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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Look out world-I feel AWESOME today and I'm more than ready to take you on!

  2. Lord above, save me from the paranoid old guard. x_x

  3. Lord of all creationof water earth and skyThe heavens are your TabernacleGlory to the Lord on highGod of wonders beyond our galaxy,You are holy, holy.The universe declares Your majesty.And You are holy, holy.Lord of Heaven and Earth.Lord of Heaven and Earth.

  4. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.Where there is hatred, let me sow love;Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope;Where there is darkness, light;Where there is sadness, joy.O Divine Master,Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;To be understood, as to understand;To be loved, as to love;For it is in giving that we receive;It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;And it is in dying that we are born to E...

  5. Lord, we pray now for the people of Japan, Hawaii, and all the other areas affected by the earthquake and Tsunami. Be with them, shelter and guard them Lord. Help them to find their loved ones who are still alive, and be with them while they mourn for those who have gone on. We ask that You help the rest of us to help them, and to give us strength to help them however they may need it.In Your name, Amen

  6. Lost: One voice belonging to Steven Boatman. If found, please return to the Sprint Call Center. Reward: eternal gratitude and mall favors to be used at the finder's discretion.

  7. Loves it when non-Christians are all "We should all be respectful and tolerant of others' beliefs, and not insult them!" and then turn right around and say something like "Christians are so horrible! Their whole religion is stupid and they're just sheeple!" Erm.... hypocrite much? >.

  8. Loves it when people try to act like they know so much about Christianity (and thus why it's "evil"), and all their facts are wrong. And of course, heaven forbid you try to correct them...that makes you one of the sheeple. :eyeroll:

  9. Loving Android Lollipop so far!

  10. Major props to the Moore High School choir(s)!!! Awesome concert guys and gals!Special props for the ladies that sang "Taylor, the Latte Boy"-that was FUNNY. xDDD

  11. Making cheesecake, making cheesecake/Om nom nom!/It's almost done and we can't wait/So grab a fork and salivate/'Cause once the darn thing starts to rise/We'll all yell out 'It's DINNER TIME!'(Sung to the tune of "Making Christmas")

  12. Man, it's really coming down out there! :o

  13. Mandatory apartment inspections today. Eep! :o

  14. Marie Calandar's tonight! Yum!! :D

  15. Maxwell: And as for you, what's your excuse? Why are you out of bed again?Gracie: You tucked me in wrong!Maxwell: Well, obviously-because you got out!

  16. May be returning the glasses today. :(

  17. May you bring love, and may you bring happinessBe loved in return to the end of your daysNow fall off to sleep, I'm not meanin' to keep youI'll just sit for awhile, and sing loo-li lai-lay.May there always be angels to watch over youTo guard you each step of the way.To guard you, and keep you safe from all harmLoo-li loo-li lai-lay

  18. Me (to the random people on eBay): Come on, ebay peeps-you know you want to buy the lovely Galaxy Tab and Epic! ...I hate waiting on auctions. No one does anything until the last 5 minutes. Until then, you are just left wondering if they've even SEEN your listing. T_T

  19. Meh. I forgot how horribly BORING it is to not have a job. >.< Btw, if everyone could please send a small prayer my way, it would be appreciated! I'm hoping my appeal at Sprint goes in my favor!

  20. Memento semper: sub illo, sed super omnem creaturam-homines primo, postremo, semper.

  21. Merry Christmas one and all! :D

  22. Merry Christmas! And God bless us, every one!

  23. Mi fili, veni, veni, veni, mi fili (Qui mortem invitavis) Mi fili, veni, veni, veni, mi fili (Poena funesta natus) Mi fili, veni, veni, veni, mi fili (Noli nomen vocare) Mi fili, veni, veni, veni, mi fili (Ille iterum veniet)

  24. Mmdpajdlsjahdkakjekslfwump.
