // bay rum, bourbon, flowers, graveyard dirt, magnolia, Spanish moss • Midnight // evening primrose, ruellia, nicotiana, wild petunia, panani-o-kai, night § phlox, night gladiolus, moonflower, Nottingham Catchfly • Nocturne // violet, lilac, tuberose • The Phantom Wooer // stargazer lily, bone dust, moss, buttonweed, moonflower, honey myrtle • Twilight // lavender, jasmine, honeysuckle • Zombi x3 // dried roses, rose leaf, Spanish moss, earth • Aremata-Popoa x2 // blackberry brandy, Castillo run, ouzo, iced black tea • Boo Bam // bamboo reed, palm frond, hibiscus • Te Po (The Bar) // rum, almond, orange, sugar, lime, black cherry, vodka, mint • Absinthe x2 // wormwood, light mints, cardamom, anise, hyssop, lemon • Arcana // frankincense, rosemary, lavender, neroli, lemon verbena • La Belle Dame Sans Merci • Belle Époque // sweet opium, lily of the valley, vanilla, mandarin, red sandalwood • Bess // rosemary, orange blossom, grape spirit, rose, lemon peel, mint • Bon Vivant // champagne, strawberry • Black Pearl // coconut, Florentine iris, hazelnut, white musk • The Coiled Serpent • Dee // leather, rosewood, tonka, incense, parchment, wood • Delirium // apple, rose, lemon • Eclipse // bitter almond, vanilla, frankincense, heliotrope, cinnamon • Ephemera // violet, chamomile, muget, white geranium, calla lily, tea rose, autumn leaves • Follow Me Boy • High John the Conqueror • Intrigue // black palm, cocoa, fig, wood • The Jersey Devil // pitch pine, blackberry leaf, cranberry, cedar, tomato leaf • Juke Joint x2 // Kentucky bourbon, sugar, mint • Kubla Khan // ice, roses, opium smoke, amber tobacco, golden sandalwood, champaca, tea leaf, sugared lily, ginger, hay absolute, leather, dark vanilla, mandarin, peru balsam, Moroccan jasmine • Lurid // black currant, Bulgarian lavender, white musk, resin, ozone • Masquerade // patchouli, ambergris, carnation, orange blossom • Penny Dreadful // perfume, loam • Phantasm // green tea, lemon verbena, jasmine, neroli • Poisoned Apple // red apple, opium, oleander, hemlock • Scarecrow // wind, hay, grass • Scherezade // saffron, Middle Eastern spices, red musk • Schrödinger's Cat // tangerine, sugared lime, pink grapefruit, oakmoss, lavender, chocolate peppermint • Sudha Segara // milk, ginger, honey, ambrosia • Swank // pomegranate martini • Ultraviolet // violet, neroli, eucalyptus, mint • Umbra // East African black patchouli, cedarwood, vetiver, cinnamon • Velvet // sandalwood, cocoa, vanilla, myrrh • Water of Notre Dame • Zephyr // lemon, lemon verbena, neroli, white musk, white florals, white sandalwood, China musk, bergamot, vanilla • Baobhan Sith // grapefruit, white tea, apple blossom, ginger • Black Phoenix // ?? • Catherine // orange blossom, rosemary, rose • Dracul // black musk, tobacco, fir, balsam of Peru, cumin, bitter clove, crushed mint, orange blossom • Ekhidna // mandrake, dark myrrh, seaweed, swampy moss, black pepper, pimento, opoponax, tobacco absolute, tarry clove • Kuang Shi // Mandarin orange, white musk, mango, white sandalwood • Nosferatu // herbs, earth, red wine • Rage // black ember, dragon's blood resin, melati, rose geranium, mandarin, black currant • Pain // lavender, pennyroyal • Szepasszony // air, rain, white flowers • Anubis // myrrh, storax, balsam, embalming herbs • Centzon Totochtin x2 // Mexican cocoa, rum, red wine, blood • Gaueko // sandalwood, lavender, smoke, tobacco, nag champa, labdanum • Grandmother of Ghosts // laurel, stargazer lily, woods, peony, mandarin, white musk, pepper • Himerus // juniper, sandalwood, rosewood, red musk, orchid, bergamot, lilac • Kali // cassia, hibiscus, musk rose, Himalayan wild tulip, lotus, osmanthus, dark chocolate, red wine, tobacco, balsam, honey • Megaera // orris, black amber, bergamot, plum, grapefruit • Melpomene // cypress, mint, geranium, Bulgar lavender, orange blossom, passion flower • Nuit // white musk, white rose, night-blooming jasmine, moss, Egyptian incense, moonflower • Obatala // milk, coconut meat, shea butter, water • Pele // muguet, Hawaiian white ginger, tropical blooms • Sophia // lavender, musks, star jasmine, black rose, delphinium, spice • Terpsichore (The Muses) // vanilla, carnation, neroli, iris, stephanotis, sweet pea, apple blossom, palmarosa • Thanatos // white sandalwood, Siamese benzoin, myrrh, Moroccan rose, mastic, tomb moss, Greek incense. • Yemaya // melon, grape, flowers, sea moss • Desdemona // sweet pea, carnation, water lily • Iago // musk, leather, vetiver • Juliet // sweet pea, stargazer lily, calla lily, heliotrope, honeysuckle, white musk, pear • Lady Macbeth // bordeaux, red currant, thyme, wild berry • Oberon // orchid, white musk, bergamot, juniper berry, patchouli • Ophelia // lotus, water blossom ivy, stargazer lily, white rose • Tamora // amber, heliotrope, golden sandalwood, peach blossom, vanilla bean • Titus Andronicus // dark musk, black amber, frankincense, red sandalwood, neroli, bergamot • Alice // milk, honey, rose, carnation, bergamot • The Caterpillar // incense, carnation, jasmine, bergamot, neroli, moss, iris, patchouli, vetiver • The Mock Turtle's Lesson // aquatic, iris, ambrette, green apple, vodka, white mint, lime • Pool of Tears // tears, flowers, perfume • The Red Queen // mahogany, wood, cherry, currant • Two, Five, and Seven // Bulgar rose, Somalian rose, Turkish rose, Damascus rose, red rose, tea rose, wine rose, shrub rose, rose, green grass • The Unicorn // linden, white flowers, sweet herbs • The Little Wooden Doll (Vasilissa the Beautiful) // wood, rose, amber, golden sandalwood • Bruised Violet Compound // violets, red currant, patchouli, Spanish moss • Azathoth // tangerine, saffron, vetiver, black amber, cedarwood • Cthulhu // seaweed, ocean plants, (unfathomable) water, ozone • Miskatonic University // Irish coffee, dust, books, oak • Night-Gaunt // yuzu, grapefruit, kumquat, snow, flowers • Nyarlathotep // ritual incenses, ozone • R'lyeh // ?? (grapefruit) • Whippoorwill // Spanish moss, cedar, black pepper, oakmoss, juniper, bamboo, cardamom • The Apple of Sodom // ?? • Baneberry // greenery, herbs, black fruit • Black Hellebore // herbs, roots, rose, peony • Black Lily // vanilla, lily • Death Cap // warm, earthy, mild • Destroying Angel x2 // papery, mushroom, crisp, soil • Hemlock Honey (Rappaccini's Apiary) // honey, • Squirting Cucumber // grass, cucumber • Strangler Fig + Imp // roots, woods, green • The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil // cinnamon, almond, spikenard, grapes, fig, pomegranate, apple • Ya-Te-Vo // barbed, greenery, fleshy, sharp • Black Dahlia // magnolia, orchid, star jasmine, black amber, smoky rose • The Bow and Crown of Conquest // sage, carnation, cedar, lavender, vanilla, white musk, leather • Cathedral // incense smoke, resins • Dirty // linen • Dorian // fougere, three pale musks, sugar, vanilla, tea • Fallen // white sandalwood, golden musk, amber, flowers, wood, vetiver, violet • Faustus // frankincense, cinnamon, violet • Greed // patchouli, heliotrope, copal, oakmoss • Hellfire // pipe tobacco, leather, ambergris, dark musk, incense • Jailbait // bubblegum, orange, cherry, perfume • Languor // paperwhite, black narcissus, lilies, black poppy, tuberose, opium smoke • Malediction // red patchouli, vetivert • Nero // rosemary, bay, pine, lemon • Oblivion // dark musk, wood spice, labdanum, patchouli, African woods, saffron • Pride // Moroccan rose, narcissus • Paramatman // orange blossom, East Indian sandalwood, champaca • Tzadikim Nistarim // frankincense, olive, spikenard, hyssop, galangal • Vice // chocolate, black cherry, orange blossom • Wrath // dragon's blood, black pepper, clove, cinnamon • Dream Formula IV: Nanshe // lavender, lemongrass, bergamot, ginger (??) • Dream Formula V: Somnus // lavender, chamomile, rose, jasmine, vanilla (??) • Aelopile // amber, citrus, labdanum, verbena, cedar, oud • The Antikythera Mechanism // teakwood, oak, black vanilla, tobacco • The Coil // ozone, eucalyptus, mint, purple orchid, passionflower, white ginger, purple lotus • Galvanic Goggles // metallic, Indian musk, tobacco flower, African balsam • No. 93 Engine // balm of Gilead, benzoin, frankincense, balsam of peru, beeswax, saffron, galbanum, calamus, hyssop, mastic, lemon balm, white sage • The Obsidian Widow // pinot noir, dark myrrh, red sandalwood, black patchouli, night-blooming jasmine, attar of rose • Phoenix Steamworks // gold, oil, bronze, Abramelin incense, sage • Smokestack // creosote, coal, industrial waste • Violet Ray // white mint, purple musk, violet, lilac, ylang ylang, lavender, moss, sandalwood • Bayou // Spanish moss, evergreen, cypress, hothouse flowers, swamp blossoms • Cairo // kyphi • Dublin // mist, forest, alder leaf, white rose • Eden x2 // fig leaf, fig, honey, almond milk, toasted coconut, sandalwood • Havana // date palm, dried tobacco, snakeroot, leather • Jezirat al-Tennyn // burnt pork • Kostnice [D] // frankincense, rosewood, lily, geranium rose • Kyoto // cherry blossom, white sandalwood, star anise • Machu Picchu x2 // tropical fruits, rainforest, flowers, breeze, Peruvian amber • Mag Mell // amber, white ginger, verbena, grass, sage, rain • Manhattan // amber, leather, white mint, lemon peel, white tea, grapefruit, kush, teak, orchid • Morocco // Arabian spices, warm musk, carnation, red sandalwood, cassia • New Orleans // honeysuckle, jasmine, lemon, spice • Niflheim // mist, blossoms • Port-au-Prince + Imp // buttered rum, almond, bay, clove, sassafras • Santo Domingo // tobacco leaf, bay rum, Caribbean flowers • Tintagel // hawthorn, blackthorn, juniper, English elm, bayberry, dragon's blood resin • Vinland // wind, loganberry, wild rose, prairie crocus, iris, wood anemone, mountain avens, yellow birch bark, mayflower, maple leaf • Whitechapel // white musk, lime, lilac, citron • Burial // juniper, patchouli, loam, flowers, rose • Silence // white sandalwood, iris, blue musk, lotus root, moonflower, moonflower, plum blossom, green tea, white mint, white peach • Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent // ocean spray, red kelp, black plum, lychee, sea moss, green musk, hachiya, plum blossom, matcha • Philosopher in Meditation // woodfire embers, kyphi, Abramelin incense • Lovers With Rutting Cats (Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements II) // vanilla, red ginger, oakmoss, palm date, oud • Lover's Parodies of Sumo Holds (Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements ?) // tangerine, pikaki, tonka, ti leaf, jasmine, opoponax, benzoin • Needlework (Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements III) // oolong tea, lilac, sheer musk, crushed ginger, wisteria, delphinium, lavender • Pink Mood (Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements III) // vanilla, star anise, cherry blossom, peony, violet leaf, neroli • The Wrestler Onogawa Kisaburo Blowing Smoke at a One-Eyed Monster (SakuraCon) // Peru balsam, Mysore sandalwood, bodark bark, tupelo gum, black pepper, tobacco absolute, white honey • Carnaval Diabolique // opium smoke, lemon flower, heliotrope, tuberose, black musk, vanilla, coconut, apricot flower • Midnight on the Midway // sugar, incense, night-blooming flowers • The Phantom Calliope // black cherry, patchouli, cassis, cardamom, verbena • Isaac, The Living Skeleton // bourbon, tobacco, dry bone, bay rum, cologne • Zarita the Doll Girl x2 // white carnation, iris, orange blossom, sugar, cream • Pink Moon March 2005 // phlox, tulip, daffodil, dogwood, muscari, pink sugar, carnation, honey, strawberry • Lotus Moon May 2006 // opium, golden lotus, amber, pine resin, rose otto • Harvest Moon August 2006 // chrysanthemum, pomegranate, cane sugar, dusty wheat, sorghum, green tea, rice flower, milk, Russian sage, bamboo, elderberry, black cherry, wild plum, red haw, hazelnut, red apple, shagbark hickory • White Moon Nov 2006 // sandalwood, lilac, calla lily, wisteria, white sandalwood, moonflower, night musk, phlox, violet • Bitter Moon Nov 2006 // Nepal poppy, lotus root, wild rose, blue hibiscus, blackberry, tonka, sage, lavender, peony, vetiver • Roux-Ga-Roux April 2007 // Spanish moss, swamp jessamine, bog water, cypress, hickory wood, lobelia, sweet flag, wisteria, marsh milkweed • Blue Moon June 2007 // mugwort, bay, juniper, orchid, galbanum, Asian woods, moonflower, Madagascan ylang ylang, Florentine iris, Greek cypress, davana, green tea absolute, palmarosa, cucumber, Clary sage, melitot trefoils, wood aloes, creeping buttercup • Selkie June 2007 (A Little Lunacy: Shapeshifters) // seawater, tea-leaved willow, honey, grass-of-Parnassus, sea aster, Scottish primrose • Thunder Moon July 2007 // ozone, amber, rain, wood, flowers, grass • The Emathides Sep 2007 // black amber, black orchid, black currant, olive blossom, wood violet, lavender, blue musk, rose attar, cedar • Hunter Moon Oct 2007 // dry leaves, bonfires, red wine, animal, winter • Moon of Ice Feb 2008 // frost, winter flowers, white pine, eucalyptus, traditional lunar oils. • Sugar Moon March 2008 // sugar cane, blue musk, mahogany, black orchid, black currant, violet, blackberry leaf, teak, strawberry, rose • Mourning Moon Nov 2008 // Chinese musk, wisteria, white grapefruit, calla lily, violet leaf, gaiac wood, balsam of Peru, Florentine iris • Bony Moon Feb 2009 // white sandalwood, cedar, lunar herbs • Berry Moon August 2009 // summer musk, fig, orange blossom honey, blueberries, raspberries. • Peach Moon Dec 2009 // peach blossom, white tea, musk, night-blooming jasmine, ho wood, chrysanthemum • Joyful Moon 2010 // white musk, French vanilla, ambrette seed, frangipani, angelica root, white rose, orris, honeysuckle • Dia de Los Muertos (2004) // dry, leaves, incense, funeral bouquets, candies, chocolates, tobacco, amaranth, cactus blossom, desert cereus • To Autumn (2008) // mist, moss, bark, dry leaves, apple pulp, galangal, poppy juice, nutmeat • A Blade of Grass (2008?) // leaves, grass • John Barleycorn (2008) // barley, beer, blood, whiskey • Wiley's Swamp (Sleepy Hollow) // water, rotting wood, chestnuts, oak leaf, bog laurel, Virginia creeper • Blue Pumpkin Floss // pumpkin, sugar, blackberry • Boo + Imp (2009) // sugar, cotton, cream • Chewing Little Bits of String (Inquest 2009) // marshmallows, lettuce, cotton, tea, lemon, honey • Boneshaking Antique Velocipede (Inquest 2009) // cucumber, purple sage, tonka bean, black coconut, redwood, teak • Noisome Clockwork Tin Locomotive (Inquest 2009) // wormwood, rum, star anise, vanilla, cognac, peppermint, green tea, smoke, lubricant • Halloween: Brooklyn (Mnemosyne) // dogwood, cherry, Korean pine, camellia, moonflower, Alberta spruce, arborvitae, crab apples • Ginger Skulls (Halloween: Inquisition 2010) // • Marshmallow Pumpkin (Halloween: Inquisition 2010) // marshmallow, pumpkin • Muilearteach (Halloween: Inquisition 2010) // blood red, bone white, black musks, hoarfrost. • Slough (Halloween: Inquisition 2010) // • The Decrepit House (Gothic Literature 2010) // mahogany, cypress, dead leaves, black musk, patchouli, galbanum, tobacco absolute, fragonia, oakmoss • A Howl In The Darkness (Gothic Literature 2010) // brown musk, wild sage, Terebinth pine, black oak, kunzea, cistus labdanum, verbena, juniper, metallic ozone, white mint • Lambs-Wool (Halloweenie 2010) // roasted apples, milk, ale, nutmeg, sugar, ginger, clove • Talvikuu (2005) // birch, fir, snow • Old Man Ackerman's Instructional Toys (The Miskatonic Valley Yuletide Faire) // • Winter of Our Discontent (2006) // balsam, myrrh, mandarin, bitter clove, artemesia, rosewood, nutmeg, dark musk, smoke, cypress • Diwali (2007) // lotus root, mango, tamarind, cardamom, clove, almond milk, cashew, rice flower, coconut, supari, raisin, incense, aloeswood, red sandalwood, cedar, spikenard • Noche Buena (2007) // incense, purple sage, plumeria, chrysanthemum, tuberose, angel's trumpet, Mexican tiger lily, dahlia, azucenas • Jólasveinar (2007) // snow, dirt, moss, marsh felwort, buttercup, orchid, pastries • November (2007) // damp autumn leaves, snow • The Magi (2008) // frankincense, gold, myrrh, coriander, cumin, ambergris, white wine grape, vanilla bean • There's a Certain Slant of Light (2008) // ozone, frankincense, white sandalwood, white amber, hyssop, bitter violet leaf, smoke • Joulumuori (2009) // glowing hearth, luumukiisseli, riisipuuro, sima • Sleipnir (2009) // hazelnuts, honey, elderberries, bilberries, hay, carrot • But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light (2009) // cistus labdanum, ginger, East Indian patchouli, pimento berry, oakmoss, saffron, smoky vanilla, sage, myrrh, bitter clove • Evening Cicadas and Red Peppers (2009) // frost, branches, maple leaves, camellia petals, red peppers, musks • Woods in Winter (2010) // hemlock, juniper berries, snow • F5 (Forum) // aloe, white musk, lime peel, mint, seaspray, verbena, green tea • Tabella (Forum) // olive blossom, frankincense, tobacco flower, benzoin, Little John, bergamot, galangal, angelica, fig, sage, ginger • Agapē (Forum) // carnation, apple, sweet pea, vanilla cream, passionfruit, sugar cane, tonka, guava • Candy Phoenix (2008) // pomegranate, black currant, sugared pear, white apple Iron Phoenix // dragon's blood, metal, black pepper, clove, red ginger, basil, myrrh • The Committee of 300: Meeting Minutes // polished wood, tobacco smoke, faded cologne, neon discharge • Illuminati Cotillion // incense, pipe tobacco, rose, shittim wood • Phantom Time Hypothesis // balm, benzoin, damask rose, gumdragon, lignum aloes, orange water, ambergris, vegetal musk • Skytyping With Chemtrails // spun sugar, white amber, white musk, citron, lemongrass, elemi, zdravetz, ravintsara • Staged Moon Landing // muguet, orris, white sandalwood, galbanum, cistus, dusty vanilla • Tin Foil Hat // ?? • Traipsing Through the Crop Circles // wheat, barley, maize • Mi-Go Brain Canister // pink pepper, peony, jasmine, mango, kiwi, pomegranate, pineapple, white ginger, white tea, light musk • Philommeidês (Lupercalia: Ode to Aphrodite) // peach wine, carnation, lemon peel, osmanthus, blood orange, wood violet, tuberose • Common Jezebel (Metamorphosis: The Butterflies) // apricot, lemon sugar, coconut, red currant, vetiver • Rosy Maple (Metamorphosis: The Moths) // lemon blossom, vanilla bean, huckleberry, sweet pea, rose sugar, acai, candyfloss • Black Lace Resurrected // sugar, vanilla, cream, tobacco, incense, Indian musk, cognac • Giallo (Dark Delicacies: Summer Blockbuster Series) // opopponax, black plum, night-blooming jasmine, benzoin, red musk, violet leaf, orange blossom, mimosa, mandarin, smoky vanilla, tobacco, patchouli, black amber • J-Horror (Dark Delicacies: Summer Blockbuster Series) // stargazer lily, white sandalwood, chrysanthemum, shincha, white mint, eucalyptus, licorice bark, blood orange • Psychological Horror (Dark Delicacies: Summer Blockbuster Series) // musk, something not quite right • Sue's Great Old Puppet Show (Dark Delicacies: Yuletide) // hot cocoa, marshmallows, white glue, googly eyes, felt • The Phantom Cow of Yerba Buena Island (Convergence XIII) • Ligeia (Into the Maelstrom) // jasmine, juniper berry, rose geranium • Spirits of the Dead (Demon in My View) // dry tea leaf, linden blossom, papyrus, orris, coffin wood • The Pit and the Pendulum (Into the Maelstrom) // incense • Nonae Caprotina July 2009 // goat's milk, fig, sweet myrrh • Hua Mulan (Warrior Queens 2009) // pink musk, white ginger, tea leaf, night blooming jasmine, bergamot, leather • Lune Noir (2008) // black orchid, jonquil, white pear, white amber, gardenia, olibanum, champaca, sweet clove, tonka, oakmoss, blue musk • Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel (Summer Garden Miniseries) // raspberry, lime, blueberry, tangerine, lemon, juniper, white grape • Plastic Pink Flamingo (Summer Garden Miniseries) // pink sugar, marshmallow, dandelion, sap • Thirteen October 2006 // cocoa, vanilla beans, mysore sandalwood, star fruit, orange rind, red amber, fig leaf, mimosa, rooibos tea, bourbon geranium, rose otto, nutmeg, lavender • Thirteen February 2009 // dark chocolate, brown sugar, nutmeg, tonka, allspice, star anise, Jamaican and African gingers, devil's shoestring, lucky hand root, thyme • Bedbug (NYCC 2010) // • The Lincoln Tunnel Vortex (NYCC 2010) // discordant, high-pitched, pavement, radiator fluid • Lady Luck Blues // honey, Bulgarian rose, vanilla flower, benzoin, tonka, black plum, peony, iris • Cykronashian Catnip (Underworld Cup 2010) // herbs, mossy, woody, oranges • Silenti (VDSA) // Spanish moss, lilac, wisteria, myrrh, olibanum • Ligur // olibanum, black moss, soggy ti, khus, opoponax • Pollution // green musk, davana, white amber