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Everything posted by Aviatrix

  1. Aviatrix


    This one was patch like WHOA on me. Not something I'd want to smell like again, but if you enjoy patchouli (or just don't amp it like crazy like me) you'll probably like it
  2. Aviatrix

    Mr. Jacquel

    This starts out with a blast of patchouli that was almost too much for me - I prefer my patchouli well-behaved. But after a little while it mellowed and blended in with the spices to create a very nice and soft scent with an edge that almost reminds me of cinnamon. It's a very delightful blend and I'm glad I took the plunge and got a decant after all!
  3. Aviatrix


    Sleek black tea, tobacco leaf, frankincense, lilac, and white musk. I'm getting mostly black tea with a hint of tobacco. No lilac, unfortunately, even though I love the flower. It's indeed a "sleek" kind of scent, and more masculine than I would have thought upon reading the notes. I quite like it, but at the same time I feel it's too masculine for what I would normally wear. I'll have to decide if I need more of this, but so far I think my decant is enough
  4. Aviatrix

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Hehe, it may be redunandant, but you should definitely try the RPG blend Chaotic Also, for some reason I'm thinking some of the Fraggles might be right up your alley, like Wembley: Innocently indecisive: white musk, banana, orange blossom honey, pineapple, and mint. You might like to explore many of the Wanderlust scents, for your curiosity about the world. Some of my personal faves include London, Morocco and Shanghai, but you could start wherever you'd like. Also, the imaginary lands part of the Wanderlust section could fit your love of fantasy genres and rpg's, so you might like to try Lyonesse or one of the others. Also the discontinued scent Tintagel.
  5. Aviatrix


    This is a very realistic and gorgeous forest blend. It smells exactly like damp forest floor and mosses. It's less sharp than my favorite forest blend Nocnitsa; it's more round and soft, but still life-like foresty. I can definitely see how a druid would smell like this, and it's very good indeed. Not as good as Nocnitsa, but close.
  6. Aviatrix


    This is like a fizzy ginger ale, with a teensy bit of balsam in the background! It's spicy and peppery and festive, and I really like it! It's not something I would habitually wear, but it's very good nonetheless. I will love to experiment with layering with this one, although I suspect it will overpower many of the other RPG scents, as they tend to be much lighter than this one.
  7. Aviatrix


    I'm getting mainly a blast of frankincense and myrrh, with a bit of the balsam in the background. I'm sorry, but that's all I can make out. It fits the concept of a cleric very well, and I'm definitely going to experiment with layering it with the other RPGs, but I won't be getting a bottle; it's too nondescript for me.
  8. Aviatrix

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    If you like leather, I can warmly recommend trying the Steamworks scent Tarasque. It's a soft, spicy leather Oh, and I forgot to add, Picture Books in Winter has a little bit of the same feel as The Soldier, in that it is a bit of leather + a warm overtone of caramel. PBIW was way too foody on me. I super want to hunt down Tarasque, but apparently it's an event only GC? Yes, it's sold at cons and so on. I signed up for an event group order/fairy to buy my bottle, so that might be a possibility to consider, if you're unable to go by yourself?
  9. Aviatrix

    The Last Unicorn

    On me this is almost just lettuce, and very faint at that. I am getting some nondescript sweetness from the rest of the notes, but nothing I can make out. I might not keep my bottle, because it is just so faint, and I see very little purpose in wearing perfume that I can't smell
  10. Aviatrix


    This really is a cookie scent! It's also much lighter than many other BPAL baked goods scents I have tried (and not liked). It has a slightly nutty edge, too. I can definitely see why halflings would smell like that, haha! It's probably not enough for a big bottle for me, but I will hold onto my imp and experiment with RPG layering with it now! Maybe a Halfling Rogue could be good, hm....?
  11. Aviatrix

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    If you like leather, I can warmly recommend trying the Steamworks scent Tarasque. It's a soft, spicy leather Oh, and I forgot to add, Picture Books in Winter has a little bit of the same feel as The Soldier, in that it is a bit of leather + a warm overtone of caramel.
  12. Aviatrix

    Dark LE recommendations

    For dark and macabre, many things from the Miskatonic Philharmonic or The Festival line from last Yule might work. And since you mention hellhounds yourself, if you can get your hands on some Hellhound on My Trail, that might fit the bill as well.
  13. Thought I'd add Tarasque to the growing tea list. It has a nice, smooth, spicy tea note, a lot of reviewers describe it as licorice tea.
  14. Aviatrix

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    "dusty Bible accord" don't mind if I do! All of those sound great, especially Picture Books in Winter--I'd love to track that down. Thank you! Oh, silly me, I forgot to recommend Miskatonic University, which has a bit of the same feel of Picture Books, but is GC, in case you can't find the LE for sale
  15. Aviatrix

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    wynne: You might like Elf, Fae, Titania or Aeval for your fae-like, woodland qualities! And The Buggre Alle This Bible for your love of old theology Your English teacher style might be captured well by White Rabbit or Severin, which is sadly discontinued but does show up once in a while for sale, or one of my favorites: Picture Books in Winter.
  16. Just wanted to add another licorice scent to the evergrowing list: Tarasque. It doesn't have licorice listed in the notes, but many of the reviews mention it. Personally, I don't get a lot of licorice from it, but apparently many others do. ETA I agree that there is nothing licorice-y about La Befana; it's a sugared violet scent and one of my favorite florals, but no anise or anything in sight
  17. Aviatrix


    This one is really pretty. It opens up with a blast of spice and lemoniness that could either be from the tea note or the amber. Labdanum sometimes goes strange on me, so I was a little wary at first, but it turned out absolutely beautiful, so all was good! It fairly quickly settles into a very skin-close, leathery, resinous scent with that little touch of freshness from the tea. The comparisons to Dorian are not too far off; at least both Dorian and Tarasque have the same kind of warm vibe. I am very pleased with my bottle
  18. Hm, chai tea latte? I'm not sure, but Pumpkin Masala Rooibos has a bunch of classical chai spices in it, as well as rooibos red tea. But then again, it also has pumpkin. And no milky notes. I'm not sure that's what you're looking for, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
  19. Aviatrix

    Rational scents?

    You mentioned it yourself, but I would like to second Aziraphale. It's a very soft and refined, slightly bookish scent that doesn't overwhelm but rather envelops in a cloud of geek, so to speak. Another library-ish scent is The Lurid Library, which is more incense than Aziraphale, though, so if you're not into incense-type scents, you might want to pass it up. But definitely bookish as well. Also, as others have mentioned, the Steamworks collection is perfect for geekiness and engineering type scents!
  20. Aviatrix

    Bog water etc.

    I'm sorry to hear that, Valtiel!
  21. Aviatrix

    Scents that help you study

    Another blend that is reminiscent of Miskatonic University, and that I have myself used in my writing group to feel studious and creative, is Picture Books in Winter from last year's Yules. It's nice and bookish, but faint enough that it won't distract you from your work.
  22. Aviatrix


    This starts out a little cologney, but after a while it fades into a sweet incense with a touch of the beloved BPAL book note. I am also getting a very faint sweetness that must be the candle wax. It takes a little while for it to become really good, but once it does, I really like it
  23. Aviatrix

    Dana O'Shee

    This is extremely soft and creamy, and I'm getting something almost reminiscent of almond - maybe a kind of almond milk? Anyway, it's quite nice, but it's just SO FAINT on me I can smell it fine in the bottle, but hardly at all once it hits my skin. So I won't be getting a bottle, but I wish it had more oomph, because it's certainly a sweet blend in the vial.
  24. Aviatrix

    Black Rose

    Exquisitely melancholy. The background scent to an ancient exequies. Heavy, dark and floral: a blend of roses, with a touch of amber and musk. This is heaviest on the rose, almost a bit too much for me. There is a snuggly musk in the background as well, although I'm not getting any of the amber. It's a little too rosey for me, overall, but I like the concept.
  25. Aviatrix


    This is very faint on me, but there is one note - and I'm not sure which one - that goes a bit iffy on me, slightly sickly sweet. It reminds me somewhat of the note that ruined Thieves' Rosin for me, but here it's to a lesser degree. That's all I'm getting, unfortunately