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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Roogna

  1. Hopefully this is in the right place...


    It's so soft in the bottle I can hardly smell it. Initially on my skin it's still very soft and pleasant with an almost herby/earthy/woodsy/insence quality that's nice but I can't put my finger on it.

    After an hour or so the scent turns very "brown", not exactly earthy but has that quality to it.

    It's not a strong scent.

    *edit - later in the day it's a tad more incense, but still "brown" and it's really, really faint (nose to wrist)

  2. BPAL's etsy page said this was a DD from 2005. Hopefully I'm not duplicating a post, but I checked all over...


    It's hard to tell exactly what it smells like in the bottle, but on my skin I get "pinesol clean". Very citrus and astringent. Even washing if off doesn't actually wash it off and I still smell like pinesol :(

  3. super faint! really, really hard to smell it, even with nose to wrist. I definitely get a tinge of something brown, maybe woodsey, but it's just too faint to tell. the notes are soft though - not harsh or sharp. it's a bit like insence and there's a "brown" note in there.

  4. I wish this were stronger on me. It's a very nice scent, but it's sooooo faint and soft. I went back and slathered it on my arm, but I can only smell it when my nose goes to my wrist or the occassional random waft as I move. :(


    In the imp I get more wood, but on my skin it's sandalwood and leather. but it's so faint I REALLY have to take a good long sniff from my wrist to get that wonderful leather note. (it's been on for 2 hours with no morphing and no getting stronger).


    I like my scents to be a bit more noticable, but it's quite nice!


    *edit - another 90 minutes later and the leather is coming out more! i'm hopeful!

  5. the first thing I notice is the spice. almost a cinnamon but not quite - more sweet, almost fruity. that's mainly what I get is a nice spice but it has undertones of wood. I would have said more of a orange/citrus than cherry, with red from the spice, maybe even a hint of red musk

    sadly, it stays VERY close to the skin and I like my scents to surround me a bit more.

    I like it, but not enough to hunt down this LE



    a few hours later it turns almost soapy, still very soft and almost fruity

    spice is gone

  6. finally! a "foody" scent that I like! normally, pumpkin gets amped so much I can't wear it, and foody scents I do NOT like ON me.

    but this one is a sweet-foody scent that I like.


    initially very strong, but good in a matter of seconds. within an hour or two it's faded considerably though :( but I still like sniffing my wrist


    I do get lots of different scents in one, but they are quite well blended (ie they don't scream at me like Floating Market). I *think* blueberry is the dominant note on me.


    I would love to have more than my tiny tester so I could slather some on and Really test it!

  7. oh wow I love this! Immediately going on the 'must have a bottle' list


    warm, almost yummy in a way (not foody), just awesome

    I don't want to stop sniffing my wrist

    it's soft with musk, myrrh, and floral playing very well together.

    if I got any hint of saffron at the beginning it faded fast on me and I'm not sure I can pinpoint almond or amber, but they're there.

  8. wow. leather! strong leather! but a good worn leather (not old nasty couch like Red Rider)


    then I get machine oil and the tobacco for an almost sweet blend that is gritty, but also bright with a high/sharp scent in there. it matches the name Rivet.Goth perfectly.

    I wouldn't say this is a pretty or nice scent, but there's something about it I definitely like. It seems dark and dirty and makes me want to slather it on and do dirty things :twisted:


    a few hours later the leather has taken over again and is wearing more like old couch leather that's a bit oily :( That's a shame. If it stayed with the initial leather and the machine oil/tobacco absolute I would have bought a bottle, but this is just not a good morph on me


    8 hours later just the leather - it's strong and has lasted all day. so strong the little dab on my wrist is all I've been able to smell all day. it's mellowed out to a nice leather, but with the rarity of this scent I will save my $ for something I like better

  9. initial sniff skin and imp is dark, incensey with nothing much distinguishable. it's nice but faint.


    2 hours later I get a wonderful scent coming off my wrist, but I can only smell it if I literally put my nose on my wrist and sniff :cry2: it's much softer, a tad more resiny/floral and works so well on my skin! I just can't smell it unless I'm actually trying to

  10. ooh very pink fruity musk; soft, sweet, but with body

    I just want to keep sniffing and it's not something I would normally wear, but it SCREAMS loligoth perfectly! I can instantly picture white and pink frilly dress and a big fruity lollipop :)

    but just a few minutes on my skin and it really starts to fade

  11. argh! it smells so nice and fades so quickly!!! :evil:

    *nose to wrist* I can't make out anything in particular anymore. man, I wish I had a full imp so that I could slather it on and (hopefully) bask in it for longer.

    I do get some cherry and some incense/musk

    *edit -later the same day I get the musky vanilla coming out more and it's niiiiice :)
