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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Just for fun: I'm running a test to see who's reading my posts. So, if you read this, leave me a one-word comment about your day that starts with the third letter of your first name. Only one word please. Then copy this to your wall so I can leave a word for you. Don't just post a word and not copy - that's not as much fun.

  2. Just found the steampunk crafts wiki! *does happy/Snoopy dance*

  3. Just got back in from the eye exam. Got new glasses ordered and such (yay!). Currently stumbling around half-blind, thanks to them dilating my right eye (ouchies).

  4. Just watched Hotel Transylvania. It's pretty good-it's obviously a family movie, but it has a lot of funny moments and it's clean. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a lighthearted animated film!

  5. Just watched the first episode of American Horror Story: Asylum. Surprisingly, it's pretty good. It has just the right mix of mystery and horror, with a tiny touch of disgust. Looking forward to next week's episode.

  6. Just went up to visit John at Children's. Good visit. Nearly got t-boned in my driver's side on the way home (somebody decided he didn't want to wait for his light to turn green >.< ). Now laying in bed, hoping not to tempt fate any more today.

  7. Kate Monster:No, we don't want people like you-Princeton:You see?!You're a little bit racist.Kate Monster:Well, you're a little bit too.Princeton:I guess we're both a little bit racist.Kate Monster:Admitting it is not an easy thing to do...Princeton:But I guess it's true.Kate Monster:Between me and you, I thinkBoth:Everyone's a little bit racistSometimes.Doesn't mean we go Around committing hate crimes.Look around and you will findNo one's really color blind.Maybe...

  8. Keep praying for Japan everyone, their troubles haven't stopped yet. There was a second explosion at one of the nuclear plants, there's a volcano about to blow its top, oh yeah, and a SECOND tsunami on its way in. They need all the prayers they can get. :(

  9. Kickin' butt and takin' names in Skyward Sword. > : D

  10. Kitty Rule #34: Looking innocent is sometimes (usually) easier than BEING innocent. XD

  11. Known facts about the Trayvon Martin case:1. FACT: Zimmermean was NOT a police officer. He was in charge of the neighborhood watch. However, he violated several of the rules regarding legal neighborhood watch programs, specifically this bit: ""It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers, and they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles. They should also be cautioned to alert police or deputies when encountering strange activity. Members should never conf...

  12. Labyrinth is quite possibly the strangest movie I've ever seen. And that's INCLUDING Fantasia. Like, for real. o.O

  13. Ladies and Gentlemen, skinny and stout,I'll tell you a tale I know nothing about;The Admission is free, so pay at the door,Now pull up a chair and sit on the floor.One fine day in the middle of the night,Two dead boys got up to fight;Back to back they faced each other,Drew their swords and shot each other.A blind man came to watch fair play,A mute man came to shout "Horray!"A deaf policeman heard the noise andCame to stop those two dead boys.He lived on the corner in the middle ...

  14. Laryngitis=unhappy Steven. :(

  15. Last of the chores are done, dinner is eaten...now it's time to curl up and watch some fun Halloween movies! (Namely Halloweentown 1 and 2, and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!)

  16. Late night walmart run to get stuff for beef stew: check.Sigh. I need minions.

  17. Lesson learned: Being (mostly) without your glasses is fine when you're well rested. But if you get tired? Welcome to headache city.Thankfully I have an appointment Friday to get a new pair. XD

  18. Let it ____, let it ____, let it ____!

  19. Let me make this very, very clear for those who have thought otherwise.Is Obama my ideal candidate? No. No, he isn't.Is Romney my ideal candidate? Certainly not.I know not everyone on my friends list likes the way I vote, or my opinions. And, you know what? That's fine, it really is. BUT, just like each of you, I'm voting in the way that I believe is right for me and for the country in general. You don't have to like my views or agree with them, but if you have any plans at all to...

  20. Let's simplify things: You don't shoot an unarmed person. Ever. And certainly not for being different from you.#JusticeDoesntMeanJustUs #JusticeforMikeBrown

  21. Life should require an IQ test.

  22. Like my status and I'll tell you: 1. How we met. 2. My first impression of you. 3. what I like about you. 4. Favorite memory of you.There's a catch: you like this, you must put it as your status.
