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Posts posted by Roogna

  1. this just smells like "perfume" to me...reminds me of my grandmother's

    I can't pick out any specific notes (usually I can)

    but there is a warm note underneath the perfume that's probably the cinnamon


    if I let it sit a few minutes I think I can pick out the orange blossom, but still mainly "perfume"


    *edit* a few MORE minutes and the morph hits! orange definitely also vanilla and tobacco come out, and the cinnamon goes away

    still too perfumy for me, but nice to finally get the notes

  2. initially - dirty. not dirt. just dirty and a hint of sweet vanilla

    the hazelnuts do come out after a few minutes, but they dont make it smell any better

    so it's like a sack that's being drug around everywhere by filthy, dirty, goblins. something in the sack smells kinda nice if I take time to really let it settle an take a loooong sniff that gets to the notes inside the sack

  3. sweet lavender cologne (not as Sweet as Jareth, which I put on the other wrist for comparison after reading other reviews here) that fades down adding in a more earthy brown (sage?) with hint of polish. No leather for me :(


    after the initial dapper-ness, it no longer smells like a cologne except in occasional whiffs of undernotes. It turns into something wholely unremarkable on me

  4. definitely pine pitch...at first

    my initial thought is that it smells like vicks vapor rub, but not quite as in your face


    give it a few minutes and the pitch settles and fades (no more vicks) letting the greener mosses and the dark violet leaf note come out.


    the violet leaf quickly takes over as the dominant note with maybe some oakmoss rounding it out.

  5. a tang/bite that reminds me of Twisted Oak Tree (though created by different notes), snuggly brown and clove with a touch of spice


    In the bottle, the tang is very prevalent; don't let it put you off from skin-testing


    after wearing for a bit it settles into mostly musk, still warm and snuggly, brown and hints of warm spice and the tang

  6. I can't wear scents with rose in them, but I received a frimp of this and decided to check it out


    I like that it smells like FLOWERS as opposed to FLORAL

    it's a very nice blend of some particularly nice flowers.

    the rose actually doesn't overpower the other on me

    the incense is a nice touch that works well (as an undernote) with the flowers, letting them really shine

  7. very pale and faint....and what I do get is biting, acrid, and yellow :(

    if I sniff really hard (as it fades a lot on my skin), it reminds me my grandparents house - a mix of cigarette smoke (on the house, not the smoke itself) and, old potpourri or soap


    a few minutes later and it's mostly gone from my skin, leaving yellow soapiness

  8. very sickly-sweet, emphasis on the sickly. I think it's the leather and tonka that smell almost mildewed...after reading the Poison Queen's I agree with a bit of cucumber, though it's still a little more mildew than cucumber on my skin

    and faint inky blackness permeates, but no specific note jumps out

  9. very sweet sugary warm gingerbready caramel (Tablet) in bottle. Fades fast on skin. But still sweet. Hints of musty paper, no leather


    turns slightly more dry-papery after a bit with maaaaybe small hint of leather, the sweetness is warm and comforting, and the whole scent is very soft

  10. wet: very much like cologne of amber and florals

    as it dries: some sweet gum-like peach comes out.


    dry: Fresh and clean, peach takes over quickly without being overpowering. still hint of florals. it's a lovely blend that works well, just not my kind of scent
