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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by childoftime

  1. OMG @ow1goddess is watching Unsolved Mysteries and one of the lawyers looks EXACTLY LIKE CSM from X-Files!

  2. Was feeling all smug about my blood pressure since I've been on a high-salt diet and drinking caffeine. Stood up, almost passed out. WINNER!

  3. Aww, CIT Slumber Party! I miss camp. http://t.co/ZsqQBXl

  4. Time to woman up and post my identifying characters in the SW thread. #Ifeelvulnerable #butpictures #everyonelovespicsright?

  5. Also, who has two thumbs and got stabbed twice for one flu shot this afternoon? This chick. #EDS

  6. My witchee answers the ThinkGeek question: "nothing I really need. Unless you count this: http://j.mp/pDDcgU" I mean, really? #LOL

  7. San Franthropomorphism 2012 Calendar by Julian Lozos — Kickstarter http://t.co/zjccuQV via @kickstarter

  8. Math FTW! Statistics and Algebra are always relevant to your interests! http://t.co/041DkhM

  9. Just down to the finishing and sprinkles! #scarfswap http://t.co/VFg0gnz

  10. The home stretch of my scarf swap scarf! Just have to finish this stripe and sew it up the pop tart kitty. http://t.co/nExLRAn

  11. New skirts should be here tomorrow! Excitement!

  12. Nail polish people: any recs for a dark denimy blue? Preferably creme or jelly, sparkle optional. I have a craving.

  13. Red stripe of nyan rainbow complete. Orange stripe at 60%. #scarfupdate #IknowyoudontcarebutIpostanyway

  14. Crumb coat on, cake chilling, time to get my SW questions on. #nowitcheeormenteeyet

  15. For the record, way closer to crying this week than last #DoctorWho #ElevenLove

  16. Cake filled and stacked, crumb coat tomorrow as I watched new Who & forgot to take the buttercream out of the fridge. http://t.co/nSKPn6y

  17. Freshly-finished Swiss meringue buttercream for the outside of the cake. Time to start trimming and cutting. http://t.co/48lkaMk

  18. Damn it, Mage T13 is called TIME LORD REGALIA? BRB, rerolling for the set name, even though the gear is ugly.

  19. Am about to eat cinnamon raisin toast for the first time on over a year. #yum

  20. I do recommend watching a few of the old stories. Actors playing the Doctor draw from old Doctors. 10 was heavily influenced by 5; 11 by 2.
