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Everything posted by Nymeria
Ooops! Sorry, wrong place for this rec.
Absinthe Akuma Beaver'versary Bette Noir Bijoux Y'ha-Nthlei Blue Pumpkin Floss Bon Vivant Boomslang Bordello The Bow and Crown of Conquest Candy Phoenix Cake Smash Chaste Moon Cheshire Cat The Chilling Cellar Clockwork Couture: Female Clytie Comforting Plush Companion Dawn: Maiden Deep in Earth Dolce stil Nuovo Eat Me Eclipse Embalming Fluid Emma Europhrosyne Florence Follow Me Boy The Forest Reverie French Creole French Love Glasgow Gluttony Grief Halloween: New Orleans Halloween: San Francisco Hay Moon The Heraeon of Argos Hermia High Strung Daisies House of Night The Infernal Lover The Isle of Demons Jack Jezirat al Tennyn Josie Kelly Pool The Knave of Hearts Kumari Kandam Lady Macbeth Lady Una Lamb's Wool 2010 The Last Rose of Summer Lilith Victoria Loli.Goth Longing Luna Lydia Mabon 2010 The Magician Mania Mata Hari Miskatonic University Mort de Cesar Motley Mountain of Bone Narkissos Nefertiti Nephilim Nes Gadol Haya Sham Nocnitsa Obatala The Oblation Ode on Melancholy Ogygia Overprotective Possessed Talking Doll Peach Moon The Perilous Parlor Perversion Pet Magah Bird Philologus Pink Snowballs Pomegranate I Pomegranate II Pomegranate III Pomegranate IV Pomegranate V Pumpkin Latte Punkie Night 2010 The Red Queen Red Tide Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds Rosy Maple Sachs Saturnalia Schrodinger's Cat Sibyl Skytyping With Chemtrails Snake Oil Spicebush Swallowtail Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener Symmakhia Thouros Tiki Princess Twilight Vasakasajja Vice Whip The White Rider
Dew-covered peach blossom, white tea, moonlit musk, night-blooming jasmine, ho wood, and chrysanthemum. I really wanted this to be my one true peach scent, but it just wasn't meant to be. The other components add an edge that just doesn't do it for me. Ah, well. Good for wearing: until I find my one true peach wuv.
I wanted to like Schrodinger's Cat so badly based on the concept alone... and good news, everyone! I do! Primarily I get the grapefruit and lime are the dominant notes, but while I can't directly pick out the rest, you can tell that there's something else there that kicks this up to truly awesome. Good for wearing: dead or alive.
Mmmmm... delicious! When I first tried Snake Oil, I was bummed because it was nice, but nothing special or bottle worthy. But add a little cocoa to it and HELLO! It becomes awesome. The cocoa is nice because it gives you that chocolatey sweetness without being foody or going overboard, and the spices from the Snake Oil make it rich, intriguing, and delicious. Guh! So good! Good for wearing: whenever I want to smell AWESOME.
- 362 replies
And once again, it's SOAP and maybe something slightly floral TIME! Brought to you by your host, Dolce Stil Nuovo! Good for wearing: while hanging out with germaphobe friends.
- 77 replies
- Lupercalia 2015
- Lupercalia 2013
(and 2 more)
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Opium smoke. Lots and lots and lots of opium smoke. Which is not delicious on me. Good for wearing: if I want to get out of work by convincing someone the bar is on fire and we need to evacuate.
When I first tried this, it seemed like a sexier version of Bordello. This time, when I first put in on, I got a dry powdery sour cherry hit, almost like crushed up Smarties, but after a moment, that dry sexiness comes back. This is a very apt scent for Lady Macbeth... a scent that gives you so much but holds back just a bit so you're always sniffing a little deeper, trying to get to satisfaction. This scent almost personifies the type of woman who could coax you into committing treacherous acts to satiate the lust for power buried deeply within your heart. Mmmm. Good for wearing: to smell sexy enough men would commit murder to please me. (Figuratively, preferably.)
The hot black musk is dominating this scent for me, but every now and them, I get some dark green earthiness. While not for me, this would smell divine on someone else. Good for wearing: when I want to smell like I've been hiking treacherous terrain all day.
A nice things about trying a wide variety of imps is you get to learn things. Today, I learned that combining notes I don't like with other notes I don't like will not magically morph it into something wearable, but a scent with the capabilities of making my nose consider jumping off my face and leaving me to my own devices. Good for wearing: to shock comatose bodies awake.
A very classic, white, clean floral. Good for wearing: when I want to smell innocently feminine.
Spongy white cake with lots of overly sugary buttercream frosting, dripping with dark red fruit. Very foody... possibly even a little too foody for my taste. I can feel cavities developing just from sniffing that frosting. Good for wearing: when I'm on a diet and want a scent that will satiate my cravings without exacerbating them.
I'm getting Dragon's Blood with musk and florals. It's pretty and light, but considering I'm pretty enamored with my current lover, it probably won't be a keeper. Good for wearing: when I want to feel like a pretty, sexy dragon (a.k.a. Daenerys.)
The good news: This leather actually smells like leather on me. The sandalwood dominates, but the leather is leather and not crazy chemical sex shop latex like I've gotten from other blends. The bad news: it doesn't really do much for me. It melds onto my skin to form something that's all together lackluster. I mean, it's sweet, and kind of nice, bu not OMGAMAZING like I've gotten from other BPAL. But I learned something today. Can't knock learning! Good for wearing: When I'm feeling dominatrixy.
Mostly getting raspberry liquor and cranberry. Whoever poured the gin into this seems to be pouring a bit light, and their bar is suffering from the same problem as mine: no mint. Still, definitely contemplating more of this... as long as I'm gonna smell like booze at work, might as well smell like delicious booze! Good for wearing: During a Wednesday Hump Day Happy Hour shift.
Overprotective Possessed Talking Doll
Nymeria replied to cfrancesca's topic in Black Phoenix Trading Post
This is definitely a case of skin chemistry gone WTF. In the vial, it smells of sweet, strawberry fizziness, and then once applied... a Red Delicious apple just starting to rot. For shame, skin. For shame. Good for wearing: while buying fruit at the grocery store, to remind me to only buy what I can eat in time. -
Mmmm... delicious. It smells like hard sour candy, but not like any particular one I've had before... probably because I haven't had pomegrante flavored sour hard candy. I am loving this so hard. Good for wearing: to a fun late night dance party!
We're doing this Beaver'versary style! And mmmm... cupcakes! Sweet, delicious, fluffy, fresh out of the oven and slathered in frosting (cream cheese frosting, I do believe) cupcakes! Oh, so, so, so good cupcakes. Good for wearing: CUPCAKES!!!
Mmmmmm... delicious, creamy, toasted coconut. Just a hint of suntan lotion, the slightest baby's breath of a hint. Good for wearing: to the beach!
Like others, the most prominent note I'm getting is the mysterious "but you're not even listed as a note!" cocoa. Fortunately for me, I'm not even getting a hint of lemon verbena and its feared Pledgeness of Doom. Just cocoa and spices and incense and so much more... it's definitely a complex scent, and while a more trained nose than I could probably pick out the individual notes appearing on me, all I know is that this is a delicious, warm, and cozy scent. Good for wearing: Curled up next to a fireplace drinking hot chocolate while it softly snows outside.
Everything about this is a beautiful, sweet, light juicy scent beautifully melding the lime, pear, tea, and sugar that I could absolutely fall in love with and wear constantly... except for that one extra note, which I'm pretty sure is the thyme. On me, this just doesn't mesh right and adds a much sharper, painful hit to it. Which is for the best, considering I'd only have a few days to order a bottle anyway. But still... *sigh* What could have been... Good for wearing: When I need a reminder that most things in life aren't perfect, and come with good and bad.
While going through sampling all of my recently acquired imps and eagerly awaiting my Weenies decants, I decided now would be a good time to check out Jack. I'd been thinking about how much I wanted a peachy perfume recently... so how thrilled was I after a few moments of letting this settle down on my skin! Pumpkin pie and peach pie mixed together into a collectiveness of awesome. This has also now inspired me to make a layered pie that is pumpkin pie on the bottom and peach pie filling on top. If it's anywhere near as good as this perfume smells, I'll be in heaven. Good for wearing: For cheering up on cold, gloomy days.
Warning: this wishlist does not necessarily pertain to reality or feasibility or anything like that. For scents that have different years/incarnations, if I don't have the year listed then I'm open any version of it. Scents to Try Italics = GC, Underline = Unimpable GC, Bold = current top choice to try. 413 U.S. 15 / Miller Vs. California Agapē Aglaea Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht Alana Patel All in the Golden Afternoon All Souls Angeronalia The Antikythera Mechanism Antique Lace The Anti-Saloon League April Fool Archangel Winter Aremata-Popoa Ashlultum Australian Copperhead Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand Bathtub Gin Bensiabel Bearded Lady Bewitched Blackberry Jam & Scones Black Heart Black Lace Black Pearl Black Phoenix The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe Bliss Blood Countess Boo Bread-And-Butter-Fly The Buggre Alle This Bible Cabaret Cancer 2007 The Candy Butcher Champagne and Roses Champagne, Chocolate, and Cheap Sex Cheshire Moon Cicuta Cockaigne Coral Snake Countess Willie Croquet Crypt Queen Cupcake Spatter Pattern Analysis Cupid Complaining to Venus Daiyu Dark Chocolate Dark Chocolate and Pepper Smoked Caramel Dark Chocolate, Whiskey, and Cognac Truffle Defututa Desiccated Frostberry Pie Filling Detestable Putrescence Dionysia Dorian Echo The Ecstasy of Infatuation Eisheth Zenunim El Dia de los Reyes Elegba Eos F5 Fae Fairy Wine Faith Fée Fire Pig Fruit Moon The Fruit of Paradise The Gaoler's Daughter Geek.Goth Gelt Giant Vulva Gingerbread Poppet Glitter Golden Wave Gollettes Green Phoenix Gypsy Halloween: Los Angeles The Hamptons Hanami Hi'iaka Hony Mone Hope Horreur Sympathique House of Mirrors Hua Mulan Hunger Ice Queen I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain Imp Imp of the Perverse Independent In Winter in My Room Jailbait Jazz Funeral Jester Joyful Moon Juliet Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman Katharina Kitsune-Tsuki Kuang Shi La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente Lady Luck Blues Lamia La Vague Left His Nurse While In a Crowd Les Bijoux Liberty Libra 2007 Lick It One More Time Lilith and the Jarocho Lilith's Tea Party The Living Flame Liz Lucy's Kiss Lump of Coal Machu Picchu Mahana Makhanitis March Hare Metal Phoenix Midnight on the Midway Midway Midwinter's Eve Mi-Go Brain Canister Milk Moon '07 Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller Monster Bait: biggerCritters Monster Bait: Bloody Mary Monster Bait: Closet Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp Montresor Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Mr. Nancy MVJBA: Spring Training 2008 Nanny Ashtoreth New Orleans O Opuhi Orange Parker Lily Peacocks Pepper Persephone Philommeides Pink Phoenix Plastic Pink Flamingo Pothôn Mêtêr The Presence of Love Prospero Prunella Pumpkin I '05/'06,'07 or '09 Pumpkin II '05/'06 Pumpkin III '07 Pumpkin V '08 or'09 Pumpkin Cheesecake Purple Phoenix Queen of Diamonds Rangoon Riptide Roadhouse Romanti.Goth Sara Pezzini Screeching Parrot Semiramis Shattered Siren Slippery Poppy Tincture Snow Angel Snowblind Snow, Glass, Apples Snow White The Soldier Soothing System Spawn of the She-Demon The Spell of Amorous Love Spooky Sticky Pillowcase Strawberry Moon '09 Sugar Cookie Swank Sweet Life Tamora Teatime in Roswell Thalia Thirteen 5/05 & 1/06 (White Label) Thirteen 7/07 (Pink Label) Thirteen 6/08 (Green Label) Tiger Lily Tin Foil Hat 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster Titania Tobacco Honey Thisbe Tomoe Gozen The Torture Queen Treat #1 Tupapau Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat Ü Mütter Museum The Unsteady Governess Unveiled Upa Upa Vampire Tears Vasilissa Velvet Velvet Pink Kitty Velvet Tiki Velvet Nudie Velvet Unicorn VILF Violet Ray Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms Wanda White Chocolate and Strawberries White Chocolate and Sugared Violets White Chocolate, Black Raspberry, and Apricot Cordial Truffle The White Lady of Durand-Eastman Park Womb Furie Xanthe, the Weeping Clown Yerevan Yuletide The Zadok Allen Vineyard Scents to Get Bottles Of Beaver'versary Boomslang Glasgow Lady Macbeth Mountain of Bone Pomegranate II Schrodinger's Cat Empty Bottles I'd Like Halloween: San Francisco Halloween: Brooklyn Queen of Spades Any WKAP Any Chaos Theory Number CDXVII (417)
Okay. This review makes zero sense, but the nose smells what the nose smells. So this scent smells exactly like when I was a kid, and I was sick and my mom would make me orange tea with lemon to help me feel better, with incense burning in the background. It's nice. Good for wearing: When I need that reminder that everything gets better eventually.
- 66 replies
- Haunted House
- Halloween 2012
(and 1 more)
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First sniff: WHY HELLO IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU MY NAME IS SOAP WHAT'S YOURS? Later on: DID YOU KNOW EVIDENCE OF SOAP CAN BE FOUND AS EARLY AS 2800 BC DURING NABONIDUS' REIGN ISN'T THAT A FASCINATING FACT ABOUT SOAP? Still later: SOAP MAKERS IN NAPLES WERE PART OF A GUILD IN THE LATE SIXTH CENTURY is that a gardenia? AND IN THE EIGHTH CENTURY, SOAP MAKING WAS WELL KNOWN IN ITALY AND SPAIN. So very very later: White crisp florals with just the faintest touch of cream. Also, soap. Good for wearing: when I sleep through my alarm and don't have time to shower before work.