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Posts posted by Aviatrix

  1. I initially get a lot of jasmine tea, and luckily it's a very well-behaved and lovely jasmine. Jasmine can go really bad on me, so I was very pleased to discover this was not such a case!

    After a while of drying down, the amber starts peeking out, and eventually it takes over the scent completely, with only the faintest trace of sweetened floral tea in the background. I never really get any of the vanilla, unless that's the sweet quality of the tea?


    I love this! If you love elegant tea salon scents and a bit of flowers doesn't scare you, I am sure you will love this too!

  2. I had high hopes for this one, and unfortunately it didn't really live up to them.


    I get a lot of the grassy notes, and a teensy bit of incense. I don't get any of the candy, sadly.

    It has rather low throw on me, but lasts a fair amount of time.


    I'm happy to have my decant, but probably won't be needing any more.

  3. Sherlock Holmes is very faint on my skin, but it actually suits me just fine, as this kind of scent does well as a close-to-the-skin scent.


    It does indeed feel very "clean" and a little soapy, but not in a bad way, more of a cheerful way. There is a distinct tobacco note underneath, and sadly it is not the sweet tobacco note I love the best. But it'll do!


    I do however get a little whiff of something sweet, that I assume is the leather and rosin, hiding in the waaaay back.


    It is a difficult scent to describe, I think, as it seems more like a feeling than an actual scent. But so far I quite like it. I wear it to chemistry class to boost my science-ness! :D

  4. This starts off as sweet, sweet almond - not too strong, but with a nice throw - and after a while it settles into the skin with a teensy bit of floral quality from the mimosa, and the longer I wear it, the more the vanilla cream takes over.


    I find it utterly beautiful, a truly romantic and soft blend that I could even see myself wearing in winter, because of the sweet atmosphere in it. It is not foody-sweet, however, so if you're worried about that, you might want to take a chance on this.


    I am so glad I bought a blind bottle - my collection was completely lacking in almond/almond blossom blends, and this is a most worthy addition. It has a definite Lupercalia feel to it, and I feel beautiful when I wear it!

  5. At first this smells rather soapy and not very interesting. But as it warms onto my skin, I get much more of the fruitiness, especially blackcurrant and I quite like it. I am not sure I get any metal from it, though.


    It has decent throw and good wear length. Overall, it is very pretty, but I can see how it could come across as a little generic because there are so few notes and all. But I am glad I bought a bottle blind! This is the right sort of warm fruity scent I need.

  6. Hello, I'm new to BPAL and these forums, and also very clueless about perfumes and such things.


    I'm 20, male and from Sweden. 5'7" and built like a hobbit (sans hairy feet, thankfully). My hair is medium to dark brown and my eyes are blue-grey-green and seem to shift colour based on the light and what I'm wearing. My zodiac sign is Gemini and I was born in the year of the Dog. Generally I look like a scruffy hobo, though I can dress nicely if I must. I pretty much always wear band shirts, army surplus trousers and my beloved big black boots.


    I am an introverted person, quiet a lot until you get me going about one of my interests and then I simply won't stop talking. I like to draw and write, creativity is important to me, aesthetics are too. I'm a big fan of bands such as Bauhaus, Swans, Anna von Hausswolff, The Velvet Underground, PJ Harvey and such. Music is also very important to me, though I only listen to it, can't play any instruments. I love books and reading, one of my dreams has been to be able to find a perfume (sorry if I use the wrong words here btw) that smells like old books since that is possibly the single most comforting smell there is to me. Books I like include Dune, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Gormenghast, various Lovecraft stories, William Gibson's stuff, Discworld books and much much more. Other hobbies include video games (currently obsessed with The Elder Scrolls games, especially Morrowind), tabletop roleplaying games, cooking and languages... well, I suppose that's it. I love tea and requie it to function at all. There's something so soothing about the simple steps involved in making a cup of tea.


    I am very new to the world of scents and perfumes, and my vocabulary to describe these things is very limited, so I apologize if I use the wrong words.


    Scents I've liked: I love the scent of old books, the scent of woodsmoke (like lighting a campfire in the forest), the scent of the forest, spices (like cinnamon, saffron, cloves, ginger, sandalwood maybe counts as a spice as well), leather, sometimes tobacco, the scent of tar, the scent of freshly cooked asphalt, the scent of smoked products such as Lapsang Souchong tea, the scent of a good stout or other dark beer, the scent of either freshly brewed or a newly opened package of coffee.

    Scented products I have used and liked have been Dolce & Gabbana's The One (male version, a sort of spicy scent), the soap King of Sumatra by a company called Kings And Queens that seem to exist no more (pepper and bergamot scented soap), and I guess that's it, really. I used Lush's Soak 'n Float shampoo until I got tired of people making comments about how I always smelled like I'd been cooking bacon all the time.


    To summarize, I am a short hobbity nerd with a faiblesse for postpunk type music, tea, books and the scent of smoke. I don't mind smelling a bit unusual, but I'd rather not smell like some sort of incredibly feminine scent. My favourite colour is green but I wear mainly black.


    Thank you for reading through this, I hope you have a wonderful day!


    If you're looking for a scent that captures that beautiful "old books smell", you might want to check out either Aziraphale from the Good Omens line, The Book from the ParaNorman line, or Limited Edition scents like The Lurid Library, Conservatory Tableaux or Scholar's Tower.

    For your combined love of Lovecraft and books, I'd definitely suggest Miskatonic University.

    Maybe you would also find Halfling fun, to complement your hobbity nature :D

    Even though there is sadly no Dark Elf scent, for your fascination with Morrowind I might suggest Elf.

    And since you like a lot of fantastical worlds and intriguing music, you might find a love in Jareth, which is also a great masculine scent!

  7. This is seriously good, people! I like it way more than I thought I would, as I am not usually in for the darker scents.


    There is a faint booziness shrouding the scent, but nothing too overwhelming if you're worried about that. The rest of the notes blend seamlessly together to create a warm, decadent and deep scent, perfect for the scent description.


    As it dries down, the vanilla peeks out a bit more and sweetens the whole blend. It doesn't ever go sweet-sweet, though, but remains perfectly dark in an almost gleaming sort of way, evoking imagery of deep, dark velvet and leather and dripping wax candles.


    I might need a big bottle of this in my life! :smile:

  8. Because I gave some recs but didn't ask for any.


    Top 5, in no order:

    Adam (OLLA)


    Hallowee'en 1914

    Tattie Boggle

    Black Rider

    It seems like you enjoy earthy dirt scents, so I would definitely give both Yorick and Penny Dreadful a try. Also, if you like the maple in 1914 you might like the Shunga Noh Mask and Maple Leaves.


    For Black Rider I would suggest either Hans Trapp or Liz.


  9. Alrighty, this should be interesting. My enduring top five would have to be:


    - Paduan Killer Swarm

    - Golden Priapus

    - Whoso List To Hunt

    - Brown Jenkin

    - Dana O' Shee

    If you like the sweet milky quality in Dana O'Shee, you might very well like both Go to Sleep, Darlings and Reflected Vulva, which is heaviet on the floral aspects, but still retains the creamy softness. :)

  10. Hello!

    My favourites so far are The Antikytheria Mechanism, No.93 Engine, The White Rider, and Enraged Bunny Musk. I'm not sure if it helps but some I have disliked are 'Tis The Voice of the Lobster, Al-Azif, and Undertow.



    Thanks :) :heart:


    If you liked Antikythera Mechanism, you might also enjoy Tombstone.

    I was also thinking you might like Brisingamen, and some of the other Steamworks scents like Aelopile or Galvanic Goggles.


    I hope you find some good ones to try! :)

  11. Gelt

    The amber is definitely there, but it is mainly a milk chocolate note. It's a little too much for me, though; like the chocolate is too dry or something. Not sure what it is, but it's not really for me :(

  12. This is not the typical snow note, but more of an ozone-y kind. It feels almost like an evergreen scent! That could be the oakmoss working, though.

    There is a tiny floral hint from the muguet in the background, but mostly it feels a little foresty and ozone-y.


    It doesn't have a lot of throw on me, though. I won't be needing a full bottle, but I'm glad I got to try it, and I will keep my decant for days when I want a little greenery in my life!

  13. The rose and the apple are the strongest notes here, and they work really well together. I'm not usually a fan of the apple note, but in this one it's held neatly in check by the tea roses.

    I am not getting any of the vanilla or mahogany per se, but I'm sure they are the notes grounding the whole scent.


    Overall I quite like it, but maybe not enough to get a full bottle. It has a juicy freshness about it that surprised me! It seems fitting to wear at a tea party or something like that. :smile:

  14. This is a very elegant little scent. The rose is the strongest note, held in check by the wood and the tea, which come and go in and out of the scent as it dries down. The lilac is not very noticeable, though.

    The black tea is not too strong, so if you're on the fence about the tea, you might want to check it out anyway!


    This has a definite old-fashioned, Victorian vibe to it; a little bit elegant, a little bit dark, and a little bit whimsical.


    I might need a bottle of this, even though I'm not sure when exactly to wear it. :smile:

  15. The linen is not super strong on me, which is good, because I'm not much of a linen type of gal. The red wine is the strongest in the bottle and wet on the skin, but it fades rather quickly. What is left is a very sweet, slightly floral, but not too much so, scent that has a faint bit of booziness to it, too. The bread behaves nicely as well.


    To my nose it is actually fairly close to this year's Mari Lwyd, which is also a slightly floral cakey/foody blend. I don't know which of these I like best.


    Deipnophobia is definitely a sweet little adventure in scent, and if you're curious about any of the notes at all, I'd give this a try; it won't disappoint!

  16. This starts off as a blast of ozone. Not too sharp, though, just a very fresh blast. It settles down quickly, however, and the scent deepens somewhat; I am not sure what it is I'm getting, but I can see how it could come across as a woodsy type of quality.

    There is also something in it that reminds me a little of Stormclouds Over the Midway!

    It read as rather masculine on me, so I don't think I'll be needing a full bottle, as I tend to wear mostly feminine scents. I could see the right kind of woman pulling it off as well, though.


    But if you like something fresh and a little different, and certainly masculine/unisex, this might just be for you!

  17. This is very good! The cologne gives a freshness to the blend, but stays in the background. In the foreground is more than just a little dusting of cake crumbs, or maybe more like bread crumbs; it's not overly sweet or cakey, but has a definite baked goods quality to it.

    If I try to pick them out, I can sort of distinguish the herbs as well. There is a smokiness to the blend that reminds me a little of La Befana; must be the fireplace ash!

    I can certainly see the comparison to Dorian here; although the Dorian-quality stays in the back, you can feel the light, slightly masculine, but sweetly so, atmosphere in it.


    I might need a big bottle of this!

  18. I was looking forward to a good leather scent, but unfortunately it's a little TOO much leather for my tastes. It swamps everything in the scent and comes out as a very dry, slightly acrid leather :(

    But I'm sure someone who loves leather more than me will be very pleased with this! It has much more leatheriness going on than, say, Le Pere Fouettard, which had a similar concept.

  19. This is pretty much straight up white tea on me. A very powerful scent, indeed. I am not getting any of the candle wax, but that is fine with me, as beeswax has a tendency to amp the hell out of every scent on me. If I concentrate, I can pick out the lilac, which is fresh and sweet, but never cloying.


    Overall, it's a very cute little scent, but maybe too single note-ish white tea for me to need more than a decant.


    ETA After having let is settle for a week I retested, and it was so much more beautiful. The tea and lilac blend wonderfully and I get the subtlest sweetness from the beeswax. Definitely a bottle for me! I can see myself wearing this at tea parties in gardens ^_^

  20. At first I get a lot of the herbal lavender and the cake. As it settles into my skin, I'm getting mostly sweet, sweet cake and a little bit of ale, with the lavender firmly in the background.

    It dries down to a sweet, slightly booze scent, with an almost fruity quality to it. No lavender anymore.


    I was very glad the lavender behaved in this, as lavender has a tendency to go headachy and too sharply herbal on me. Not this time, though!


    I really like this, it is very festive and happy, and I can definitely see the Yule quality to it. I will cherish my decant, but it's probably a bit too cakey for me to need a big bottle after all.

  21. I'm new to BPAL, but I'll give this a shot (I'm really bad at describing myself):


    I'm 16 and I live in the American South in a small town, but I want to go to college in a big city. I love city living and traveling to new places; in fact, I'm taking a trip to Italy for my spring break! I love learning about history.


    I'm pretty quiet. I used to be really shy, but I've gotten over a lot of my shyness and become more outgoing.


    I have a deep fascination with the macabre. Maybe it's because my dad owns a funeral home, but I've always loved mythology, the supernatural and gothic horror, especially the Southern Gothic genre. I love to write my own stories, and I love doing research for the backgrounds of those stories, like researching poisons the murderer would use. Hannibal is my favorite tv show of all time.


    On a lighter note, I also love Marvel and DC Comics. I want to someday work as a screenwriter for superhero films.


    I hope this was enough info!

    For your Southern Gothic vibe, try Jazz Funeral or maybe New Orleans.

    Cicuta might also be good for a funeral home kind of creepy-but-elegant.

    For your love of the macabre, any of the Haunted House scents from halloweens past, or Danse Macabre :)

  22. How about snowy scents that are somewhat sweet or floral? I love Snow White and feel like A Lady Tall and White will be a similar smooth cozy sort of feeling, but I'm hoping to find more cool, snowy sweet floral scents. I also love Pink Snowballs but feel like they're almost a class of their own. Help me find more?


    There are several flowers+snow scents out there. Just off the top of my head there's: Cloth of Gold, Dust of Snow, and A Cold, Clear Winter Day. Also Almond Blossom!

