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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by summertimecrime

  1. In the imp: pomegrante & roses


    Wet: wher did the pomegrante go? =[ roses, roses, roses, and not a very nice rendition of the scent


    Drydown: this is another grandmother's tea party scent for me, it smells EXACTLY like rose soap. Very old fashioned scent, not girly so much as elderly =[

  2. Frimped by the very generous lab!


    In the imp: HELLO, PINE-SOL!


    Wet: this is a VERY green scent. The juniper is coming through strongly, and as I said before, it has a heavy pine scent.


    Drydown: Strange, but now I smell roses? Or rather, roses soaked in Pine-Sol..too sharp for my taste.

  3. In the imp: WHOA this is a very..heavy smell. Sour wine, with an underlying smokey trash scent?


    Wet: Red wine coupled with crushed, dark & wet roses. Interesting. A few seconds later, I am hit with tobacco.


    Drydown: The first time I tried this, it dried on me and smelled horrific. Now it's a very mature, dark scent. Mmmm. I cannot stop sniffing my wrist-the rose scent has darkened considerably and smells deliciously musky.


    Definitely like this, so glad I gave it a second chance!

  4. The infamous Snake Oil


    In the imp: Whoa, did I just step into a headshop?


    Wet: smokey honey and incense, with plasticy vanilla coming through.


    Drydown: the honey has now turned to powder, as I have encountered with nearly every BPAL oil with honey in it. It has a strange musk to it, too, but the incense is too strong


    Overall, a disappointment. The honey in BPAL just does not translate well onto my skin, which is a shame. I was drawn in by the overwhelming popularity of this oil as well as the sugary vanilla. Will try again in a few months when it has had time to age a bit!

  5. In the imp: sharp and citrusy, it kind of reminds me of alka seltzer?


    On the skin: Mmm, the first time I tried this, I did not like it at all-but second time around isn't quit as bad! I can smell the ylang ylang, but it's not overpowering...a little bit of watery floral, muted citrus


    Drydown: what a melancholy scent! Completely matches the name, it's hopelessly aquatic and full of longing, with just a hint of flowers & delicate citrus strands. A very wistful scent with very little throw.

  6. Oh, O-I wanted to like you, I truly did!


    In the imp: powder, cherries, and honey..after sitting on sweaty skin for hours


    Wet: much the same as in the imp, except now the honey is more pronounced, as is the powder. So far, BPAL honey translates to sweet powder on my skin, boo =[


    Drydown: this is a very "skin" type scent, but it's not pleasant to me at all-the honey has turned to a dirty powder smell, I think I may have detected a little bit of amber somewhere in the mix? But all in all, this is not the scent for me-it smells horrific on my skin, another disappointment *sigh*

  7. Another imp gifted by ephemera!


    In the imp: HOLY SMOKES, literally!-this smells like damp cigarette butts left smoldering in an ashtray.


    Wet: very smokey! Overwhelmingly so. There is a deep musk scent to this, as well as healthy doses of pine or something very..green.


    Drydown: much the same as it was wet, just a bit lighter. This was not pleasant to me at all, but I will say this-it's a very interesting scent. I do not like it as a perfume oil, but perhaps I can find another use for it...

  8. In the imp: PEACH EXPLOSION. Maybe a bit of powdery honey in the background?

    Wet: more peaches, faint strands of roses, and a whole lot of powdery honey.

    Drydown: BLECH! I smell like my grandmother, this is something I'd imagine old ladies at a tea party wearing. So disappointed, someone said this was similar to Daisy by MJ and I jumped on it, but on my skin it turned into a peachy powdery disaster =[

  9. I'm on a review spree right now, thanks to ephemera sending me TONS of imps for free!


    In the imp, it's a very clean, aquatic scent. Nice! Wet, I smell citrus and driftwood. Upon drydown, the scent fades quickly-it's nice, very unisex. I wouldn't wear it regularly because it's a very light scent and I prefer wearing more dramatic scents. This would be a good oil for a man to use, though!

  10. Another imp I was gifted by the ridiculously kind ephemera:


    In the imp, I caught a whiff of VERY overpowering rose-dusty rose, actually. Wet, I'm still getting roses but now there's a sharp herbal scent coming through..drydown, as I have experienced with almost every BPAL oil I have tried, POWDER POWDER POWDER with the occasional burst of dried roses & herbs. It had a lot of throw for me, which is unfortunate because I did not like this scent at all, and it stuck around until my shower the following morning. Not for me.

  11. Arrr! Avast ye, matey! This be the scent of pirate rum!

    I was gifted a TON of imps by the very sweet ephemera, and Grog was one of them.

    In the imp, it has a dark, deep & buttery scent-wet, smells like liquid butterscotch candies (YUM!) and upon drydown, I smell very faint hints of burnt coconut, it never had any rum scent but this is so delightful as is that I don't even mind! As strong as the scent is in the vial (and it is STRONG-I could clearly smell it before it was even opened!) it doesn't stick around my skin for long, boo =[