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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Is that a fever I feel coming on? Oh joy. Just what I wanted.I'm taking some Nyquil and waiting for it to KO me.

  2. Is the weather confusing anyone else? XD It goes from spring/summer back to winter. Eh?

  3. Is watching Doctor Who: The Rings of Ahketan.

  4. is wondering when people will realize that science is not the be-all-end-all of the universe. Science changes and shifts with every generation. Today's scientists are no different than the mystics and medicine men of old. So people, please stop using "science" as a constant justification. You never know, tomorrow, science might prove YOU wrong.

  5. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion,It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning,It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

  6. It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people.~Terry Pratchett, "Good Omens"

  7. It seems even my unconscious mind is sick of summer. I had a really nice dream last night where it was snowing in the middle of August-HUGE wet snowflakes falling and sticking to everything!...I also dreamed that I kept trying to send pictures of the snow to Mom, but she somehow managed to keep deleting the pictures without seeing them. Whoops? XD

  8. It's almost time for NaNoWriMo! Who on my friends list is participating this year? :D

  9. It's amazing how much better you can feel after something as simple as a haircut! ^.^

  10. It's been a long time since I went down to the Cavern. Maybe it's time I took another trip....

  11. It's been my experience that the people who are most vocal about being "Christians" are generally also the people who are LEAST like Christ.Odd, that.

  12. It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the darkUnder the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart...

  13. It's hard to believe it's been ten years....and that there's credible evidence for ANOTHER threat. D:

  14. It's just a jump to the left...

  15. It's so nice to be able to come HOME for lunch (or, well, dinner, in my case). Especially since that means NO IDIOTS AT WORK CAN STEAL MY #*@($* FOOD NOW!! >:D

  16. It's very hard to be patient when you are job hunting. >.

  17. Jesus loves me this I know...

  18. Jewelry is the gift to give, 'cause it's the gift that will live and live...

  19. Jill: "Oh come one, you used bench your body weight in college! *walking away* You're heavier now, so you should be able to carry more..."Tim: "If that were true, then you'd be able to lift the whole-"J: "The whoooole WHAT? *evil glare*T: "The whoooooolllllleeee.....wheat bread! Over there! Yeah..."

  20. John 20:15 NIVHe asked her, "Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?"

  21. John home. Much better. Docs think the topical anesthetic wore off and he hadn't gotten his pain mads in time, causing a spike in his pain.Very tired. Passing out now. Goodnight.

  22. Just another manic Monday.

  23. Just as a general PSA, calling in to tech support and immediately starting off the call yelling "So are you gonna fix this, or am I just going to go to [competitor]" is NOT a good way to get help. The people you are speaking to are, in fact, people. They are not brainless robot slaves. They are also not doormats. Treat them with respect and you might get a lot more help.

  24. Just finished another round of friends-list trimming. It's kinda nice to clear out people that you don't ever talk to or interact with. After all, if you don't ever communicate, are you really friends? :s
