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Status Updates posted by Spacekitty

  1. We managed to keep Tillie virus-free for over two years. Last month the floodgates were opened with her first cold. Two and a half weeks of snotsplosion. Then two weeks of good health. Now, sick again. I'm hoping her immune system is rested and ready for more action; and, will take this cold out in less time so that she can enjoy Chrismas.

  2. My friend Nick thinks nothing of any value came out of the 1980s. I think he is not just wrong, but completely off his rocker. Please help me prove to him that we were not brought up in a decade devoid of brilliance; and that any fondness we feel for it is not just romanticism or nostalgia.

  3. All I want for Christmas is the will and determination to get myself into a healthy routine so that I can live long enough to see my daughter have a screaming snarling demon child of her own. Amen.

  4. Did everyone else's 2 year olds know how to lie this early or is mine just destined to become a con artist?

  5. Wait a minute... When did Netflix stock its instant roster with all this good shit? And more importantly, how long will it be available? Surely this can't be permanent. I mean, it's Netflix - they don't do anything right these days.

  6. Watching Auntie Mame again for the millionth time... "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"

  7. I love how, because of FB, people suddenly know and care about people they didn't know or care about before they died. I'm not judging. I'm just judging.

  8. Watching Kick-Ass. Again. So fricking brutal. So fricking funny. SO FRICKING GOOD.

  9. Fuck it. It's time to eat ice cream.

  10. Okay. I need some serious Christmas dinner dessert ideas. Stat.

  11. Presets still left to buy? 5. Cookies baked? Zero. Dishes for Xmas day planned and prepared? None. Presents wrapped? 0 of 486. Hair colored? Check. Nails? Done. Current games on WWF? 12. Yeah, I got my priorities straight.

  12. If I don't count the little treats I bought for myself, the baking/decorating/wrapping "incidentals", or the fact that I used my birthday gift cards, I totally stayed under budget this year!

  13. Mom found some crazy zillion calorie dessert recipe for us, so now I'm looking for side dish or app ideas. Help! Not opposed to ethnic or non-traditional xmas fare.

  14. So... Lots of people are posting about how super obnoxiously rude and unkind they've heard other shoppers be to retail employees. This is bullshit. Speak up! Even if it's simply a cheerful, "Merry Christmas!", to the offender (as my friend Billee did) to remind them that that kind of crap doesn't fly - not here and not NOW of all times. Yeah, they may shoot you a dirty look or even say something back, but you can handle it. It's just one nasty person. Imagine the dozens of nasty people cashie...

  15. If I have the letters, even if I'm losing, I will always play the word "poop" in Scrabble. It's just who I am.

  16. Happy Boxing Day, everyone! I hope everyone is recovering nicely from the excesses of Giftmas. Hugs. Be well.

  17. Hey lookie! I'm still Timeline-free! Nice.

  18. Anyone have an extra OSX 10.5/Leopard install lying around?

  19. I used to only make positive resolutions ("eat better quality chocolate, less frequently"), but last year I was pretty successful with the negative ones. (I gave up soda, restricted meat consumption and gave up fast food. All of which lasted a good 10+months. Not bad.) This time I plan on making several major changes, but doing them over the course of the year in baby steps. If I attempt a lifestyle overhaul and alter lots if things all at once it would last like, four hours.What are your...

  20. Tillie just ate a Mickey Mouse cookie that she got from Santa. It had lots of black icing. She now looks like a proper little goth girl - or a cross between Guy Fawkes and The Joker.

  21. Just read three "eat a bag if dicks" comments from three friends who aren't friends with each other. I have such colorful and classy friends. :)

  22. I just figured out what I didn't like about 2011: Me. So, here's to a new year and a new me. A BETTER year and a better me. xoxo

  23. I have relented; I've started Downton Abbey.

  24. My new year's resolution (#27): Adopt apathetic stance on "upcoming" election. Be informed and remain a passionate idealist who votes her conscience, but refrain from expressing opinions or engaging in futile arguments via social media in attempt to educate others. It's just super annoying - and frankly, none of your business.
