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Posts posted by biocarolyn

  1. I feel like Fae Forest has a similar feel to Slobbering Pine- sparkling light and dewey. I'd love some hints on a super-light floral to layer with Slobbering Pine, however, to come even closer. Anyone have any ideas?


    Edit to answer my own question: on my skin, Elf from the RPG line is pretty close! Aspen leaf, lily, and violet are the only notes in common but for some reason it feels very similar to me. Layered with Slobbering Pine (just the TINIEST bit of Slobbering Pine) brings it even closer, as Fay Forest has Siberian fir needle and white pine bark. :wub2:

  2. I also smell mostly bright, spicy cider. There is an air of something that has a tinge of Hawaiian Punch here, not sure exactly what that is, but lots of fall spices like cinnamon and cloves. Brighter than you would expect, and a little candle shop-ish, but in a good way. Really pretty fall scent, and very approachable for people who might not be so sure about some of the more unusual scents.


    ETA: This one REALLY separates...be sure to shake before spraying...

  3. Wow. It smells like Stinky, or rather Stinky smells like Singing Moon. My skin must be ODD. It's Stinky with the slightest hint of dirt underneath and sone light windy-oceany something I can't identify. Really pretty :) not what I expected, but I like it...


    ETA: was I smelling ths same thing? I don't know what I was thinking, but this is really beautiful either way. Now I smell light dirt Note, airy wind and ozone, herbal lavendarish something, and....spearmint? Huh. Anyway. Light outdoorsy, gentle, and pretty. I really like this!

  4. Sweeter when wet, almost too sweet for me then. Something (nuts?) is borderline scary foody, but the backs off. The leaves then appear, but also unfortunately the apple disappears too. This isn't unpleasant, but there are other apple scents that I like more, and other leafy scents that I like more. It just doesn't make it through a crowded field of beautiful autumn scents to justify a bottle. Sad, as it had such potential...

  5. Subtle and not as dark as the notes would lead you to believe. It goes on very green and herbal, and softens to a gentle airy floral. Sadly for me there is an in-between stage that smells...wrong. Like litter box. I've never had that happen before, and it goes away but I really wonder what it was? Anyway, there are tons of light green florals that don't do that for me, so I'll keep the imp but I don't think I need a bottle...

  6. Wow, this is a stunner. So much more than the sum of its parts! In the bottle, it is strongly chamomile with sweet vanilla underneath, all herbal and sharp. Then the bourbon vanilla appears on my skin, strongly alcoholic and pushing the chamomile around, which is definitely still perceptible. As it dries and wears, there is a warm smokiness that appears over time. The sweetness tempers, and everything smells well blended and good :). This is a keeper, for sure.

  7. Wow. I think I sniffed this a couple of years ago and sent it on it's way untested, since I was scared of the flowers. I've wanted try to it ever since, as I've got a thing for Spanish moss and love the concept. Sadly, I've never spent time on a bayou, but I've been in my share of swamps. I can't believe a real bayou smells this pretty!


    The floral is heady. I stink at flowers, but maybe magnolia? Something rich and waxy and heavy, but it is balanced with the aquatic and mossy evergreen scents. I can't tell exactly what this is, something like juniper or cypress (NOT pine) but not leafy, evergreeny. Worth my hunt, and I may even need to consider a bottle...we'll see how long the imp lasts :)

  8. I get it, I understand why people are saying nail polish. But man, there is something very very strange about this blend. Evocative, dry harsh grasses and hay, with the dried out earth underneath. This IS a scary scent...very "desolate crows cawing and no one around for miles," sinister.


    Shivery good scary, like a phenomenal horror movie.

  9. This is so pretty! I was frimped a decant, and I never would have tried it on my own but I really like this. It smells like marigolds, of course, but very true to life. Golden and almost...sparkly somehow. It has edges, but they aren't sharp; they are refracting light. It definitely brings to mind the sun. Along with the marigold note (which am I hallucinating? is it also in the Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair?) there seems like the barest hint of something sweeter- orange blossom? It's faint, but it sweetens it up a bit. I can also smell a hint of the greenery and earth underneath the florals. This is so nice, and really sunny and bright but still feels like fall. Seeking out a bottle....

  10. This is the 2008 version. I was gifted this bottle by an incredible forumite, and it is every bit as delicious as I hoped it would be. I get the copal on first sniff, recognizable from Giant Vulva. This is a note I'm really enjoying in all the blends I've sniffed. Anyway, after copal I get a watery, honey-like smell that I imagine is the agave nectar. (I'm glad it doesn't smell like tequila) then the roses and tobacco are fighting with each other, which has the benefit of keeping them in check and smoothly blended. I don't really notice other spices or woods specifically, but I do get something a little smoky in there. This is a really unique blend and I love it a lot. I see this getting plenty of wear during the fall.

  11. I'm new to BPAL so I'm also looking for fruity scents minus the spice. I as far as non-fruits go I like sandalwood, a mute cinnamon, and a light patchouli but no incense. I enjoy fragrances that have these scents/accords: candy, fruity (apple, black current, strawberry, banana), citrus, clean, champagne, and anything else that is similar.


    Some of the scents that have caught my interest are: Snake oil, Poisoned Apple, Akuma, Shango, Hollywood Babylon, The Hanging Gardens and The Hamptons. I am also looking for a scent that is one of the "seductive" scents that I may be able to wear that may be a little fruity.


    Thank you for your suggestions!



    In case you are in the mood to hang out in sales and swaps section...


    I would suggest trying to track down some Austrakian Copperhead from the Snake Pit. I've seen it available in the sales and swap section; it's very tart berry with a Snake Oil base and one of my all-time favorites. Lawn Gnome, an older LE, had really bright red currant with vanilla patchouli base. Red Tide, a recently discontinued Tiki Bar scent, was very very berry yummy. My brain interprets Ushi to be sweet berry even though it is ripe juicy tomato and mango. Delicious stuff...

  12. Dried orange peels floating in simmering cider, roasted apples, smoldering firewood, chimney smoke, sassafras beer, warm hawthorn wood, and oakmoss.

    Its really nice. I don't know if the orange has mellowed over time or what, but I get apples with some smoky stuff underneath. It doesn't smell like craft store-fall candle, which is great. I reads a little darker than Punkie Night on my skin, with slightly more staying power.

  13. This smells like cocoa in the vial, with something alcoholic underneath. Once on the skin, the red wine comes out and there is some sort of sharp metallic thing underneath...really an interesting scent. Very cool!


    ETA: Also, bunnies!

  14. This scent is different every time I wear it, I swear. :) I have pretty stable skin chemistry, doesn't seem to change with time of the month of diet or medications or whatever. But sometimes, when I put this on it is pure leather (which I love, so no complaints there!) and others it is Snake Oil with leather in the background. The sandalwood, sage & tonka are all missing on me, except maybe the tonka which I can't really differentiate from the vanilla in Snake Oil. That said, I do love the scent no matter how it comes out- but leather is surely the strongest of the non-Snake Oil scents on me.

  15. I'm going to echo what CaudaPavonis said. Find your favorite scent, the one that makes you physically unable to stop huffing your wrist. For me, wearing that makes me feel great, which makes me feel more comfortable attracting attention. I'm an extrovert trapped in an introvert's personality, so I understand completely. When I'm with my close friends and can really let loose and be comfortable and confident, that's the feeling I want to capture. If /I/ think I smell great, that's halfway there. :)

  16. So pretty and so far the only milk I can wear without it going just fowl on me. Really soft and gentle, sweetened creaminess with equal parts carnation and rose. But this the softest rose, never going sharp or stab-y ammonia rose. Whisper light and feminine pretty. Really nice...

  17. Kabuki smells so red, bright red cherry laquer, that I am shocked the oil itself is not red! It just seems like it should be...anyway, in the imp I can smell all three notes, with the cherry dominant, followed by the star anise, and then the red musk. However, they settle in on the skin and once this dries they smell blended in equal parts to me, with the cherries receding as the day goes on. Really neat and different!

  18. This is amazing, and why I alway remind myself that you have to skin test these scents. In the decant, I smell primarily chamomile with something sweet and unidentifiable behind it. The chamomile is really really strong, like this is sugared chamomile with that mint-y bite. But the instant I put this on the skin, bourbon vanilla jumps out strongly!! the dry down goes through stages, getting less sweet, probably as it shifts from bourbon vanilla to vanilla bean, and the chamomile stays peeking out, to add complexity. Really pretty, not too sweet (except for early dry down, but that mellows out) and really amazing morph from bottle to skin. Neat.

  19. This is a very sweet fir forest, with a misty, damp feel. It does NOT feel like Christmas Tree pine to me, but something lighter. It is wonderful in the bedroom prior to sleep, as a soft, gentle scent. But more than that, I don't think this smells like generic air freshener at all. Maybe I've had horrible luck with generic air freshener, but it n ever smelled this good to me ;) this is more complex, with layers of clean floral and berry. Almost like if you layered Host of the Air with Slobbering Pine? Really soft, ethereal, and nice. I'm getting a bottle!!!


    ETA: I used up my goblin squirt and I'm anxiously awaiting my BPTP order with the bottle, along with Halloweenie atmosphere sprays. I really, really like this scent and I can't wait for a full bottle.

  20. Very pretty, airy for sure! I get grasses and clover, primarily, but no dandelion note actually, just clover. Soft floral that is young and fresh, maybe the bluebell? I can't smell any juniper. Really springtime, very light and airy. You can't be depressed while wearing this scent...bottled sunshine and optimism :). So pretty!

  21. Oh wow. On the dry-down, this /is/ one of the BPAL scents that I feel is closer to "commercial" perfume (like 51, for example). But this is the sleekest, sexiest "commercial" perfume I can imagine. It isn't sexy the way Snake Oil etc. is sexy, all red musk and hedonism, this is sexy in a serious kind of way- a woman with perfect red lipstick and a revolver in her purse. It is complex enough that I've got a hard time identifying notes, but keep in mind I stink at florals. In the bottle and wet, the gunpowder is a top note that makes its presence known strongly, drowning out the florals. Then, (and keep in mind I am starting to think my skin amps amber) the amber appears to smooth this all out. Something else- clove? makes it spicy and a little sharp, and I can also really smell the skin musk which is a note I love. These are the kind of florals I can take- I would have guessed dark orchid, but I see it isn't there; probably the opium poppy & narcissus combining with the fruits? Anyway, something like that :) No screamy jasmine, that's for sure.


    Fascinating, keeps changing, kaleidoscopic and brilliant. Appropriate for a night out with people who don't "get" BPAL, but it still has a real personality and doesn't smell like generic floral perfume. Really really nice, I am thrilled to have a bottle.

  22. Beautiful light mint, like spearmint or wintergreen rather than straight peppermint, and soft rose. My skin is hit or miss with rose, and this one is soft and quiet. Actually it has a very similar feel to Seance, with the rose and rosewood. Something woody underneath this. The whole scent is quiet and subdued, but really beautiful. This is a surprise hit- I am NOT a floral person but this is really beautiful and understated.

  23. This is really a beautiful scent on me. I don't know how my skin does it and I must be in the minority based on people's reactions, but lemongrass smells VERY distinct and different than lemon to me, and this is clearly lemograss- that added herbal quality rather than lemon oil from lemon peels or whatever. I think the cedarwood and/or sandalwood and secondary on me, with the patch behind that. Rose & jasmine are both well behaved- no screaming jasmine or ammonia rose here! (I am not usually friends with heavy florals) There is something about this that smells incense-y and grounding. The lemongrass is stimulating enough that this isn't sleepy, but it is relaxing, if that makes sense. Centered. Great expression of the concept, and really beautiful, delightful scent... :wub2:
