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Everything posted by PilotKitten
My problem(s) with Heaven & Earth Essentials
PilotKitten commented on filigree_shadow's blog entry in Do you have a flag?
There goes that "you're getting free products and it's not a good thing!" theory again. What the hell? Seriously. I'm not being blinded by anything. In all of my orders from H&E I've gotten 1 free product per order and 2 for a very large order - $150+. A small bar of soap, or a 5mL of a perfume I didn't even like doesn't "blind" me or others to anything. I think, even if you think everything else is shady, pointing to the fact that Michele includes FREEBIES with *every* package (not just the lost/late/missing items ones) as something that is somehow inherently wrong is just blatantly ridiculous!! -
My problem(s) with Heaven & Earth Essentials
PilotKitten commented on filigree_shadow's blog entry in Do you have a flag?
Of course they don't. My point was... if 3 weeks from now after everything has died down here and someone just randomly pops in to say, "Hey... I hate this company and Michele's a bitch", it could be construed as trolling. Heck, if *my* actions in the H&E thread while defending Michele could be construed as trolling, I'm at a loss as to why attacks on her character are perfectly acceptable and encouraged. ETA - In response to the lost orders... I've only seen maybe 3 actual "the post office lost it" lost order snafus. The others were miscommunications with her assistant, streamlining things with PayPal vs the production line, and just accidentally overlooking things. All things that have happened to me at one time or another with other companies, including BPAL. -
My problem(s) with Heaven & Earth Essentials
PilotKitten commented on filigree_shadow's blog entry in Do you have a flag?
Well, we spend a lot of time ensuring that the rules *are* enforced evenly...so if you (or anyone) has a concern about a rule being applied fairly, you should feel free to contact us about it. Already have but thank you for your concern. And I can totally respect your feelings on the matter f_s. I guess it's just an agree to disagree thing now. s anyhow. As a general announcement to everyone reading this though: I would appreciate if people didn't come into the H&E thread solely to create drama. Not saying anyone here has done that in this instance... but it's happened in the past. If you don't like the products then fine, say so. But some people have only come into the thread to attack Michele or H&E when they haven't even tried out the products and only base their opinions on heresy. I think a lot of people have had their say about why they don't like Michele personally for whatever reasons and now that she's no longer a part of this board it would just be construed as trolling to continue to do so if they're in the camp that hasn't done business with her at all. Obviously people that actually do business with her are entitled to their opinions (as are people who haven't done business with her... I just think it's pointless to CONTINUE to malign her and the company here on this board and in that thread). I hope that didn't sound too... well.. whatever. It's late... I'm having trouble thinking coherently, much less typing. -
My problem(s) with Heaven & Earth Essentials
PilotKitten commented on filigree_shadow's blog entry in Do you have a flag?
I do respect your view f_s, I really do. You manage to write your opinion articulately and not in the least emotional. Thank you for that. It just seems to me that your entire problem with H&E and Michele's actions here on the forums stems from your belief that H&E and BPAL are "direct competitors" when numerous people have pointed out how, they in fact, are definitely NOT. And whether people trust Michele or Olympia more isn't an issue. The issue is that the "rules" that people are screaming Michele broke are not being carried out evenly across the board. Those rules are posted in black and white on the forums. Regardless of personal opinion or levels of "trust", the mods/admin should be enforcing them the same for everyone. Which, apparent to me and others, is not what they are doing. I also vehemently disagree that Michele has come to the BPAL forums to "stir up drama". Not ONCE has she done that. If anything, her actions taken here before her suspension and on her own forums (such as changing 13's name) were to get rid of the drama and bickering. Again, since when is it against the rules to sell BPAL here? As long as they adhere to the price caps, I'm not sure why it's even an issue that you keep bringing up. Heck... if Beth went over to Michele's forum to offload her H&E samples or bottles it would be expected because it's obviously a place where people who like the products congregate. (and just to add, H&E doesn't have price caps in effect as of the moment so if there was a market for people who wanted to pay $5 a sample, then Beth would certainly be free to sell them there) She could've offloaded them on eBay for TONS more without the mods breathing down her neck and forcing her to adhere to pricecaps... but she didn't. I just don't see the problems here that you keep pointing at. ETA - Michele was/is a fan of BPAL too. Somehow claiming that even if she's a "competitor" to BPAL shouldn't outright stop her from buying BPAL or banning her access to swapping/sales. If that was true then there are a couple of people in the retail forum with their own shops that need to close their sale threads now. I don't get it... people accused Michele of not selling to Olympia because she was a competitor (I never asked Michele's side of the story because I didn't really care about the issue) and oh how horrible that was... but now everyone insinuates that Michele can't buy/swap BPAL that doesn't work out with her? She sold 40 imps... and has a collection far larger. Hardly a professional reseller like Roostergrrl. -
My problem(s) with Heaven & Earth Essentials
PilotKitten commented on filigree_shadow's blog entry in Do you have a flag?
Then *why* do people say that H&E is such a HUGE competitor to BPAL?? I personally think that the two companies are COMPLETELY different entities and have absolutely nothing in common other than they both happen to sell perfume. BPAL is all about dark and sinister, occult and magicks. H&E is fairies and kitties. They operate in such opposite realms of the perfume community that it's like proclaiming Wal-Mart and Versace are competitors because they both sell clothes. And in my experience they do. Not only is it out of line to suggest that people who actually like this company's products are getting paid off to review them, it's pretty darn rude. And not to be snarky or anything, but I've seen people downright OBSESSED with BPAL. I don't recall seeing any H&E 5 mLs going on eBay for $$$$ like I repeatedly see BPALs doing. And I have repeatedly given reviews to BPAL blends that are just as, if not more, "effusive" than my reviews for H&E. Not slamming BPAL in any way, they *are* quality and I love them. But I love H&E too and for anyone to insinuate that the only way people could love that company when there's BPAL around is because we get paid by the owner to is pretty insulting. Yes, I loved how she referred to her own products as "frimps" and not one person blinked an eyelash. Yet, when the term was mistakenly used by a newbie to the forums when referring to H&E products, she got publicly embarassed and chastised. I personally see a line that has been crossed by allowing these double-standards to continue. sCara and FeMaledictions has RIPPED PEOPLE OFF, STOLEN MONEY and REFUSED REFUNDS! Every last thing is illegal. Yet, people want the H&E thread deleted so the forum isn't condoning people doing business with her? Because why? She gives out free products?? She loved (and perhaps still does despite all the drama) BPAL (mentioning more than once that she loves BPAL more than her own blends and wears that exclusively)?? I really don't understand all the hatred directed at Michele and this company. And the arguements presented just really don't make sense. She sold bottles of BPAL on the forums? So do hundreds of other people. There are price caps in place to ensure that people aren't doing professional reselling of BPAL for a profit, but somehow evil Michele was able to sneak past all that with the "mods breathing down her neck at every turn'? Sorry if someone selling BPAL here doesn't raise any flags for me, it's such a normal everyday occurrance. Why would someone create a 2nd account for "market research" when they can do all the market research they want at their own forums? Again... doesn't make sense. People, myself included, have posted the exact same post, word for word, from the Suggestions forum here to the Suggestions forum there. Why would she need to break the rules to see these posts when we're giving them to her freely of our own accord? And as for seeing BPAL reviews, it's the only section of the site that you don't even need to be logged in to see! So again, why create a second account? I'm not saying the mods/admin are lying when they claim Michele created a 2nd account, I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense to me why she would. I've talked about it before and I'll talk about it again. Voodoo Punani and Underpants smell ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ALIKE. Voodoo Punani was a customer requested blend for sugared sandalwood... nothing new in the perfume world. Thirteen and Superstitious/13 are ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ALIKE. Thirteen is a concept about blending historically "lucky" scents and offered on Friday the 13th. Superstitious/13 is just a regular fall blend that happened to be first offered on Friday the 13th. I think it's a little ridiuclous to proclaim that the Lab somehow "owns" a date to release perfume. And furthermore... did the Lab even contact Michele on their own to inform her of this infraction that was oh so heinous? Not to my knowledge. And no one else has mentioned it either. So, I'm inclined to believe that it never happened. Even so, Michele changed the name immediately and is *still* getting attacked for it. Olympia has a disclaimer on her possets website about changing the name of a "Euphoria" blend because another company had the same name. Same scenario. Perfume company created perfume with the same name and later changes the name so as not to break any laws. Yet Olympia is "classy" and Michele is practically the anti-christ. (NOTE - I'm *NOT* attacking Olympia, I'm just pointing out these double-standards that everyone seems to be holding Michele to and uses to claim she's so "evil" or whatever) Michele has asked that people who wish to hear her response/proof denying the accusations in this blog to please PM her on her own forums. It's poor taste to make up a decision when you haven't even heard her side of the story and do all of your complaining in a place that she doesn't have access to in order to refute anything. If you *really* were this incensed you would confront her directly instead of hiding behind bpal.org and listen to her side. Just my .02. I hope my take on actually liking this company and why I'm still defending Michele is as welcomed and accepted as those who vehemently condone it. Apologies for this is a longer post than I intended for it to go on. -
Yummy apricot and plum! This scent smells so delicious. Not even the musks are screwing it up for me. On the drydown I get the wild roses coming out just a tad... they don't amp up and smell awful like they normally do either. This blend is breakin' some of the rules! Very very nice... I'll definitely be keeping this imp around for awhile.
Lemon verbena and a herbal lemongrass dominate this scent for me. Along with a faint white musk this *almost* smells like some sort of herbal lemon tea. Not too shabby... if only the durn imp cap hadn't broken...
Dark herbal scent. I'm not getting much of a black fruit like the description says, but definitely this dark herbal mixture. Not my thing though. Off to the swap pile for you!
I'm not sure if it's the lavender or the honeysuckle but from first applying this till the drydown I get nothing but soap. Wait... it can't be the lavender because I'm still getting a faint lavender note from this... lavender soap.
This smells like a very green herbal at first. After the initial drydown more of the rose comes out and lends it a hint of seduction. The lavender also peeks out, but it's lovingly muted and not at all spicy like I normally get. Sugary floral with green herbal, this is a very nice smelling blend but just not my type o' oil.
On first whiff this is a VERY woodsy dark cherry scent. Not the wood dark cherry... the fruit. The wonderful cherry that was perverted by anise in Kyoto and Neo-Tokyo, etc. But in this case it's perverted instead by the woods. Woods are just not my thing. Alas, poor cherry, I knew ye not.
Semen from a hanged man, eh? Well.. I can't really speak about that association but this is a very woodsy type of smell to me. Almost like a sandalwood. Definitely not for me though... me and woods just don't get along.
OOh? Is there moonflower in this? There isn't that note listed but I could swear I'm getting the clear sweetness of moonflower. The heliotrope and rose are a fabulous addition as well. Wow... I'm actually surprised by this blend. I don't like almost any of the Funereal Oils (Embalming Fluid is about it), but this is a sweet, almost sugary floral that is actually pretty good on me. Definitely keeping this imp around for awhile.
This smells like medicinal woods. It has an astringent quality like you find in band-aid adhesive and medicines. There also may be eucalyptus in this... or a mint. It smells almost spearminty after awhile, with a back wood tone to it. I love the spearmint, but this blend is just too much for me to ever wear. After the drydown I'm getting a hint of perhaps a cardamom? Wow... maybe I'm changing my mind on this one, it's such a morpher. That first medicinal note is a hurdle to get over, but this morphed version is pretty durn nice.
Gah! ROSEMARY!! Ohhh wow, is that ever strong! I *am* Rosemary's Baby while wearing this puppy! Ouch! After the initial drydown this morphs even more into a rosemary herb with a strong bitter/sour note. And whoa does this puppy ever have the throw! Ick... I have to wash this off... I'm not even trying to sniff it and I can still smell it wafting about me in a heady cloud. O_o
On me this starts out with a very juicy grapefuit. And not that sour rind scent I usually get with grapefruit BPAL blends... this one is sweeter and very juicy. The dark musk in this though is just sort of perverted and bitter scented. Everything else smells good if it didn't have this bitter, contemptuous core note.
This is a spicy kick you in the teeth lavender. I'm not sure how that's supposed to bring you peace and put you to sleep, but I don't think it'd work on me. It's not HORRIBLY strong like some other BPAL Lavender blends are... this one *is* a bit more muted. So, perhaps it would work nicely in an oil burner or such, but I just can't see myself wearing it.
On me this starts out as a soft leather blend. A nice leather like the one in Whip. After the initial drydown though, this becomes all woods on me. Drat this stupid skin chemistry and woods. >_< This one sounds so nice too.
On me this is very heavy on the sandalwood and myrrh.... two notes my skin amps up horrifically. < sigh > Ah well... at least I tried it.
Mmm... wonderful with the moonflower note, as always. After the initial drydown, a heavier sandalwood and frankincense come out to ruin things. >_< This morphs into an insanely woodsy/resinous note on me (damn my skin chemistry amping up frankincense and woods!) and starts to give me a headache.
Very dark musk with a heavy overtone of the red sandalwood. Too much musk and wood for me though.
Love the cinnamon in this one but the almond is just a *touch* too much on wet. After the initial drydown this fades into a very nice cinnamon-y note with just a touch of spice. With it being predominately cinnamon, I might try this one out as a layering note with some other blends to see how it fares. < nods >
Hrm... yes, this is definitely a masculine blend. It's brighter, I think, than most men's scents tend to be though. The amber and white pine in this is just the perfect note of golden masculinity without overwhelming. After the drydown a creamy vanilla takes root and combines it's own flavour to the gorgeous amber and pine. Definitely dropping this one into my husband's to-try pile.
Like the description says, this is a very crisp ozone with a hint of the ionic overtones you get just before a summer storm hits. Not *quite* the perfect before the rain scent (I personally think that would include a little chlorophyll for that wonderful green note) but still a very nice clean aquatic. May have to send this one off to my sister to test since she loves the fresh/clean scents. < nods >
On wet, I can definitely tell that this *should* be apple, but something else (maybe the musk? hyacinth?) is making it seem slightly sour. Or it could just be the type of apple note... Golden apples usually aren't quite *this* sour to me though. Waiting it out to see what happens on the drydown.... After the drydown it settles a bit into a light er musky fragrance with just a touch of fruity sweetness. It's definitely a unisex blend but I feel like it's leaning a bit more towards the masculine side for me. Perhaps I'll have Brian try this one out.