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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Mmm, cold, rainy, grey, and cloudy-my second favorite kind of weather! Now, if there was a just a bit of lightening and thunder, I'd be all set!

  2. Mmm, nothing like a quiet, gray, rainy day spent curled up with a laptop and a cup of tea, all while wearing one of your favorite BPAL scents (Dorian). *makes pleased little humming noises*

  3. Mmm. Nothing like a warm, sweet cup of tea on a blustery, rainy spring night. ;D

  4. Mmm. Feeling somewhat better (and significantly cooler) after getting home and showering.That A/C had BEST be up and running tomorrow though, or I'm bringing holy wrath down on someone.

  5. Mmmm, cottage pie is yummy! :D

  6. Mmmm, wasabi covered almonds. Yum! ^.^

  7. Mmmm. Finishing off a warm pot of Sleepytime Vanilla tea after popping a couple of Benadryl, and heading to bed. Here's hoping I wake up on time in the morning!!

  8. Mmmm. Had lunch at the Tea Cafe with Aunt Linda. Their sweet and sour chicken is soooooo tasty!

  9. Mmmm. Peppermint hot chocolate, how I love thee! <3

  10. Mmmm. This "Nutcracker Crunch" candle smells tasty! :o)

  11. Mmmmmm, pumpkin bread muffins!! :D

  12. Mocking someone or making comments about them because of their religion is not clever, witty, or cute. This is a country founded on religious freedom.

  13. Mom and John are taking my Grandpa to the hospital. He's having chest pains-please pray for him! :c

  14. Mom's famous lasagna mid disassembly! ;)

  15. Mom's famous lasagna mid-assembly. :D

  16. Monday's child is fair of faceTuesday's child is full of grace,Wednesday's child is full of woe,Thursday's child has far to go,Friday's child is loving and giving,Saturday's child works hard for a living,But the child who is born on the Sabbath DayIs bonny and blithe and good and gay.

  17. Monsters, concluded.The Floatstinger, final.

  18. Monsters, continued.Lurker, part two:

  19. Monsters, continued.The Smog, final.

  20. Monsters, continued.The Smog, from Silent Hill: Homecoming.

  21. Mr. Romney,You claim to be a Christian. But the policies you suggest, and the actions you claim you want to take, seem to be in direct contradiction to the Bible. You want to remove programs and funding that help those in need-people who have, or are one job loss away from, losing their homes, families, food, everything. That DIRECTLY contradicts several commands in the Bible, such as "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the lov...

  22. Much as I enjoy my job, I am NOT looking forward to having to drive in this crap. T_T

  23. Multitasking+Boss Fight=Dead character.Oops. Sorry, Heather! x_x

  24. Murder is a highly under-rated problem solving technique.

  25. Must. Not. Throw. Phone. At. Wall. >.
