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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. My bestie Ashley sent me some awesome fandom tea blends from Adagio! One is the sampler set of Welcome to Night Valeeee....I mean The Town of which We Do Not Speak, and the other is a Pokemon set!Look out, customers! I'm ready for you now!

  2. My country 'tis of thee,Sad land of bigotry,Of thee I sing!Land where so many have diedTo feed vainglorious prideAnd every hand is dyedIn darkest red.My naive fellows, see,This land that you call freeIs barely so.See 'round you all the poor,Overworked, tired, and sore,Their numbers growing moreWith each new day.Where have the good men gone,While we have suffered long,So ill at east.The Church sits on her hands,The "good" men fail to stand,As our country's fragile strands...

  3. My God does not hate.My God does not hate gays.He does not hate Muslims.He does not hate blacks.He does not hate adulterers.He does not hate women who have had abortions.He does not hate thieves.He does not hate murderers.He does not hate terrorists.He does not hate evolutionists.He does not hate Democrats (or Republicans).He does not hate anyone.He loves the weak,He loves the wounded.He comforts the sickand gives solace to the mourning.He holds the poor in times of distress....

  4. My head is pounding. :(

  5. My world just crashed.I feel like I can't breathe, I can't think, I can't move....

  6. Needs motivation to finish his story that has been in the works for about three years. :P

  7. Never settle. Whether it's for a game or a spouse, you are ALWAYS worth more than second best.

  8. Never underestimate the power of a thought.

  9. New glasses! (And they actually work this time!!)

  10. Night of the Second Day~36 Hours Remain~

  11. No a/c, no blower. It is about 100 degrees on the call center floor and I feel like I can't breathe.

  12. No one talks to her, she feels so alone,She’s in too much pain to survive on her own,The hurt she can’t handle overflows to a knife,She writes on her arm, wants to give up her life,Each day she goes on is a day that she is brave,Fighting the lie that giving up is the way,Each moment of courage her own life she saves,When she throws the pills out, a hero is made...~Superchick, "Hero"

  13. NOOOO!! It can't be morning! You'll never take me alive! *gets dragged out of bed kicking and screaming*

  14. Not at all sure what I think of this new Doctor. I suppose I'll give him another episode or two.Also, the new intro is AMAZEBALLS.

  15. Not everything in life is about character. Sometimes, it IS about comfort. If someone does something online that makes you uncomfortable, don't be afraid to block them. And don't let anyone guilt you out of blocking a bad influence. Goodness knows we have enough crap to deal with in real life, we don't need it online too!

  16. Not looking forward to being at work at 7 in the morning. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a poor Steven want to gouge out his eyes. D:

  17. Not mine, found online:

  18. Note to self: Sleeping in so late that you can't shower before work is a bad idea. Even if you aren't all stinky, it leaves one feeling gross.Thankfully, I'm home and showered and very happy about it!

  19. Nothing gets an arachnophobe's blood pumping quite so much as reading a news article online, only to scroll down and be confronted by a GIANT CLOSE-UP PICTURE OF A HUUUUUUUGE SPIDER.Thank you, Huffpost. My adrenal glands needed a workout. (not). T_T

  20. Nothing like getting to talk to your best friend (who has moved out of state). God bless whoever invented video chat!And now, I'm sleepy. G'night Facebook world!

  21. Nuts. I was uber-tired...until I laid down to go to bed. Now I'm wide awake.Body, Y U NO COOPERATE?

  22. Obama and Mittens were fighting for the crownAnd Obama beat dear Mittens all around the town.Some wore a smile at this, and some bore a frown;Some tried to moderate, and then drummed them out of town!

  23. Off to do the drug screen, then wait on sprint to let me know if i get the job!

  24. Oh boy! Tornadoes! -_-'
