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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Katu

  1. Seriously how does ANYONE not get the "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is" thing? I'm so tired of explaining scams!

  2. Life is so much easier when I just deal with things instead of letting them paralyze me.

  3. I have the greatest support network ever.

  4. Got all my grades in: two A's, two A-'s! How in the world did that happen? I swear I thought I was going to get my first B ever. :/

  5. Nett Faggotter - I saw a girl on Glitch whose name was Knittles. I think you and she might be the same person.

  6. My favourite things about 2012 so far are not having a migraine anymore, not working in 3 hours, and this purring kitten. Good start!

  7. Falling back to sleep, and "I'm trying to make a genuine sabre cat...can you help me with that online at all?" Runs through my head. Wtf.

  8. I bought my pizza and figured I'd pay with cash, only to realise as the guy arrived that I only had my card. My roommate had no cash, so I had to pay the dude in quarters from my change jar. Came upstairs, realised that I forgot to ask for no feta, so my pizza is covered in gross cheese. Then, as I'm going to sit down, I knock the pizza face-down onto the floor. Holy crap.

  9. Bizarrely, I seem to have a massively swollen left knee. I'm not sure what I could have done, but it sure is puffy...

  10. OH OH ALSO, I got my Katamari Sweets Kingdom Skirt from Vitae Clothing! It. IS. STUNNING. I love love love it! She even included a singlet with one of the cousins on it! Oh god it's so amazing, I can't wait to wear it (MY LITTLE PONYATHON PERHAPS?!)

  11. For science, I replaced all the vowels in a sentence with "eh." Nett was right, it does sound Kiwi. Not perfect, but close.

  12. That moment right after you drink cough syrup and your throat is coated in tingly non-scratchiness. <3

  13. Glitch friends (especially Rachel Stiers): Pumpkins now available!

  14. Hmm. Sudden froot loops craving.

  15. Did anyone make a purchase on my amazon account? A book on artisan cheeses, "The Flavour Bible" and two books on camping/backpacking? I need to know before I contact Amazon.

  16. Oh maaaannn. This thing I'm buying comes with free engraving. What should I get on it?!

  17. Just got back from Sticky Rice with Englishy Poetry people. Tonight was a damn fine night. Is it wrong of me to be pleased that Gabe Gudding remembered me?

  18. Nothing called "digestive biscuit" should be this delicious.

  19. Anyone familiar with the company lensbaby?

  20. Found Ramen! Crisis averted.

  21. Starting on Steamspur Mountains server on GW2 cuz I didn't see anyone else's choices posted!

  22. Good lord I love waiting on southerners. They may not always tip well, but damned if they aren't fun.

  23. Oh, and I have about a thousand billion amazing Guild Wars 2 screenshots. Where's the best place to dump them all for general viewing?

  24. Guild Wars...please come back to me...:(
