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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. I don't think I've ever lost my voice quite so thoroughly before. O.o Usually, when I "lose" my voice, I can at least manage a vague, squeaky sound. Not this time! The best I can do is a loud whisper.Work is gonna be fuuuuuuuuun tomorrow if this isn't cleared up by then. :|

  2. I don't understand how people can just look at what's going on in Ferguson, in the Middle East, all over the world and just be all "Meh. Well, that sucks," and go on with their lives. Doesn't it offend you? Doesn't injustice anger you at all? Are you telling me that you can look at something so horrible and NOT feel the wrath of God Himself burning inside you? Wake up! Stand up! Get ticked off! Get righteously wrathful! Don't just sit there and wish for things to change. Put your foot d...

  3. I feel a little bit silly since I get so excited when I finish re-writing a chapter. They aren't even LONG chapters, so they aren't much work. I still get excited when I finish one, though. XD

  4. I feel like I talk more online than in real life. (That I use more words, that is.) I wonder why? Anyone else do that? :S

  5. I find this quote to be highly interesting:"Yet to insure the unity of believers was a major reason for Paul's writing. Paul insisted on faith and love as the things that really matter in Christ. But by misunderstanding Paul's argument, people unwittingly rely on tastes and customs instead of the word of God. They argue about what's dirty or clean, dispute who's pure and impure, and pit heterosexual against homosexual. Thus, they divide and splinter the church over what does not matter in C...

  6. I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D ::cheers::

  7. I have created an event! Yuletide Ghost Stories (Part 1) is a trial for my event idea. I want us to post spooky, creepy, haunting ghost stories every Saturday leading up to Christmas Day. This tradition had fallen out of favor in recent history, and I want to revive it. If you're interested in participating, feel free to hit me up for an invite!And no, you don't have to make up the story yourself. It can be one you've heard before or one you find online or in a book. Come join in the spoo...

  8. I HAZ APARTMENTS!! No, really, I signed the paperwork, got the key, and moved my first few boxes in today!Woot woot! :D

  9. I hereby declare this to be Stab a Stupid Day. Find the nearest Stupid Person and stab to your heart's content! While we recommend stabs be placed in such a way as to instantly finish off the selected Stupid, that is not required.Have fun!

  10. I just can't comprehend what makes someone do that. Prayers and thoughts going out for Boston

  11. I just wanna go home and go to bed. Noooot a good day at work. T_T

  12. I like that Facebook Messenger thinks that EVERY SINGLE PERSON has a cell phone connected to their FB account (which should, in theory, mean they would receive a message even offline). The funny part is, most of the people on my list DON'T have one connected. >_

  13. I like the days where I can just sit and enjoy the sunshine (and the A/C!) for awhile. :)

  14. I love these kids, but today, they're about to get stuffed in a filing cabinet! XD

  15. I must be calcium deficient or something, 'cause I'm all up on this gallon of milk like it's the last one on earth... x_x

  16. I need a bigger water heater. >.

  17. I need a murderstabbyface emoticon. Badly.

  18. I saw this comment on a blog today, and I liked it so much that I had to share it here!"I think sometimes we forget that we are made in God's image, not he in ours, and that means that our Creator must also have a wonderful sense of humor!"

  19. I see this all the time in lists of first aid treatment, and, well...here's what I'm talking about:"When to see a medical professional-When the person is having trouble breathing, experiencing seizures, or unconscious."...if I saw someone in any of those states, my first reaction would be 911. Is it really not obvious to everyone that you should call for medical help if someone is KO'd, unable to breathe, and/or seizing? x_x

  20. I think it needs to be Fall now...

  21. I think perfectionism is based on the obsessive belief that if you run carefully enough, hitting each stepping-stone just right, you won’t have to die.~Anne Lamott

  22. I think that perhaps the worst thing about losing a job is feeling like you're trapped in the house. You dare not go anywhere, because you have no income, and goodness knows that gas isn't cheap, so you feel like you can't waste gas driving anywhere but to interviews and potential employers. So, you're stuck at home. :(

  23. I think this quote sums everything up: "The popularized expression: "Guns do not kill people. People kill people" is an old and familiar refrain which on the surface seems so sensible.But if it is true then by logical extension one could argue that communities ought not ban or restrict pornographic movies, magazines or photos on the basis that obscene images do not cause sex related crimes or deviancy but rather is people who cause such actions.Additionally a case could be made for the l...

  24. I think today is a good day to be lazy!
