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Posts posted by CitizenBree

  1. Really interesting that I went to look at the notes to see what spicy flavors would be in here and then I see none! Honestly, smells like some cinnamon on me. I love honeysuckle but I just don't get that at all. Maybe what I'm smelling is the pink pepper. There's nothing floral about this on me at all.

  2. This doesn't work on me at all. With vanilla and apricot, I thought I might like it. But as others have said, it has some weird chemical smell to it. It's more like a chemical smell that is trying to mask itself. it's a little creamy -- must be the vanilla. But shoe polish is pretty much dead on.

  3. The notes listed seem to say it all. This is pretty foodie. I get mostly a nutty scent but with a boozey undertone. Has a Miskatonic University feel to it without all the dust.


  4. Very much cologne-y. I think this is more carnation than lavendar. Lavendar is very much a medicinal sleep scent to me and I don't get that at all here. Once it dries down, it does get a little more floral -- i'm guessing the carnation. Then it's a little more feminine. Still better for a guy unless you are into manly kind of scents.

  5. I tried Bordello a few months ago and didn't write a review. But when I grabbed it today to see if it would be a worthy, fruity subsitute for Loli.goth when I give that away, I remembered that it was pink and delicious.


    So I was surprised when I read the actual notes. Granted, those sounds great. I want to try that perfume. But on me, Bordello is like a sweet raspberry. Wine scents usually go pretty grape juice on me, but that's not happening at all. No grape, no booziness, no creamy amaretto. This is just straight up fruit. And yes, it will satisfy my need for a bright pink sparkly fruit scent as Loli.goth finds a new home.

  6. What's to say that hasn't already been said? Strawberry is the dominant note -- not getting much of anything else. Maybe strawberries with some sugar sprinkled on top. It's very sweet and delicious. I love the scent itself but it disappears pretty fast on me and that fact is that I can get sweet, fruity GC bottles for a lot less trouble. They might not be so strong on the strawberry, but they'd satisfy the need for something fruity.

  7. #76

    Smelled like a light vanilla in the imp so i was surprised when I put it on and immediately the other notes came out. Something spicey and while i'd describe it as foodie, there's something savory about it. Or it could be a burnt note. Smells like it could be cinnamon or nutmeg. It's something I can't put my finger on. Like it could be a savory type dinner roll with a little bit of that dessert-type spice mixed in. Maybe there's a little anise in here? The vanilla is still there also so it's a nice little mix but just not my style.



    Sort of a honeyed vanilla under a floral. This reminds me of a lot of the District line, which were super sweet on my skin. I can't pick out the flower, though. it's not one of the main ones i know like lily, rose or violet. I can also smell some slight green wetness, like what you get with the rose in Whip. Finally, there's a delicate baby scent like from Gladdener of All Hearts. This is pretty and feminine. Not my ideal vanilla but still nice.



    Delicious maple syrup. It's like pancake breakfast but the cook did what I do and put some vanilla extract in the batter or syrup. On the skin of my wrists, it dies down to a nice soft vanilla, but in my cleavage area, it's still heavy super yummy syrup. I want to drink this up.

  8. This is pretty much what the descriptions says. Really heavy brown sugar smell on first application. It starts to take on a more mulled wine smell as it dries. Not a heavy alcohol scent, but the plum gives it a little grape-y edge and the clove and sugar bring me back to halloween night. It's a little more potpourri than making me want to eat it. This would be amazing as an atmosphere scent.

  9. For me, this is a cross between Staged Moon Landing and Skytyping with Chemtrails. It's got that lemony sugared edge that Skytyping has with that muted orris that Staged has. Very pretty and light. Since I have bottles of the other two, not sure i'd want another bottle that is so similar, but i might be persuaded.

  10. Vetiver is not my friend. But I have smelled some mixes with vetiver that worked. This is kinda one of them. Now I'm not gonna get a bottle of this, but I don't have to scrub it off immediately either. It's very hippie-like. I don't smell anything fruity or sugary, but I do get a hint of the coconut. That might be what helps calm the vetiver storm a bit.


  11. I guess I'm the only one so far that felt like the amber was the strongest note on me. But it's a very complex scent. With every sniff, something else comes out as more prominent. After it settles on my skin a bit, the pumpkin comes out a bit stronger, but mixed with the mandarin for a spicy orange/pumpkin scent. Every now and then I get something super sweet, like candy. Not getting ginger (good, I don't like it), or mango either.


    Once it's more fully dry, it's pumpkiny amber. it is a pretty delicious scent. like a baked good. This would make a really lovely autumn scent.

  12. Another sweet, fruity scent. The lime is pretty strong early on but then it dies down a bit. And that's when I smell more tea. It's another delicate scent that would be great for the summer. I don't get any of the carnation -- it's not floral at all to me, just fruity. I also don't smell anything musky. Disappeared pretty quickly but I think the light scent it leaves behind is still pretty nice, if just close to the skin.


    Just a quick edit since i've been wearing this all day -- yup, this is juicy fruit gum. delicious!

  13. omg, super sweet, sweet pea. very fruity/floral. I love that about sweet pea. Definitely candy like, makes me want to lick my skin where I put it on. Towards the end a little bit of the vanilla comes out just a teensy bit. This is so feminine and cool. would ge a good summer scent.

  14. Wet, this smells like a very sweet maple syrup. Reminded me of pancake breakfast, which is one of my favorites. And this smell is SUPER strong on me. weird, right? But once it dries down and settles, it's just a delicate, light coconut scent. I'm glad i'm not getting any black pepper because that always makes me want to sneeze. This would be a great beach scent.


  15. Very different than what I was expecting. Vanilla, tonka and sugar are scents I love so much, but this is mostly cardamom. Smells like a sweet spice cabinet. It reminds me of an old smell. Like something in my grandmother's house. Like the mix of her perfume with whatever she was just baking.

  16. Butterscotch and rum...but this has the "old" note in it as well. I thought it was dust, but dust is a bit different, makes me sneezy. This is almost musty. Like a pirate spilled their butterscotch rum in their old dusty library. It's not as dusty as Miskatonic University, but it's similar. The dust in MU made me not like it, but I do like this Grog.

  17. In the imp, this was cherry cough syrup. I didn't want to try it but almond and vanilla are notes I like so I know I need to skin test.


    First putting it on, it burned my more sensitve areas like my cleavage (neck and wrists were fine). once the burning wore off a bit, the cinnamon came out...the culprit!


    It turned into a light and delicate cinnamon after a little longer. Throw was not very powerful and it didn't last very long either. It served its purpose for the midnight showing of Eclipse but I'm not to interested in trying it more.

  18. I pulled this one out of my stash as I remember it's quite a popular one. that must mean vanilla/foody right?


    When I sniffed the imp, yuck. I get that cherry smell that i hate and everyone else seems to smell. How could this be popular? I decide to risk it and I put it on.


    After the initial wet, THEN it starts smelling good. It's definitely a creamy milk and honey. I get that oatmeal smell as well. But not oatmeal I want to eat, it's oatmeal that is specifically made as a face mask or mud bath. So there's a perfumey quality to it that sets it apart from some of Beth's other milky honey scents that I want to lick of my skin.


    Unfortunately, the throw and lasting power are so weak on me that I knock this down from 4 stars to three. I might try it in a lotion to see if that helps. Otherwise, it's not a bottle purchase.

  19. What a strange scent.


    This is like a the scent of a guy bottled. After shave covering up some BO. It definitely starts as a soapy cologne type of scent, but at the tail end of the whiff, I get dirty gym socks. Maybe that's the cat. I always say my cats are stinky good, but this cat note is a little stinky bad.


    After a few minutes, I think the gym socks scent is dying down a bit and it's mostly a delicate after shave.


    Definitely too masculine for me. Not sure I'd like it on my husband either.

  20. This scent is pretty complex. At first, I just got a lot of warm spices, like clove, something sweet but incense-y. Now, after drydown, I get more rose. It's a little like a fading Zombi on me. The rose is faint and the spices give it that mossy balance. But there's also something fruity/sweet.


    What I don't get is lavender or jasmine. Not even a hint so maybe I amp roses.


    This scent is very delicate. I think I'll keep it around to give it a full test but I'm thinking it's one that might fade pretty fast since it's so light.



  21. This one is pretty amazing. It smells just like hay to me. It smells like i'm on a hay ride. I would definitely want to wear this in the fall. It's more of a cool weather scent in my opinion.


    I also think it's more masculine. Hay itself has a bit of that cologne-y tinge to it. This would probably smell amazing on my husband. I also don't mind it on me and I usually tend to steer clear of scents like this. Fall is my favorite season so that could be why this one is so appealing to me even if it's not my usually profile.

  22. This scent is very pretty. Floral, but with a touch of something dark. I guess that's the musk. The lavender is very delicate but you can pick it out in here. Makes the scent very soothing. Sometimes lavender can be overpowering, but this is nice. I don't get any vanilla bean and not much of the rose either. The floral I get i think is the carnation.


    I like floral scents, like roses and violet, but not usually something as generic as carnation. But this scent is different. It is definitely a nice summer scent...it smells like dusk almost.


    edit: sorry to edit so soon but now it's been another 10 minutes and I totally smell the rose now. I'm a big rose fan and usually like big and bold, but this is a delicate rose and it's soooooo nice.
