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Posts posted by eisoj5

  1. Got this as a frimp and oh am I ever so glad that I did! It's a very clean, fresh smell. The apples and herbs are definitely dominant on me; I haven't picked up the amber yet at all, but then I haven't been practicing my nose on amber much lately :P My husband likes it, too, but he only thought it smelled like soap or shampoo :-P

  2. ... This is the scent of autumn night, fires in the distance, with a touch of boozy swoon, playful sugar and thuggish musk.

    Got this in a swap over on LJ.

    In the imp it was SO strong, I wasn't sure I wanted to put it on at first. But when I did, the lovely smoky scent I was hoping for came right out, as did a kind of pumpkin/cinnamon-y foodiness (or, as my husband has been categorizing scents, "like a scented candle"). Now that it's dry, it's almost got a metallic, blood tangy hint to it. Warm and lovely, the way Devil's Night in Detroit (sort of) is now :P

  3. This is definitely a fall scent; too bad it's still August! Cerberus is the first really foody scent I've tried and it's just lovely and warm. Bitter, spicy chocolate. It doesn't smell like my doggie (which is just as well) but I can easily picture one curled up by the fire, one head keeping a burning eye on me...


    Definitely a keeper :P

  4. *clears throat*


    Millions of peaches, peaches for free

    Millions of peaches, peaches for me



    I don't get any warm amber, sadly; the peaches are nice. It's not a "LOVE" imp, but it's pretty nice.

  5. Brisingamen is amber and apples, but so faint on me that it might not be worth keeping around :D It's mostly sweet, with the ambers warming it up (now I think I know what amber smells like :P ) but I can barely pick it up with my nose practically up against my wrist. Oh well...

  6. I was pretty wary of this when I opened the imp--all I could smell in the bottle was musk, and more musk! When I put it on, though, out came the lemon and floral...but there's still too much musk for me to want to keep it around :P

  7. I got this from an lj purchase and the only reason I even put it on just now (instead of waiting to see how it worked tomorrow morning) was because I saw someone else had a bottle on eBay and maybe I'd want to get it...


    ...and I DO want to get it! Too bad I'm restricting myself from using ebay anymore...


    This is such an interesting scent. I smell like tea, strong black tea with milk and something a little spicy. It's stronger than something I'd want to drink but it smells so good!


    I just hope it won't make me late for things :P


    ETA: My god, the throw on this is FANTASTIC. It's just in the crook of my elbow but it wafts up great!

  8. Titania smells like orange jello!


    I really like it on my clothes; on my skin the musk really comes out and I don't think I'm such a fan of musk, sadly. It's very fruity and light and pretty otherwise--enough that I still might have to get a bottle :P

  9. There are hints here of my mother's perfume; this is the first thing I've ever gotten with rose in it, so that must be what's putting me in mind of Mom. It has an aquatic hint to it, something saltier than the brook Ophelia chose but still damp and almost weedy. It's a bit too floral to really be "me" though.

  10. I have a very hard time discerning which scents last the longest on me since my husband is away and can't sniff me :D Also, I sweat so much during the day because of camp that I fear my oils are being 'washed' off my skin :P Nonetheless, I know Ice Queen lasts for quite some time on me, as does Bastet, and to a lesser extent, the Unicorn. Of course, these are all limited to a time span of hours as opposed to days, like some other posters have experienced...

  11. My god, this is a wonderful scent! I think I got a little on my lip just now (oops) and it's tingly in a minty-pine sort of way. I definitely smell citrus and freshness and I am *so* glad that I bought this bottle from rosefaith! It's not Narnia's White Witch, nor is it the cruel Snow Queen of the fairy tale, but it's Arienrhod turning to Moon Dawntreader from Joan D. Vinge's Snow Queen cycle. Cold, but with a hint of promise for the summer. I could sniff this all day.

  12. This might sound weird, but the only thing I could really think of when I put this on was "Minty and brooding". It's too masculine for me to really enjoy it, too, and "brooding" isn't at all what I want to project for camp today, so I washed it off not long after. It's very nice, just not for me.

  13. I got bubblegum right away, but it now smells wonderfully juicy and sweet, with a hint of tartness. I still haven't found a really sage-y scent yet but Tenochtitlan is certainly very nice anyway! It smells ALIVE.

  14. Lightning slashing the midnight skies over the endless reaches of the ocean. The electric tang of ozone, marine notes, and a drop of sharp rain.

    Lightning is a very nice, fresh scent that kept jolting me back awake on the bus to work this morning :P It's tangy with a hint of sharpness and very clean-smelling. It's not quite "me" enough, but I still might hang on to the imp.

  15. In the imp and on me Nefertiti smells like incense. I don't pick out anything else (well, maybe a little tiny peek of sandalwood) so it's a little generic for my tastes. It's nice, soft, and clean, but I'll probably swap her away.

  16. I had to get this one (from the Lab) because my husband loves the Amber Chronicles and has often run Amber campaigns for his roleplaying group. Hopefully he'll like the scent as much as I do right now :P


    Both on me and my shirt Oberon is very lemony, but on my skin it's more settled down and I can just barely sense the juniper under the lemon. I can't stop sniffing my shirt, though! It's very refreshing--not that I need it right now, but at the end of the day it'll be a good pick-me-up scent. It's definitely masculine, but on me I don't really mind, for some reason. *sniffs shirt again*


    ETA, the end of a long camp day: Well, after I posted this review it suddenly struck me that Oberon smelled quite a bit like bug spray. But I figured I'd let it sit and see what happened. When I got to work today one of my fellow camp counselors turned to our boss and said, "Were you cleaning the office today? It smells like cleaner." I realized with some chagrin that she was probably referring to Oberon's lemon-Pledge-y-ness...*sighs*


    I might still make my husband smell it before I swap/sell it away, though. Too bad he's in Oregon for another month yet :D

  17. I think I'm going to have to try this one again; I put it on just now after my shower and it's practically gone already. I *so* want this one to work--there aren't exactly any other scents that are related to squirrels :P It's faintly spicy, kind of like the general blend of smells that you get out of a candle shop, and I'm not really picking out any woodiness to it. It's very light, too, as if the World Tree was a net of branches instead of a sturdy, solid trunk.

  18. At first I couldn't tell the difference between Dragon's Tears and Dragon's Eye--Eye had always struck me as somewhat salty to begin with, but now that I've got one on one wrist and one on the other, it's really clear that Tears is very salty under the dragon's blood, and Eye is waaaay more floral.


    I really like the Tears, though; it's more subtle and blends well with my skin chemistry. Not really sure where the aquatic notes went on me, but it's very nice.

  19. This was the first imp out of my Lab order that I wanted to try :P


    I'd read the reviews, so when I opened the bottle my first reaction was "Wow, that IS strong." Not that I doubted y'all or anything, but it's certainly something to experience firsthand :D


    On, it was definitely medicinal at first, but the pine and orange are coming out to play and the eucalyptus is more of a bracing afterthought. It smells kind of crazy, the way I'd expect a Jabberwock to, and although it's not "me" quite yet, it certainly has potential as a keeper.

  20. This one smells enough like Dragon's Eye that I think I can tell what Dragon's Blood is now! Still not quite sure where the amber note is; I get a lot of cinnamon and sweetness from this. I think I'll wear it out the day and see what happens.

  21. In the bottle The Unicorn smelled VERY strong and nearly astringent with a hint of fizziness. Wet, it was berries and some fizziness, which smoothed out to a sweet floral. I'm not positive I love it on my skin, but it might be a keeper in a scent locket or on my clothes.


    ETA, several days later:


    I am SO getting a bottle of this. (In fact, I have one coming from chopchica!) :P

  22. I got this from WildChild because I love sage and none of the imps I've managed to obtain thus far have had any in them. But Aeval doesn't smell like sage on me at all; it's very soft, not quite soapy like others have said but more powdery. Sadness...I'll probably trade this one away.

  23. I bought Living Flame from lilith_lemourne because I have a dress for a friend's wedding that can only be described as "fiery" and I wanted a scent to match.


    It smells...in a word, it smells BRIGHT. It started to fade to powder when I first put it on, but it's actually still spicy, a little incense-heavy with a hint of floral something or other (can't tell flowers at all yet aside from lilac!)


    ETA, about fifty minutes later: Ack. Now I smell like my mom. Guess I'll have to find another flame-y scent...
