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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Katu

  1. At least I can feel.

  2. Goddamn I want to have my cake and eat it, too. :/

  3. I think purring is my favourite sound.

  4. I move that we officially sanction the "bajilligram" as a proper unit of measurement.

  5. My paper is due on Tuesday, but on the bright side I think I finally know how to write it!

  6. I am in my stockinged feet at uni! If I was any more free-spirited, they'd have to give me my own sitcom.

  7. Thank you, kind stranger, for printing my paper for me at the library because I left my rangercard at home!

  8. RIP Sarah Jane Smith. <3

  9. Feeling a tad irrational tonight. Just kind of want to grab people by the collar and scream "WHY THE HELL DOESN'T ANYBODY LIKE ME?!"

  10. Crisis over, for now. Gonna get some of that sleep stuff.

  11. I forgot how much I love libraries. I remember, though, why I don't spend my breaks there. Guess who lost track of time and is late to class?

  12. The worst part of getting your period is that moment in which everything you've felt for the past week is invalidated.

  13. Bea: Wow, that really broke the third wall.

  14. God I hate when I'm crawling into bed for a nap and I kneel on my hair. What's worse is when I do it with both legs and have to fall over sideways to get myself free.


  16. Come to Waves for brunch for delicious food and cheerful service! Serving until 3pm! :D

  17. So much cleanings! I washed out (like, scrubbed) two of the litterboxes, scoured the bathroom, swept the hallway, and tidied the living room. Got guests coming on Monday! :D


  19. To the two tables who tipped me significantly over 20% today: you are amazing and the reason that I give my all at this job. <3 thank you.

  20. Also I just sprayed my trash can with L'Estate room spray by bpal. Its net value has risen by $5, I think.

  21. Sorry dudes, I know we're an expensive restaurant. I don't choose the prices, I just bring you your food. Oh, prom night. :/

  22. Well apparently tonight is shitty tippers night at waves. Seriously, the only good table I've had was the kids going to prom. Thanks, kids going to prom!

  23. My dad loves comic sans and my mom likes Papyrus. That explains my natural predisposition toward tacky webdesign.

  24. blah. the only thing worse than being sick is being sick while alone.

  25. Bea Dlesk, come on skype!
