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About delicatedisaster

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  • Birthday 03/27/1990


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    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    WILF, Dorian, Our Lady of Pain, and Butterscotch and Black Beetles

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  1. delicatedisaster


    (This is straight from the mailbox, so take it with a grain of salt. Also, this is a pretty fanciful review for me, I don't usually get a "picture" but this one is tied to scent memory for me.) Moss! That was the note I couldn't place.(Thanks other reviewers, it's been killing me) Upon smelling this in the bottle I was confused. I mean, I read the description, but I don't know, it didn't smell the way I imagined it would smell. This continued once I applied it, and for a while afterwards. However, I finally realized that the confusion was due to the fact that it really does smell exactly like wet stone. It's strange. I knew it would, and yet I was still surprised. It's been a while since I smelled wet stone rather than wet asphalt and in my opinion, this is a particular kind of wet stone. When Beth says tombstone she means, it eh? I definitely picture a big, solid light gray stone (probably granite) and I wouldn't have thought about it otherwise, but she's right, stones have different scents as well. It made me feel like a little kid explorer again, back when trees and bramble and dampness and dirt weren't an issue and I would climb anywhere and everywhere. I think the moss and stone together make this read as a "clean" scent. Actually, thinking about it, that's exactly the smell. I used to collect moss and try to grow it in a little pot because moss is beautiful and soft, and just a little bit magical. (This is entirely possible fyi, and had I devoted more time to it, I'm sure you could have a beautiful miniature garden of moss) This smells exactly like when you're walking in the woods and you come across a particularly beautiful clearing. There's a large piece of stone, kept damp and quiet by the moss, so delicate and still. If you lean in close to get a better look, this is what you would smell. There's that tiny bit of dirt that is held there by the moss as well. On first application I was a little overwhelmed by the smell, it doesn't smell like a perfume at all on me (and I've been on the Bpal for a while so I think my definition of perfume is pretty broad at this point) but now, several hours later, it has dried down and I find the scent very comforting and grounding. It seems clean and reverent. But then again, I'm one of those people that feel old graveyards and wet stones and moss experienced all by one's lonesome are basically religious experiences. I think this would be very very cool layered with another scent as well. Like a particular ghost's signature scent+ the graveyard they inhabit. P.S. I hope this was helpful? I'm a little ramble-y tonight. P.S.S. I will concede that I may not be able to pick out the difference between wet stone and moss and dirt since the two are intertwined in my head.
  2. delicatedisaster

    2013 Halloweenies!

    Okay, so I know I already posted, but this will be my first year ordering weenies live and I'd like an opinion. I'm going to wait for a few reviews to trickle in before I go for it. I've had great luck ordering limiteds in the past, and haven't run across anything that smelled awful, only things that are too weak to smell. (Even Martian Phoenix worked for me) I have a lot of patchoulis an musks (which seems to be lovely for me) but I could do with some florals and foody smells too. I'm considering All Souls or Day of the Dead (those two pitted against each other) and possibly Goblin Market or Placophobia. I'm probably going to go decant-less since while I think it's entirely worth the asking price, I have limited funds to splurge on BPAL. I have bottles of Wilf, Martian Pheonix, Our Lady of Pain, Dorian, Hell-Gate of Ireland, and Butterscotch Balls an Black Beetles, all of which were complete successes. (If that helps, I know that some people with really extensive collection give advice based on notes that work for you.) tl;dr Help a semi-newbie make a good purchase?
  3. delicatedisaster

    2013 Halloweenies!

    I have Hell-Gate of Ireland 09, and I have to say, it is amazing. I bought mine second-hand so I can't say if it aged to the state it's in or not, but it's a fall scent without being overtly so-probably the clove. I'm not good at picking individual notes, but it's a smokey, spicy kind of smell without being overpowering. I really love it. (I like patchoulis and musks and things like that if it helps.)
  4. delicatedisaster


    I got this as a frimp last year around Christmas, but I don't think the scent has changed too much. I wouldn't post a review, but my experience with the scent seems to be unusual to the point where I wonder if my bottle is mislabeled or i just don't recognize the scent of fresh coconut milk? Maybe I'm just smelling the Shea, but to me this smells somewhat honey-ish, maybe even beeswax or something stronger? There is something to the blend that I really can't place, it smells really other-worldly in a hedonistic way. I keep thinking "nectar" is the word I'm looking for but I don't know why. I think I've had the imp for about a year and the scent has really remained the same. I'd probably buy a full bottle of it if it didn't disappear so quickly on my skin. It has a very faint throw on me, stays strong for maybe an hour or two (weirdly sometimes it fades immediately and sometimes it's a lasting scent for me) but then it fades to a very very faint honey scent. It could be the milk note that I'm smelling that makes it smell so rich. Okay, for real though, of all the bpals I've tried, this one smells the most magical. It smells the way I would imagine the drunken revelry of gods and fairy to smell. It's thick and honey-tinged. If it wasn't an imp I would try it as a room scent. :edit: Maybe a little bit almond-y? Not a straight almond but something sort of nut-like.
  5. delicatedisaster

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    How do you open the imps? I don't know if somebody's already asked, but I've basically been attacked by the imps I've opened thus far. o_0 I already got my first order yesterday and I'm afraid I'm going to waste it. =_=
  6. delicatedisaster

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Crappy cellphone pic, but it gives you an idea: Thank you very much! I was actually thinking it was smaller than that. I was thinking I could get my friends a little imp to go with some homemade chocolate as a Christmas present. I was thinking if the imps weren't crazy tiny I could tie them to the bags. This is going to work out nicely.
  7. delicatedisaster

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I know this has probably been asked a gillion times before, but I can't seem to find a working picture of what I need on this thread. Can somebody post a picture of an imp and or a 5mil next to a quarter or something else that would give me an idea of the size? I can't get my head around the size....