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BPAL Madness!


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About storydancer

  • Rank
    a little too imp-ulsive

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  • Favorite Scents
    Good: all things fruity! I tend to get good mileage from the Halloween and Yule updates, but the Lupercalias pass me by. Anything fruit, gentle woods, some resin/incense, very sweet blends. Maybe: florals - really depends on what they're with. Bad: Vanilla & honey usually overpower other notes, and then turn cloying. Had one experience with aquatic notes and, well, NO. Not too keen on foody scents - they're nice, I just rarely want to wear them.


  • Country
    United Kingdom


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  1. storydancer

    When your favorite GC blends are discontinued

    Any recs for similar scents to The Hanging Gardens? On me it's a mixture of the wood and fruit notes (none of its floral notes appear on my skin) that I strongly associate with Christmas - slightly resinous like fir boughs, something almost like cloves, the rich dark fruits of a traditional Christmas pudding or cake. So that's what I'm hoping to find in another scent, because my treasured bottle of HG is beginning to run low...
  2. storydancer

    What Scent Is This?

    YES! Oh you two are quite brilliant! Of course it says that, so obvious now. I had just got stuck on the first letter being a T! And how did I miss that "Ph"? Thank you so much!!
  3. storydancer

    What Scent Is This?

    Do you have a photo so we can all make humorous guesses? The thing that came to mind for me was Temple Viper. Snake Oil with sugar cane, frankincense, champaca, opoponax, labdanum, and hyssop. But Snake Oil is pretty easy to spot. Is it possible the first word is Tanuki? Hehe, I didn't think of uploading pics! It doesn't look like either Temple or Tanuki to my eye but if you differ, I'll happily defer! Have made a composite image ... hope this link works: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1378130_10100124650962494_544920537_n.jpg
  4. storydancer

    What Scent Is This?

    Ooh, thanks sunshinedaisybliss! Trick #2 is definitely a possibility judging by the description - now I'm wondering if the other illegible words on the imp are actually the decanter's details.
  5. storydancer

    What Scent Is This?

    I don't think that's it, Monday, but thank you for the idea! The reviews for Benevolent Triple Conjunction all mention lemon-y freshness and my mystery decant hasn't any elements of that. Maybe I'm reading the first word wrong ... though it does look like it begins Tri-. Guess I'll stick this one in my frimp-as-a-mystery pile!
  6. storydancer

    What Scent Is This?

    Hm - thanks for the idea, Monday, but I don't think it's that. I've looked up reviews for Benevolent Triple Conjunction and they all mention lemon, which there isn't any trace of. Maybe I'm reading the last letters of the first word wrong. Any ideas for scents beginning Tri- ?! I guess I'll probably pop it in the "frimp as a mystery" pile!
  7. storydancer

    What Scent Is This?

    Having a major declutter of my imps after a couple of years away from BPAL, and I've come across a mystery decant. The oil is orangey-gold in colour. I'm struggling to pin down its scent - at first sniff it was very soapy, second sniff said sugariness, third sniff reminded me of something darker in The Hanging Gardens - maybe the ebony and fir? The handwriting on the imp has almost worn away, but it appears to be a three part name, and I'm almost sure the first word is "Triple". No luck on googling so far. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you so much!
  8. storydancer

    What Scent Is This?

    Thanks, samarablackcat and Silvertree! My decant definitely doesn't have any plum notes, so it's probably Midnight on Midway, but I may have to track down an assured decant of MWE for comparison.
  9. storydancer

    What Scent Is This?

    I've been sorting through my imps and have found a mystery one, with TWO handmade labels taped to it, one either side. One says "BPAL MWE 2007", the other says "Midnight on Midway". The Midnight on Midway label is probably more recent (tape is peeling so it's a little hard to tell which was uppermost), but I'm not confident it's actually that. The oil smells sugary, and also there's something citrusy-incense in there (a sort of smoky lemon, maybe?). Which kind of fits Midnight on Midway, BUT I definitely don't get any of the florals MoM is meant to have and I usually amp all florals. So I was wondering, does anyone know what MWE might stand for?? Thanks!
  10. storydancer

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

  11. storydancer

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    How is Ladon pronounced? I've been saying, variously: LAY-don, LAH-don, La-DON. But I'd love to know the proper way to say it ...
  12. storydancer

    Dark Chocolate and Key Lime Truffle

    I am so amazed that this oil is clear, how can it be clear when it should clearly be the colours of what it smells like - dark dark chocolate-y black-brown and bright sharp lime green! For me this is the epitome of delicious, both in the decant and on the skin. It's very sweetly lime-y in the vial, with hardly a hint of chocolate, but the moment it hits the skin the chocolate comes into play. It's perfectly balanced. The chocolate is hardly sweet at all, and is the perfect dark counterpart to the tartly sweet note of the lime. Definitely buying a bottle of this ...
  13. storydancer

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    sarajane and hkhm, thanks so much for those recs, I appreciate it. I'm going to go hunt down those scents now ... They sound gorgeous smelling, they sound promisingly long-lasting AND they have awesome names! Thanks again.
  14. storydancer

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    There's some fabulous recommendations on this thread! I got a free sample of Ladon in my first order and fell in love with the warm apple-y glory of it - so was super happy to see a whole thread of apple recommendations. Been adding lots of these to my wish-list!! Anyway, I was wondering what the opinions were on which apple scents are really long-lasting? I adore Ladon but it's totally gone within about two hours of pretty heavy application - my skin likes the scent as much as my nose does. So I was wondering if anyone had any specific recs for apple-y scents which have good staying power. Thank you!