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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by imaginepageant

  1. My ironborn re-read continues with, surprisingly, even more R+L=J evidence. http://t.co/V9BgkZSWdo #ASOIAF

  2. I think toy manufacturers package toys in oddly-shaped boxes just to make wrapping gifts that much more frustrating.

  3. Finally got all my #BPAL labeled and organized! http://t.co/qMLBU8L0Je

  4. Wrote a bit this morning. See! I'm not letting this one wither and die! I will finish this novel! #Nanowrimo

  5. Feels even stranger not to actually have to write today. I'm usually panicking by this point. So nice to already be done! #Nanowrimo

  6. First day all month I didn't set an alarm. Woke up at 6:45 anyway and couldn't get back to sleep. This is all your fault, #Nanowrimo.

  7. I'll #HaloSpree when I win tomorrow! Tweet me your username and finish this sentence: "I hate yogurt. It's just stuff with ___." @Nanowrimo

  8. My reward for winning #Nanowrimo. Waiting until I actually win tomorrow before I start reading it is excruciating. http://t.co/apBOXQ75sU

  9. 48,530 words. I can't remember the last time I felt this relaxed at the end of November. #Nanowrimo

  10. Oh hey, sore throat. I wish I could say it was nice to see you again, but that would be a fucking lie.

  11. Think I have to admit defeat for my 60k goal. Can't write enough on days I work, and can't catch up enough on days I don't. #Nanowrimo

  12. 33,746 words. More than 2,000 words behind now. Tomorrow will be another catch-up day. #Nanowrimo

  13. What do you do when your supporting characters are so much more interesting and dynamic than your protagonist? #Nanowrimo

  14. Time for our heroes to meet the Wizard of Oz! #Nanowrimo

  15. I have officially hit The Wall. If only Tormund Giantsbane were here to help me climb over it. #Nanowrimo

  16. Taking a break to watch the #Nanowrimo webcast with @ScottWesterfeld and @grantfaulkner. That's allowed, right? http://t.co/KBR1b777Uv

  17. Over 1,000 words before noon. We are on a roll! #Nanowrimo

  18. Three minutes after waking up, I've solved my plot problem. Why can't I think this well at night? #Nanowrimo

  19. I would kill for a pizza right now.

  20. 50,000 words is not going to be enough for this story. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? #Nanowrimo

  21. Can't even open my mouth wide enough for scrambled eggs. Ugh.

  22. The Great Wall of Post-Its '14 is complete. More or less. #Nanowrimo http://t.co/97Mu4uyvCW

  23. Feel so much better now that freezing has totally worn off. Not much pain; it hurt worse than this with the tooth in.

  24. I wish it could be autumn all year. The world is so beautiful covered in leaves.

  25. How can you really say no after that. http://t.co/1BSwUmEQtb
