I can't believe I've never reviewed this. TKO massage oil is my all time favorite lab/trading post bottle; I probably buy 10 or more bottles a year. I wear it all the time myself and constantly get compliments and invitations to snuggle. The snuggling part is a little weird from the random person in line behind me at the grocery store, but it's typical of this scent. To me, TKO is lavender/marshmallow heaven and just makes people want to get close.
I teach yoga and use aromatherapy during savasana (the relaxation portion at the end of class). TKO is the number one requested oil by my students- smearing 70+ people a day with this oil is how I go thru 10 bottles a year. People beg for this oil! And of course, I carry around imps abd the postcards, so I can initiate my students into the gorgeous world of BPAL/BPTP. If you're on the fence about buying TKO, just go ahead and get it. You'll love it. Oh, btw, I prefer the massage oil to the perfume oil. They smell almost exactly the same to me (the perfume oil might be just a tad sharper in the lavender department); you will get more bang for you buck from the massage oil. You can really slather it on and it lasts forever. It's also a great consistency for giving massages.