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Posts posted by Balame

  1. C'mon forumites, I know you all have plenty of wonderful recs to share. :) Let's not leave such a clever, fun thread all abandoned and dusty.


    I'll address some of the backlog to start.


    I'm a 21 year old, aennagram 8w7, Scorpio, ISFP. I was sorted into house Slytherin.


    Black Forest - Thick, viscous pine with ambergris, black musk, juniper and cypress.

    Clio - Warm, dry parchment of scrolls, lavender for critical thought and analysis, the solidity of heavy woods, ornery patchouli and glib benzoin, and superstar-splashed orange and amber.

    How Doth the Little Crocodile - Chocolate peppermint, mint-soaked vanilla, pistachio, oakmoss, and green cedar.

    Lady Death: Savage - White musk, grey amber, Calabrian bergamot, vanilla absolute, French labdanum, styrax, wormwood, caraway, and bois de jasmin.

    Philologus - Ancient books, crackled parchment, faded incense, and candle wax.

    Red-Spotted Purple - White thyme, yuzu fruit, hinoki wood, blue cedar, white carnation, plum rind, white mandarin, and lime-tinted white musk.

    Tombstone - A rugged, warm blend of vanilla, balsam and sassafras layered over Virginia cedar.


    I am very curious about what anyone might say.


    Black Lace - The embodiment of Victorian funereal elegance. A delicate sugar-spun vanilla cream cotton, stained by tobacco and incense, Indian musk, and drops of cognac.

    Dorian - A Victorian fougere with three pale musks and dark, sugared vanilla tea.

    Gothic Horror - Morbidly romantic, thick with murky melodrama, untouched by the centuries, and dust-rimed: Byzantine incense, benzoin, myrrh, bitter clove, spikenard, oud, and ancient balsam.

    Lord Ruthven - The father of all dandy aristocrat vampires: Aqua Admirabilis with polished boot leather and blood.

    Shelley, Byron and Keats - Uncompromising idealism, haunted romanticism, fatal ennui, and a heady amount of scandal and vice: red roses and pale carnation with a draught of laudanum, smears of opium tar, a hint of absinthe, and mercury ointment.

    The Gentleman - A dapper cologne, distant and refined: white musk, lime rind, and rosemary water with tobacco leaf and lilac.

    Tombeur - Vanilla-infused sandalwood, blood musk, antique patchouli, vetiver, lavender, bitter almond, amber, and a trickle of Snake Oil.

    Transeo - Benzoin, orange blossom, cumin, King mandarin, gaiac wood, juniper berry, Calabrian bergamot, Ceylon cinnamon, and blood camouflaged by wine.

  2. This is very, very perfumey. I don't know why I didn't heed the other reviews, maybe because some people said they were just getting honey and spiced resins. But nope, not on me. It's sharp and ashy yet also cloyingly sweet and powdery. I mean no offense to grandmothers, my own would never be caught dead wearing something like this, but since a lot of us have a "special" scent memory associated with the phrase, I have to say Imaginer smells like a grandma sort of perfume.


    I do enjoy all of the notes listed individually, so something about the way they're coming together here is just not working for me.

  3. Ooh, Harigata II. Where have you been all my life? (Actually don't answer that, considering "harigata" means "dildo." :lol:)


    This is a delicious, creamy blend, and as the Coconut Queen, I am very pleased. It smells like soft coconut flakes with just a hint of nutty warmth swimming in a milky base.

    I had avoided this for years because of the anise, but I finally tested it out since some of the reviews said it wasn't too noticeable. Luckily, they were right!

    I could sort of pick out the anise fresh on my skin, but it wasn't heavily licorice-smelling (which is what I dislike). I would say it was a little sharper during that stage, but it quickly settled down.


    I actually think this is one of the best BPAL coconut blends overall, definitely the truest smelling - very close to fresh coconut milk.

    I just tried Arcana's Fresh Coconut layering note a while back and I think this is even more realistic than that, since the layering note is on the sweeter side (but still very lovely).

    How fortunate to find another favorite blend so late in my BPAL-sniffing career. It's especially perfect for the hot summer we've been having. Soft and refreshing yet sultry.

  4. After all the wonderful recs I wanted to drop by and give another update -


    First off, All the Dust and Blood Throughout ended up being total busts on me, as were most blends from the Plague line unfortunately. Dust was icky cherry almond and candy cinnamon while Blood was an overwhelming mix of red musk and ozone.


    I ended up finding a bottle of Paduan Killer Swarm and yup, it's fantastic! A nice dry heat with just a hint of spice, followed by a delicate coconut sneaking into the base notes. It's not a direct interpretation of the desert but it definitely provides the feeling I was after. Also, vox was kind enough to follow up with me and mentioned Ma'at (currently unreleased), with all the reviews describing it as sand. She's on a roll with the enabling so that's next on my hit list!


    I also tried Arcana's Shambhala recently and it scratches the same itch. I posted a short review here but basically I find it similar to Lear (mentioned upthread) with the bonus of rich honey dribbling over the resins.

  5. Brings to mind an ethereal, gentle and luscious fairy queen draped in white silks. Gorgeous! This is indeed similar to Snow White (without the weird plastic) and also in the same family as Aphrogenes and Loosening of the Obi, but it's not as heavily floral or boozy. Just the right amount of sweetness.


    Dia seemed too focused on the floral aspect directly on the skin, but it quickly settled into a soft white musk and realistic coconut. The amber adds a breath of sweetness while the oakmoss provides just enough of an edge that it doesn't feel candyish. The tobacco flower turns into something really amazing the longer it sits. I loved it in Ginny the Reaper of Vengeance, but while it was drowned out in the booze there, here you can really pick out the amazing vanillic sweetness.


    This is pretty much a perfect vanilla/coconut cushioned in white musk. I would probably enjoy it even more without the musk since it ever so slightly deepens things (it ends up feeling more "hazy" than "airy" if that makes sense), but that's just a personal preference. I still think it's fantastic and hoard-worthy, like being lost in an opulent dream. For Labyrinth fans, I bet Sarah smelled like this all decked out in that pristine white princess dress while dancing in Jareth's ballroom.

  6. Oh my goodness, oh my dayum. They gotta' slam (dunk).


    This is gorgeous. When first on SNaS smelled very much like a lighter version of French Tobacco SN with the bonus of ambergris.

    As it dries the vanilla, honey and balsam give this a very elegant yet seductive side while the woods balance out all the lush notes with their grounding presence.

    The rose is extremely well-behaved and just peeps out behind everything else, and I'm usually very sensitive (read: terrified) of it, so that was a relief.


    Sleeping Nymph is glorious, rich and sweet with a subtle lick of naughtiness. I'm completely taken with this one.

    It's like if Prosperous Flowers of the Elegant Twelve Seasons, Beauty the Aggrieved and Lyonesse had a love child, which is an extremely good thing.

    Definitely want to find more.

  7. Also what do you think the characters of Vikings would smell like?


    I've wondered about this myself. They're kind of hard to place since I don't think a viking should smell too refined... though Floki seems perfect for Laughter of Loki. He's famous for his ships though, so Ship of Hel or The Sea Rat could work. For Helga maybe Venerable Priestess of the Wood? It's incense-y and pretty but still very green and outdoorsy. Also The Chicken-Legged Hut! It's got that homey warmth with a mystical vibe.


    Athel isn't as difficult, I'd go with Aureus. I think it's great for him because it reminds me of a cathedral in the woods, so it expresses his faith getting caught between Catholicism and Paganism. I would say Midnight Mass too, but it feels too dark for him.


    For Ragnar it's gotta' be Odin. Got that warrior vibe, plus Odin is his family's god. For a more refined King Ragnar I'd go for something sexy but still wild, probably Antique. Rollo... Dragon's Hide? And Bloodlust.


    For Lagertha I like Brisingamen but it needs to be roughed up a bit, so I'd layer it with Fighter or something tougher. I think Dark Rosaleen would work for Siggy, since it's very regal but still smells earthy and practical. Aslaug: Skuld or Scrappy Damsel. Bjorn could fit Rending of the Rock. It's kind of a masculine, no-nonsense blend and yet it smells surprisingly clean and straight edge like him.


    How about Ecbert? I want to say something like Crypt King, because he's charismatic and manipulative. He enjoys being in a position of power but is too smart to get his hands dirty. Blends like Jareth are too floofy for him, and King Haggard is too brusque (though I could see that for Jarl Borg before the end).

  8. The cedar here amps early on, indeed giving this a bit of a "sweet hamster cage" vibe, but after that it's a very true vanilla sandalwood. The vanilla is the soft, sort of powdery kind, but it doesn't veer into baby powder territory . The sandalwood is soft and lovely. Balsam makes everything smoother and the frank is pretty well-behaved, adding just a bit of heaviness to the blend. It's almost a bit too sweet for me, even though I enjoy all the notes. Kind of foody overall, and it does remind me of Tombstone. On the fence about whether to hang onto this or not.

  9. Quite nice, and it figures. All the other plagues either bombed big time or underwhelmed me, but the super rare one I'll never get more of I like. :P


    The frank and agarwood mix to give this an almost grape-y incense feel. It reminds me of Philosopher in Meditation at first, but not as heavy. It's got the same rich, sweet frank as Herodotus' Phoenix; something you can sink your teeth/nose into. Very incense heavy, leaning toward the sugary sweet side, but stops short before getting foody. I actually think Relics of Herself is the closest approximation I can come up with, since as it dries it gets softer.


    A pretty blend, but thankfully not one I'm going to pine over. This is very similar to other incense blends I like more, that are easier to get. If you love frank then you'll enjoy this, but it really doesn't differentiate itself from others in the incense family to warrant obsessive hording.

  10. Sniffed wet, I smell blood on top of sharp metallic notes. Uugh, and something here is too sweet again like it was in Fire Mingled. Ozonic notes with sweetness just do not work for me. I think juniper is the culprit since it's definitely a woodsy sweetness, but it does kind of remind me of dragon's blood (which I dislike). This is like a spicy soapy men's cologne + dragon's blood. It's another one listed as dry but is anything but to me. Almost reads like it has red musk. Not me at all.

  11. This is kind of similar to Eldritch Drunken Constellations, but much heavier and sweeter. It has the same bright, fizzy quality of EDC but with a commercial-smelling vanilla mint. To use an example, the combo reminds me of the little green mint candies certain restaurants will give you after a meal, haha. As it dries the sage and balsam mix to provide a wet, green backdrop for the sugary notes. It's definitely not dry or restrained to me. I was hoping for something in the line of How Doth the Little Crocodile, which is a delicately sweet and natural vanilla/mint/resins, but this reads as too candy-ish for me.

  12. Yikes, this blend is intense. I decided to grab a decant when a Will Call attendee said it was kind of vanillic, but smelling it from the vial this is super ozonic and sharp. We've definitely got an aquatic here, but it's mixed with something that smells like white florals, as MCS mentioned. So yes, there is a definite sweetness present but it's kind of like a floral soap with extra "cleaner smell" in the backdrop. There is a smoky, ashen quality as well which definitely does not save this because flowers + ash is one of my death combos. It was the same terrifying, headache-y crap in Battle of Vigridr. Which I suppose is fitting, but not for me at all. Had to wash this one off.

  13. I generally don't like almond in BPAL for the sharp cherry-ish scent, but thankfully the note is subdued here. It does go on super cherry at first, but it quickly relaxes into a pleasant milky almond. On me this blend is surprisingly light. I figured it might have a little "hot candy" kick from the cinnamon bark, but it's actually an elegant spiced wood made smoother by the tonka.


    It's kind of like an improved hybrid between Goatweed Leafwing and Question Mark, minus the citrus. But where QM turned kind of powdery and grandma on me, this is a wonderfully subtle woodsy blend with the slightest hint of incense. The frankincense is very soft, and I barely register patch when I smell this. It's kind of nice because while I enjoy patchouli, it tends to dominate, and that's not the case here. This is definitely it's own thing and not simply "another patch blend."


    Fully dry I get a sweetened almond/dust/wood combo. It's not particularly dry like I imagined it would be, but that's okay. It verges on being just a bit too sweet for me, but I'm pretty sensitive to those things. It is nice to have found another spice blend that doesn't go crazy on my skin. I think with some aging the almond/tonka will chill out and this will become even nicer, so I'll probably snag a bottle or at least a partial to horde for later.

  14. Very very new (as in, waiting for my first scents new) and I was curious if there was anything similar to some of my favorite scents. I've been looking through the directory.. but just in case... any suggestions?


    Just so you know, there's a search feature in the upper right corner that will let you search for specific terms in each thread (it's marked as Search: (this topic) so you don't have to look through results from the entire forum). Not saying this to be all, "Omg, why can't you just search you fool!" but more that you're new and I thought it might be helpful. :) In this case Dior's Poison has been remarked on a few times and people have recommended:


    Dark Delicacies - A heady and darkly romantic blend of devil's trumpet accord, black orchid, tonka, coconut meat, fruit gums, osmanthus, smoky resin, myrtle, and Indonesian patchouli.

    Fairy Market - Otherworldy golden incense, blooming wind-flowers, everlasting lavender, bluebell, a faint whiff of exotic sugared candies, and fae mist upon wet green grass.

    Horreur Sympathique - Blood musk, golden honey, thick black wine, champagne grapes, tobacco flower, plum blossom, tonka bean, oakmoss, carnation, benzoin, opoponax, and sugar cane.


    There's also another thread specifically for Dior that just got bumped here. Giallo was brought up there (Opopponax, black plum, night-blooming jasmine, benzoin, red musk, violet leaf, orange blossom, mimosa, mandarin, smoky vanilla, tobacco, patchouli, and black amber.)


    For Bvlgari Black, perhaps Antikythera Mechanism. It's simpler, but has a similar dark vanilla/resin combo. Others in that vein are Iole, Kubla Khan, Liz, As Above, Mysterious Warning, Leather Phoenix, Haute Macabre. I feel like you'd probably like Prosperous Flowers of the Elegant Twelve Seasons and/or A Variety of Pleasing Amusements. They're vanilla/leather with honey added into the mix.


    Based on your description of Dzing! it makes me think of Aziraphale. It's a soft, clean dusty blonde wood with a hint of something sweet and resinous. Very nice but no leather. The White Rider is the softest GC leather I can think of and one of my favorites. Or rather I take that back - Paladin is one notch below White Rider and is basically sweet leather with vanilla and a hint of musk. Dee is a great gentle leather, though it's more sandalwood/very delicate rose + leather. It has a bookish vibe like Aziraphale. I feel like you should give Question Mark and Goatweed Leafwing a shot too. Seems like they might be in a similar vein. You also might like Perversion based on the note list.


    Flying Fox: Defututa, Euphrosyne, Hal, Ceanothus Silkmoth

  15. I have been wanting to post in this thread for a while but needed to sit down and try to narrow down my faves. There are so many!


    The Gaoler's Daughter: The Vine, A Thought From Propertius, Gods of Intercourse

    Creepy: Lambs-Wool, Elegba, Mitzvah, Red Lantern, Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple

    Josie: Aglaea, Mare Nectaris, Peach I, Peach V

    Agrat Bat Mahlat: The Golden Apple of the Sun, Heroine, Eve's Big Apple (HG), Venus Obsequens

    Lemon Scented Sticky Bat: Delight and Consternation, New Orleans, Pleasant Embrace, Yellow Snowballs

    Ae. Aegypti: Honey (HG), Dragon's Milk, Honey Moon, Pepper, Beautiful and Adored


    *edit* Just remembered Sphaeromachia Gaumeri for another one like Sticky Bat.

  16. Oh man, I want to cry over the fact that I missed/overlooked this one when it was released. (But maybe not, since I'm tired of tears and all that.) Didn't know I was an oudh fan back then.


    This is a fantastic lavender. A lot of BPAL's lavenders tend to read as very astringent on me, which is a bit depressing since I actually enjoy the herb. The main success I've had is with Who In the World Am I, which is an awesome vanillic/cotton lavender that's much more subdued.


    Here I get the same softer, sweeter lavender. It's delicate and absolutely lovely. It seems a lot of people found this blend very strong based on earlier reviews, so it must've aged to perfection. This is as close to the actual plant as you can get. The best part is the oudh and benzoin do this crazy thing where, instead of adding a dry woodsiness, make this smell rounded and richer. Almost like a (cleanly) smoky lavender incense, if that makes sense.


    And... it's fuzzy. I'm not even kidding, I imagine this is what it smells like if you were to press your face into a unicorn's mane. Softly sweet, magical, with a furry warmth. Such a great blend! Now I have another LE to hunt down.

  17. I've seen the recs for characters from Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2, but what about Inquisition? Anyone played who'd like to take a stab at what each companion (bonus points for the Inquisitor and advisors!) might smell like??


    Oh jeez. I'll try to avoid obvious examples like "Mage" or "Warrior" depending on the characters' classes. It's getting late and I'd like to put a ton of thought into this, but off the top of my head:



    Playing with Dangerous Toys - Blackwall is my Inquisition OTP! I think this suits him because he's always working on those wooden toys for the kiddos. Like Blackwall, it's tough, woodsy and masculine but with hints of sweetness. And Blackwall does have his dangerous side...

    Captain Cully - He has experience leading others and I see this as "cleaned up" Blackwall. It's a bit cold in feeling but ironically playful. The porter gives it a little bit of gruffness. The softer musk and smack of leather hints at his hidden sense of humor.



    White Peacock - His last name means "peacock" in Latin so I've seen him depicted with them a lot in fanart. This blend is one of my faves. It's a little haughty and flaunts its sexiness, but also very beautiful with a gentle core.

    Dorian - His namesake! And it suits him. Refined, sweet and a little naughty.


    The Iron Bull:

    skekUng the Garthim-Master - Someone described this as a big burly individual having just come from fighting a dragon. It's a match made in heaven.

    The Soldier - Slight reference to the rigidity of Qunari society... but this solider is all about showing his kinky dominant side with a swirl of cream.



    Boadicea - Had to think on this one a bit. I knew I wanted one of the Warrior Queens, but wasn't sure which. Had to settle on this because it has dragon's blood, and the Pentaghast family are famous dragon slayers. It matches her well; rebellious, strong, with a kind heart at the center.

    Rose Cross - Cassandra's gentler side, and speaks to her dedication to the late Divine and love for (certain aspects of) the Chantry.



    Dream - With his love of going into the Fade, this would work well. Plus it's an ethereal, sort of mystical blend.

    Tristran - Sort of a "nomadic" vibe since Solas travels a lot, and gives hints of the flora and fauna he'd have brushed by on his journey.

    Fenris Wolf - Coughcough. No comment.



    Crowley - So while Varric is far from being a demon in the literal sense, you could definitely call him a devil. He's got the charm, the swagger. You sense he's just a bit too clever for his own good. And he has more than a passing familiarity with the dirty underside of business.

    Protagoras - Our dwarven companion favors a good tale above all else (save for close friends), and I like the interplay of actual "book smell" in this one combined with the waxiness you get from Lights of Men's Lives. It makes me think of him penning a new story about his adventures by candelight, grinning as he delivers a particularly good turn of phrase.



    Sugar Cookie - They're kind of Sera's thing.

    Avenger - I think this one of ideal for her. She avenges the poor and underrepresented like a hyperactive, foul-mouthed Robin Hood. And that spice in her might mean you end up at the wrong side of an arrow if you refuse to see the injustice of it all... because she's survived that life herself.



    A Measurement of the Soul - So much of Cole's story is about deciding how he'll choose between his human-ness versus his true nature as a spirit. This speaks to the balance between the two while giving him a proper ghostly vibe.

    The Gladdener of All Hearts - The boy is Compassion, for goodness' sake! I know his methods are a little suspect at times, but at his heart he's pure innocence, and I think this blend conveys that well.



    Vain Sorceress - Need I say more? (Couldn't resist the obvious answer to this one.)

    The Hierophant and The Empress - I specifically chose this one instead of The Empress alone because of how much Vivienne's husband plays into her side story for a time. Seemed fitting, plus she is very rigid in her beliefs when it comes to the Circle.


    Maybe I'll get to the advisors and Inquis later! Though the latter would vary a lot between different players. My PC was a female Qunari mage, so if I had to pick for her...


    Eastern Comma - This blend makes me think of a glorious, heavy summer day backed by the rich ruggedness of tobacco. My character distanced herself from her people, an outcast from her own society, so there's a sense of weight/burden despite leaving the shackles of her culture behind. She finds renewed purpose as the Inquisitor and friends along the way brighten her story. The citrus also makes me think of jewel tones, similar to the lights beaming from the spells she casts, or the glowing light that comes from the Mark on her hand...


    *edit* Here are the advisors.



    Belle Epoque - For the cute, dainty side of Leliana that loves frills, dresses, pretty shoes and parties at court. Full of hope, loyalty and beauty.

    The Raven - For the hardcore spy, take no prisoners side that wants revenge and will do whatever it takes for the greater good. Whether it's under the guise of allure or whether you don't see her at all, she gets things done. References her dark little messengers. Mata Hari would also be appropriate.



    Knight in Shiny Armor - Cullen is about as much of a good boy as it gets. He's chivalrous and kind but has a strong will.

    Fettered in the Shackles of the Drug - Cullen's one claim to a "dark side" is that he's gotten addicted to lyrium as a Templar. This is something he has to overcome if he hopes to move on from the past.



    The Golden Apple of the Sun - A friendly, warm scent, that's made more exotic by the spices and champaca. I feel like Josie would smell like wonderful imported tea and other delicacies, plus I like that the name can reference the golden fabrics she wears and her family's trouble with their wealth/regaining trade rights.

    Ysabel - Fitting for Josephine, as she is both a strategist and wise diplomat. Ysabel similarly had a great, tactical mind and was a large proponent of learning and education. Kind of fitting that she's Spanish as well, since Josie is Rivaini and they seem closest to Spain lore-wise.

  18. I tested this a few years ago and swapped it out. I should've remembered why. Despite the notes sounding great, this is gross on me. One of the other commenter's mentioned Spencer's (the store) and that's exactly it! Unfortunately it has nothing but negative connotations for me. It smells plastic-y, overly sweet and like chemicals from a cheap fog machine. When first applied the lavender is actually quite nice, but then the white musk amps to an overwhelming, almost sweaty-smelling level. Worse yet it gets mixed with the cloying sweetness of an unrealistic vanilla and weird, high-pitched sage for a mess of incongruent, equally disastrous notes.


    Clearly a lot of people like this one so it must be my skin chemistry messing with it, or else it's my dislike for heavy musks rearing its head. But I pretty much like all the notes here, so I wonder if it's just their formulation in this blend. Ugh. It's basically the nasty cousin twice-removed from Golden Priapus' family (and I do love me some GP). I rarely dislike blends this much, but it totally makes me think of a creepy/trashy guy who gets way too far into your personal space...

  19. Druid

    When I first put Druid on I didn't really like it. Smells almost fruity yet spiced. Like a peppery watermelon? The spice is definitely the pitch, anyway. As it dries, maybe around 30 minutes later, the fruity aspect dies off and I get a mix of soft herbs and woods. It's very light at this point and I can barely smell it, though I do like it since it's more of a "foresty robe" now as opposed to whatever the wet stage was doing. Too light for me to get much use out of it though.

  20. Bard

    Definitely similar to Lights of Men's Lives. A little heavier and boozier overall, with the honey and white musk providing a decadent base, but it's still a gentle scent. Bay rum usually likes to turn into a cloying sugary mess on me, but it's behaving here. There's something vaguely floral, a bit of vanilla, even dusty woods ("harp wood"). To me this is a bard dressed to the nines and singing in a lord's serving hall, all the guests laughing and celebrating, eating their fill. The rum with honey makes it come across as mead-y, which fits the theme nicely.


    This is a rich blend, but it still comes across as earthy and unpretentious. I feel like it's a good "traveler" scent as well. In that way it gives me a similar feeling (even if they don't smell totally similar) as Tristran. There's a hint of wildflowers on your jacket, the road's dust on your shoes, a trace of mead on your lips, and the body musk from your eager audience. Evocative and perfect for its inspiration.

  21. Oh man, reading the reviews of "Prosperous Flowers" is making we want to blind bottle it since Lupers are coming down on Monday! Is it more of a brown or black leather? From the other notes I'm guessing brown...


    Yes, definitely a soft and supple brown leather vs heavier black. Highly recommend it if you like the other notes. :)

  22. Wow definitely some changes in the past few months.. and it was almost impossible to just choose 5.


    1. Snow White

    2. El Dia de los Reyes

    3. Lyonesse

    4. The Fruit of Paradise

    5. Velvet


    Snow White: Go to Sleep Darlings, Paladin, Dana O'Shee, Okayaki, Braving the Ice

    El Dia de los Reyes: Miskatonic U, Destructive Vagina of the Fox Spirit, Bengal, Mayan Chocolate with Annatto Seed, Anaheim Pepper, Cinnamon and Vanilla Bean

    Lyonesse: Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Tamora, Dorian, Y'ha-Nthlei

    The Fruit of Paradise: LA MORT: Mon ironie dépasse toutes les autres!, Chanukkiyah, Ezekiel's Phoenix, Persephone, Seeds of the Pomegranate, Leaves of the Poppy

    Velvet: Atlas, Intrigue, How Doth the Little Crocodile, Cthulhu in Love, Black Pearl

  23. Anyone have any recs for anything similar to the beautiful leather note in Adam? I really love how it's a strong leather note, but melds well with the other notes to create a complex, gorgeous scent!


    I haven't tried Adam, but Prosperous Flowers of the Elegant Twelve Seasons from the Lupers is amazing. Very well-blended leather amid a bunch of sexy honey, vanilla and incense. One of the best "even-handed" leathers I've smelled, ever.


    Rogue smelled very perfume-y and generic to me, even though it had the leather in it. Maybe it will read differently on your skin, though.
