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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Happy Mother's Day! :D

  2. has officially decided that he is no longer going to be a doormat. It's one thing to help others, but I'm not letting them use me. And, to the person whose dad almost ran into me and Mom earlier while we were driving (you know who you are), that's NOT making me want to help you out. Just so ya know.

  3. hates it when he's reading a thread and someone randomly posts a pic of Slender Man. Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy

  4. have you ever been busy doing something important, and the people around you chater on at you about nothing, or continually give TMI, and it makes you just want to stand up and scream "I DON'T GIVE A CRAP! SHUT UP!"? Yeah, that's me. >.

  5. He's going back up to Children's. Extra prayers are much needed, everyone!

  6. Heads up, y'all! I'm extending the Yuletide Ghost Stories even through 11:59PM CST tomorrow. If you want to join in on the fun, please feel free to ask for an invite! Things have gotten off to a slow start, but we're not giving up yet! Come and share in the spooky stories! :D

  7. Heh. StumbleUpon is apparently on a s'mores kick. I think the last ten sites have been varying s'mores recipes. Not that I'm complaining, mind.

  8. Helicopter crash near NW Expressway and Council. Looks like it might have been another EagleMed. From what I've heard there were 2 fatalities (both crew). Prayers for those involved! :(

  9. Her compassion #givesmehope

  10. Here it is. The final version of the final Our Angels are Different sketch.

  11. Here's a lullaby, for anyone who wants to fly, from their hometown where people drown, and where the townies die.This old library, has thirty books and one dictionary.But thats ok, no one reads anyway,we all watch tv.So here's your lullaby.No boy, don't cry.Just rest your head and go to bed,your time will come to fly...away.Never today, just dream your life away.Sleep(vocalising)All the dogs will die.They just can't seem to stay alive.Cause in this town, our cop shoots t...

  12. Here's a treaty-treat for you all! An excerpt from my story (tentatively) titled "Old Souls." I present my prologue chapter, entitled "Squall Line."Prologue: Squall LineIt starts with a subtle change, a slight shift in the air pressure. You don’t really notice it at first, but the body does. You might find yourself tense, or perhaps you notice you seem to be looking at the sky more often than normal. Soon, you notice the temperature changing. Maybe it gets a little colder. Yo...

  13. Hey everyone! I got a new phone number, so if you want me to add yours back in (because I'm not sure the #'s are still in the old phone), text (or call, but preferably text) me at the number in my profile!

  14. Hey! Village Idiots picketing fallen soldiers' funerals....Yeah, I'm talking to you! Do you know WHY you are allowed to do that? BECAUSE THE DEAD SOLDIER YOU ARE DISRESPECTING GAVE HIS OR HER LIFE SO YOU WOULD HAVE THE FREEDOM TO EXPRESS YOUR STUPIDITY! Feel free to copy and post-I did because I wasn't afraid to express my undying gratitude to every single service person past, present and future!

  15. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go!

  16. Hm, so I did some career assessment tests, and it seems I'm either supposed to work in something art-related (like graphic design), or as a teacher of some sort (except Special Needs, oddly). Oh except for one test, which suggested criminal justice. Really???? XD

  17. Hm, so the debt ceiling has officially been reached. Wonder how the politicos will resolve it? Hopefully not by raising the limit (what's the point of even HAVING a debt ceiling if you just raise it continually). Let's cut some of the unnecessary Defense budget (along with the unnecessary non-defense stuff, of course)!

  18. Hm, whoops, the Thunder fell flat. Oh well, back to real life!

  19. Hm. Just weighed in. Anyone want to take a guess what the scale shows?

  20. Hm. Second day done. Sleeeeepy. zzzZZZzzzZZZZzzz

  21. Hm. Seems I was having so much fun with my friend tonight that I completely missed my body throwing up warnings that I need to go into sleep mode: "Warning! Hardware errors detected! Please power your system off now!"...Which is why I'm near-hallucinating. XD

  22. Hm. Watch tv, read this lovely little fanfiction I found, or play a video game? Decisions, decisions....

  23. Hm. Well, I'm not sure what to think about this. I keep expecting Mom and Dad or my old roommates to come back any moment. Seems it's hard to adjust to living on your own after 23ish years of sharing a place with other people!
