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BPAL Madness!


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About Altaira

  • Rank
    sexy swapper
  • Birthday 03/18/1974


  • Location
    Boston, MA
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    Mr. Ibis O Delphi Zadok Allen Vinyard Red Queen Mason & Jenkins Port Jelly White Rabbit No. 93 Engine Tintagel Bess

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  1. I wan to second the rec for The Last Unicorn (Frosty lilac petals, iris pallida root, orris, violet leaf, white chocolate, coconut, wild lettuce, white sandalwood, and oakmoss.) It has a light floral perfume mixed with sweet chocolate and coconut that is very pretty. Given that you like florals, I think it would be a great choice for a chocolatey scent for you. It's not available on it's own in imp form, only as part of the Series I imp set, but you might want to track it down in the forums. And it's not an LE, just one of the more expensive special collections in the GC.
  2. Altaira

    Why are LEs limited? Will they come back?

    The Bards are usually in March, but some years none are released. The Metamorphosis series (moths and butterflies) have come out in the summer the last 2 years, but didn't exist before then and haven't been promised for the future. "Phobia" scents are often released around April first. The other scent collections are mostly one-offs; they just show up from time to time, then go away never to return.
  3. Altaira

    Why are LEs limited? Will they come back?

    One thing to keep in mind is that several of the HTFs were made to commemorate specific events. Storyville was for one of the Convergences and Gothabilly was for a Bat's Day, I believe. Others have been for things like Comicon. Very small batches are produced because they are only meant to be purchased by people who physically go to the event. They are not available on-line to anyone, ever. Very small batches also mean the Lab can use rare ingredients that they may only have a limited supply of and may never get again. This is why resurecteds are rare, the ingredients for the recipe just don't exist (and in some cases, the recipes themselves were lost). And some things, like Candy Butcher and VILF weren't meant to be limited, but an ingredient is no longer available, so they were discontinued before their time.
  4. Altaira

    The Ultimate Raspberry!

    It's funny because I had the oposite negative reaction to Hollywood Babylon. On me it smells exactly like those strawberry hard candies that come wrapped in foil that looks like a stawberry: It was way too sweet and cloying, but then I amp sugar scents. Skin chemistry is a funny thing.
  5. Altaira

    The Ultimate Raspberry!

    From the general catalog, Red Queen is great. It smells like cough syrup when first applied, but quickly dries down to a great thick fruit scent. Reminds me of raspberry squares. And it is an older LE (Yule 2009) but if you can find Mason and Jenkins Port Jelly it is a thick jam scent. Smells kinda like red Swedish Fish candy.
  6. I have steered clear of Erebos because of 2 listed notes: jasmine and hyacinth. While I merely dislike jasmine (well, ok: loath. It smells exactly like cat shit to me) I can ignore it in small amounts. Hyacinth however, I am highly allergic to. I have no idea what it even smells like because whenever I've tried to smell it, my nasal passages slam shut
  7. Altaira

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    Beeswax is the wax bees make to store honey in. It is not sweet, but is often blended with sweet notes. Have you ever smelled a beeswax candle? Real ones are a dull golden color. The BPAL beeswax scent smells exactly like that (because it is made from actual beeswax). I can't wear strong sweet smells (they make me nauseous) and honey smells like baby powder once it hits my skin, but I love beeswax blends. So, while you may end up loving beeswax, it won't be because it is sweet or foody.
  8. Altaira

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    It's well, beeswax. Like in a candle. Not sure I can describe it if you haven't smelt it before.
  9. Altaira

    Midwinter's Eve

    2011 version. In decant: Huh! Did not expect this. It's sweet like hard candies. On skin: Still candy. Rd with a hint of citrus. Not melancholy at all. Nostalgic in that is smells like a candy shop... I like it enough to try is again for longer wear.
  10. Altaira

    Frost at Midnight

    In decant: Mostly honeysuckle. Light and pretty but not my usual thing. On skin: Sweet, innocent florals. Still not my thing.
  11. Altaira

    Inextinguishable Hatred

    In decant: Bracing sharp ginger and pepper. There's a base note that smells unclean. On skin: Calms down considerably. Bright ginger and hint of citrus. There is a dry wood note in the background. Fades quickly. I like it, but not enough to get a bottle.
  12. Altaira

    Beautiful and Adored

    In decant: Strong floral perfume. Rose and other flowers. On skin: Pear becomes noticeable, but the florals are still very strong and prompting a headache. Washed off.
  13. Altaira

    Winter Heavens

    In decant: This is a light, high pitched scent with the kind of white florals I usually interpret as cat-poop (Jasmine, orange blossom, etc.) On skin: Straight up floral perfume. Not my thing at all.
  14. Altaira

    Snow White

    2011 version. In decant: A medium strength vanilla with hints of coconut and cat-poop jasmine. On skin: Mostly coconut with cloying headache inducing flowers. At least the dirty littler box scent has gone away. The vanilla has faded far into the background. The best I can say is it's not as gross of Pink Snowballs. But this just doesn't work for me at all.
  15. Altaira

    Pink Snowballs

    A lighthearted winter scent: chilly vanilla rose snowballs! Dainty, soft, and certainly unfit for flinging! 2011 version. So, what I smell is not at all what other people smell with this. In the decant: Not cold at all. In fact it is a very warm vanilla with cloying floral perfume. Not just rose. I like rose, this has some sort of 'white' flower in it that I always find gross. On skin: Super sweet vanilla and rancid flowers. It's disgusting and I'm baffled that it is so popular. Is my nose broken?