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About Antoinette

  • Rank
    sexy swapper
  • Birthday 04/18/1971


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    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    The Anti-Saloon League, Morocco, Vespertillio Proterus, Pink Moon '12, Pink Plastic Flamingo, Celeste, Liberty, Mother Ginger, Great Grey Witch, Dana O'Shee, Phantasm, Tombstone, Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener, The Phoenix in Spring

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  • Interests
    Art, history, art history, costuming (historical and/or film), anything Egyptian or ancient near eastern/middle eastern, Marie Antoinette, the Tudor wives. I love to read, sew, draw, paint - just being creative.
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  1. Antoinette

    Aoede, Melete, Mneme

    Aoedae starts off as a creamy vanilla sandalwood on me, I'm not picking up on the caramel that much. As it dries down the sandalwood almost disappears and it ends up being a perfectly sweet vanilla custard type scent on my skin. I absolutely adore it both right out of the bottle and dried down. It's warm and soft, perfect for colder weather.
  2. Antoinette

    The She-Goat

    I was born and raised in California and this smells like home. It's beautiful and gives me an overall sense of joy and peace when I inhale deeply. It's like a little piece of home I can visit anytime I like. Love it!
  3. Antoinette

    Absurd Origin Story

    I love cola fragrances and this one is so authentic but with the added bonus of a fluffy marshmallow background. It has that invigorating carbonated element to it (I don't know what magic Beth uses to achieve this, but it's always fabulous) and it's just the right amount of sweet. Back up bottle worthy for me!
  4. Antoinette

    Roof Goblins

    This cabin has roof goblins, and they’re going to steal your apples and milk. Honeycrisp apples and sugared milk. Wow, Roof Goblins is one of those blends that sounded perfect to me and it does not disappoint. It's a straightforward mixture of sweet and juicy honeycrisp apples and sugared milk. Soft and sweet, it stays close to the skin but for the first few hours I kept getting delicious wafts of sweet creamy apple. Definitely the best milk note I've tried! It's sugared, creamy and soft - which is what the final dry down is like on my skin. This is going to be a regular go to for the fall and winter months because it's comforting and I imagine will feel warm in the cold days ahead. Beautiful!
  5. Antoinette

    Morning Glories in Bloom

    This is such a beautiful fresh floral scent. It reminds me of taking an early summer morning walk on a flowered path still covered in dew drops. This one has just the right amount of florals that makes me want to inhale without it being at all over powering. It's gorgeous.
  6. Antoinette

    A View of Cascading Cherry Blossoms

    I love this one! It's mostly cherry blossom on me. I actually forgot strawberry was listed in this until I got online here and read the notes. It's such a lovely springtime scent, light, pink and sweet. Gorgeous and back up worthy.
  7. Antoinette

    Calumet 412

    The Everleigh’s phone number, available 24/7 to clients and sympathetic reporters. For a good time, call. Softly-glowing gaslamps cast sinuous shadows over plush leather and brocade sofas, flicking its light between oaken shelves laden with books. A whiff of aftershave and the memory of perfume. I'm not really sure how to review this one. I can't truly pick out the separate notes but I know they are there, it's just that the cumulative effect of them all blended together is so delicious that it becomes its own atmosphere. It's sexy and attractive and expensive smelling. I will say that to my nose the prominent top notes are the aftershave and perfume (expensive smelling varieties) while the other notes create a background location for them. It's another prime example of how Beth captures a place and time in a bottle. Magic.
  8. Antoinette

    The Gold Room

    The Everleigh Club was located in a sumptuous 50-room mansion in Chicago’s Red Light District. Every inch of this palace of sin was lavishly decorated, and none more than the Gold Room, which featured golden furnishings, golden draperies, gold spittoons, gold-gilded fish bowls, and a gold-leaf piano. Gleaming, glittering gold: amber and honeyed champagne, ginger root, yellow tobacco flower, and golden apple peel. The Gold Room is my favorite from this year's exceptional C2E2 exclusives. It's really well blended and all of the notes express a golden feel, but the standout note is the amber and honey champagne. It's one of those blends that's makes me feel happy when I smell it and it has a very nice throw, so a lot of happiness from this one! In the bottle: Champagne, fizzy and bright! On the skin: Happy champagne with golden wisps of the ginger root and tobacco flower all on a sweet hint of golden apple peel. It's a stunner and if you love the Lab's champagne note, try to snag one!
  9. Antoinette

    Eve's Big Apple II

    On me this is primarily a nice deep red apple with a flourish of soft myrrh. Really nice combo.
  10. Antoinette

    Ego Sum Lux Mundi

    Ok, this blend is wonderful! There was a really beautiful way that the fruits played off of the resins. On me the apple and pear (which seem equal, neither one overtakes the other) brought out the sweetness in the resins and the interplay between the juicy fruits and the dry resins was truly lovely. As it dried down, the fruits faded away a bit, leaving behind a very nice sweet frank/myrhh/amber combo that was delicious. I have a lot of fruity scents and a lot of resin scents but this is the only fruity resin scent I think I have. It's adds something new and unique to my collection.
  11. Antoinette

    Diligent Instruction for the Bridal Night

    I agree with the description of this being like a Strawberry Stekk! This is delicious. LOVE!
  12. Antoinette

    Festival Orgy

    Soft mosses, lotus petals, bamboo wood, ylang ylang, and vanilla sandalwood. Wow, this is a very gentle scent. Everything about it evokes softness, it's super pretty. The notes are very well blended but I think the soft mosses are at the forefront. The lotus and ylang ylang give it a sweet edge while the vanilla sandalwood gives it a smooth background, the bamboo wood lends a freshness. Overall, this is soft, fresh and clean. Nice for spring!
  13. Antoinette

    Four Grave Robbers Awaken a Ghost

    Joseph Werner A summoning: dragon’s blood resin, olibanum, galangal, bdellium, and myrrh. Inhaling the scent of this blend brings the biggest smile to my face. (Olibanum does that to me.) The dragon's blood and olibanum are the first two notes I notice. They blend very well together with the dragon's blood being somewhat subdued. The other notes add to the overall incensey/resin nature of this oil but I have to mention that the myrrh really adds a soft and atmospheric aura to it. I can close my eyes and imagine how it evokes the label art. The resins give it an aged vibe you might experience in a stone cathedral or tomb but the dragon's blood gives it that pop of awakening energy, the myrrh that etheral ghost rising up. Beth did a beautiful job translating the art for this into scent.
  14. Antoinette


    First and foremost, Yipe! is sweet and juicy cherry cream. It's delicious and strong upon application. As it dries, it softens a bit and I detect a tartness from the blackberries. The blackberry is a background player here, though, the creamy cherry is the stand out note and it's really really lovely and luscious. Currently debating ordering a back up bottle.
  15. Antoinette

    Funerary Papyri

    Lilith was incredibly disappointed that she wasnt allowed to touch the Egyptian funerary texts at the British Museum. Myrrh and papyrus reed with a smear of vanilla cream frosting. Myrrh, Egyptian stuff AND vanilla?!? Yes. Please. What an evocative blend! I've never been to Egypt but this conjures an image of strolling the banks of the Nile, lined by papyrus reeds blowing in the gentle wind, while myrrh incense wafts in swirls around you. The papyrus reed is green and watery. It's fresh and a little bit sharp (which I love!). It juxtaposes beautifully with the softness of the myrrh. As it dries down, the watery aspect seems to fade but everything else remains consistent. It's quite atmospheric and I'm delighted with it. ETA: A few hours into the drydown and I definitely pick up on the vanilla cream frosting. It's sweet and yummy! I'm interested to read how other people interpret it!