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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by childoftime

  1. I am quite looking forward to tasting the mint chocolate chip Swiss meringue buttercream, though. So many adjectives means it must be good!

  2. Nine years ago today I told my best friend I loved her. <3 Best thing I've ever said.

  3. Cat so cute, but can't find camera. #firstworldproblems

  4. Random confession: I will never hear "Tangerine Speedo" without thinking of Mulder.

  5. Doc took me off the opioid to put me on a narcotic. Good thing it's during the three-day break between raids or I'd be risking embarassment.

  6. Woke up to discover I won an eBay auction that I put a tiny bid on six days ago and then forgot. Bonus!

  7. That's right, someone in melee evade-bugged the boss so he healed and we didn't kill him. Go straight to blaming a healer. #bringitasshole

  8. Congratulations on your little one! :hug:

  9. Man, what is wrong with the EJ boards? This is terrible.

  10. Yep, never having anything to do with Dilbert ever again. http://j.mp/inLHcg #asshole

  11. Got a new tarot deck from Ow1goddess to replace the Crowley deck Spot dumped water over. Shadowscapes Tarot is so pretty! I have high hopes.


    #BPTP Heresy: I'd like to get my paws on Hellion, but the imp statue just isn't my thing.

  13. Caffeine, then roller coasters. ^_^ Hopefully I will not miss my second and last shot at bath oil.

  14. Haha, has Sony been hacked this week? RT @disavian:because it's getting hard to remember: http://t.co/PLQyD9y

  15. Hmm...not sure I'm still loving Blood Phoenix. I mean, it's still lovely, but not LOVE...idk. :|

  16. Attention parents: free download of Go the F--k to Sleep read by Samuel L. Jackson! http://www.audible.com/pd?asin=B00551W570

  17. Just realized: even if I get 100 on every test/quiz for the rest of term, my grade can only go down. Not a bad thing, but not v. motivating.

  18. Why is Molly only off on the days I have class? Having to unsnuggle from wife and purring, sleepy kitty to get ready for class is terrible.

  19. I would be remiss if I didn't point out that the Swiss Meringue Buttercream was totally worth the annoyance of the bain-marie. #portalcake

  20. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. http://flic.kr/p/9SQ1ZU

  21. Hmph. Now @Ow1goddess is mocking me because the words, "I only got 100" just came out of my mouth. #dontjudgeme #mathreviewiseasyokay

  22. All I have to do tomorrow is frost the outside, coat it with shattered/chopped chocolate, glue the "cherries" down w/frosting & add candle.

  23. Today's #BPAL is Cake Smash v6! Because Operation: Delicious Portal Cake goes live this afternoon! There will be cake. And pictures.

  24. Jyll, professional replacement heal lead.
