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Posts posted by sarandipitee

  1. Usually white petals, white florals of any kind are a huge hell no for my skin chem, but i took a chance because frankincense and ambergris are two of my favourite notes.


    I'm so happy I did because this one, wow. It's light and somehow effervescent and clean and very soft on my skin - almost goes soapy but stops (frankincense for the win).


    I'm unsure how much I'd wear it though - it's beautiful but not really my style. Maybe see about getting another decant, I don't think I'll need a full bottle.

  2. Very plummy/currant black patch sweetened by the rose and opoponax. The vetiver is very smooth and not overly detectable to my nose (I amp patchouli). Overall this is a dark, fruity floral blend and it's completely gorgeous. Feels like it could be a dark cousin to the Lace family. I'm going to be so broke if all my CP decants are as lovely as this one!

  3. Oh man. This is stunning.


    It's gorgeous on me. The white musk does feel cold, but it's not ozone or mint which is how my nose usually interprets 'cold'.


    The orchid and white rose are there, but very well-behaved and vanilla sweetened. The amber and benzoin lurk underneath making this a very well blended and beautiful floriental perfume.


    It feels much like a ghost of a perfume; I've smelled something similar to this before but I can't recall when or who wore it. Very apt considering the inspiration.


    I will for sure get a bottle as I own nothing like this.

  4. Very dark and very slinky. I love the dark plum note and if you're leery of vetiver, don't be with this one. It's so expertly blended, it's hard for me to pick out.


    I definitely get the India Ink SN vibe.and it also reminds me a little of Black Silk.


    I do like it, especially the plum/patch vibe, but something (I suspect the musk) is a tad headachey.


    I think I might still go bottle because this is going to age stupendously. In 6 months it'll be really good but in 2 years? Hubba hubba.

  5. Very soft vanilla rose. Teeters on the verge of being too powdery (as rose and amber are apt to do on my skin). Very pretty and feminine, but better suited for a person who can wear rose.


    The white rose is very stunning in bottle, though.

  6. It smelled absolutely divine in the bottle... but was a massive fail on my skin. Caramel is not a great note for me and this time was no exception. I was hoping the coffee would be more prominent, but in the end it became very dusty caramel (like butterscotch balls and black beetles) and plasticky vanilla.


    If I used an oil warmer it would be INCREDIBLE as a room scent. If Puddin ever makes this into an atmos spray, I'd get a bottle.

  7. FYI, people, I WILL be starting a Yule/Christmas gift exchange type swap soon.

    I am so disappointed I was too sick to remember the deadlines for the questionnaires for the winter swap and 12 Days swap.


    So if anyone else feels the same, or just wants another one, be prepared.

    I might(big maybe) resurrect a winter solstice swap too. We shall see. Lots of medical stuff going on.

    Yay!! I'm so excited. I hoped there would be another Yule/Christmas swap (I was participating in SW and I only commit to one at a time with work being so busy).


    I'm definitely going to sign up. :)

  8. Man I love this one. It's pretty much straight up herbal lavender (I LOVE all lavender but prefer a more natural note over a sweetened one) mixed with chamomile. There's very little vanilla that I can detect.


    It's simple and perfect for bed time. The scent softens and loses some of the herbal edge with drydown.


    I'm going to hopefully be able to snag a back up before the Liliths come down.

  9. New Doc is much more wearable on me than Old Doc (and I LOVED him, but he hated my skin). New Doc is amazing - very wearable cedar, leather that I don't amp plus a gorgeous sweet musk.


    It disappears within 10 min of application though. :(


    I'm gonna age the decant and see if sticks around better after a few months before I splurge on a bottle.


    It's very lovely and unisex.

  10. Fun, bright guava and sugared orange peel. Very sweet and fun, reminds me of the candy some restaurants give out with the bill. Happy to have tried and will use the decant, but I won't need a bottle.


    EDIT: Drydown lessens the punch. It becomes creamier and softer. I may need to get a bottle after all.

  11. I wasn't a fan of the original Mme, which even aged was nothing special on my skin.


    But this Mme, she is incredible.

    PLUM, gorgeous plum with pomegranate and currant. The mildest red musk ever mingled with a little bit of leafy green and vanilla.


    Makes think of a sweeter sister to the original Snake Charmer.


    Multiple bottles for sure - this could be a new signature scent.

  12. This is some strong stuff. The weed smell (and it's strong - for me it was very much like when you het a whiff of it in the air or on a person's clothing vs sticky buds) dissapates almost immediately and then I'm left with just a dry patch. No sweetness.


    I prefer Goblin for my strong patch needs but I'll retest in a few months and see if I like it aged better, before I decide if it's bottle worthy or not.

  13. Jasmine, why you gotta go and ruin everything for me??


    I love Dorian, and while I LOVE Labyrinth the movie, Jareth never lost it's sharp edge that made my head wince - more than likely a result of the lilac. Here the fougere and the jasmine leaf are doing the same.


    I'll keep my decant to age and see if it lessens the sharpness so I can wear it.

  14. Very herbal rootbeer float. Almond milk keeps the smoke and patch from being too heavy. Very much in line with Fetish.Goth or Chokmah or masculine version of the Illustrated Woman. I really, really like this which is odd, because I own very few tobacco blends and normally hate all things almond. But this is so lovely. Thinking at least a partial bottle if possible.

  15. This is definitely a bitter sweet chocolate - much like baking squares or pure dark chocolate. Cream is a hugely iffy note on my skin but its translating to earthy and dark. Hint of green the others have mentioned - not quite mint, not quite floral. Overall, I quite like it, and MUCH better than the original CB which was a disappointing plastic mess.


    It's very different from any other chocolate oil I own. I'll wait out another 30 min or so to make sure I love it but this could be a full bottle purchase.

  16. Cinnamon is loved by me and my skin so the only thing I can smell from the start is a big old blast of cinnamon hearts candy. The verbena softens the blunt and rowdy cassis and mellows the overall feel. Then the cherry peeps through and it becomes a dark, rich spicy fruit.


    sadly drydown is basically powder spicy cherry powder. Though, I'm thinking with age this will lessen because of the patch. Keeping my decant and debating a bottle.

  17. Right now, fresh out of my mailbox it's purely neroli with DBR (which is pretty awesome in itself) but there's zero coconut to my nose - maybe a hint of the vanilla bean. For a dragon, his bite is very gentle and kinda powdery - nice but not ZOMG. I should know better than to test without letting it settle, so I'll give it a few days and revisit before I decide if this dragon needs a new home.

  18. Anytime I've border crossed by car it's the usual questions regarding reasons for visit, length of stay and so forth. They're going to ask about alcohol, sometimes we get asked about fruit (I don't know why this is a concern) and I've been asked about weapons.


    Coming back into the country it's what did we spend, anything to declare, any alcohol etc.


    I don't think you're going to have any problems from your collection. :)


    Safe travels and good luck with your move.
