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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Oh boy. Official iPhone 4S launch: Friday 10/14/2011. Guess where all the iPhone calls are going? That's right, OKC. Who gets to take only iPhone calls for weeks? Yup, you guessed it-ME. XD

  2. Oh boy. They're hyped today. O_________O

  3. Oh boy...here we go again. >.

  4. Oh crap. I forgot what today is.Can I just sleep until the second? Please?

  5. Oh dear. Maybe I should have brought the taser....

  6. Oh dear. Someone's....what's that phrase? Throwing shade?#BendGate #IDontEvenCareIfItIsntTrue #Thisisstillgoodshtuff

  7. Oh dear.I went on Wikipedia to look up a certain type of cheese that I saw at Walmart. This led me to the main 'Cheese' article, which leads to a list of cheeses, all of which have their own articles. I seem to be stuck in a Wiki spiral.Send help.

  8. Oh Google, I love you! xDHas anyone else seen their Star Trek doodle for today? (Hint: Try clicking on various objects in the doodle!)

  9. oh joy. I woke up with the headache from heck. Can't have the lights on, the pain meds are taking their sweet time to kick in, and I feel like crap. :( I hate life sometimes.

  10. Oh joy. More mandatory overtime.

  11. Oh man, Black Phoenix has a new RPG scent line. Me wants. Time to save up monies, I guess!

  12. Oh my, it got awfully dark out there! O.O Methinks there's a storm a-coming...

  13. Oh my. "Asylum of the Daleks" might just be one of my favorite Doctor Who episodes ever.

  14. Oh my. Pray for japan guys, they got hit by another one! 7.1 this time. :(

  15. Oh no! Belle! How could they do that to her?! D:

  16. oh tea, how I love thee! Mmmm, and with a few drops of Jack in my oil warmer-the perfect night!

  17. Oh wow. Neil Gaiman + Doctor Who = ABSOLUTE AWESOME.

  18. Oh, for the love of....really? It's supposed to get up to 113F today? >.

  19. Oh, look. The allergies have woken up. How wonderful! XDOther than that, looks to be a pretty good day!

  20. Oh, Portal 2 videos on Youtube....I needed the laugh. Thank you! XD

  21. Oh. It's YOU. It's been a long time, hasn't it? How have you been? I've been REALLY busy being dead. You know, after you MURDERED me?Look, we both said a lot of things that you are going to regret. But I think that we can put our differences behind us. For science.You monster.

  22. Ok. So far it looks the cancer is localized to the one area. No cancer is good, but this is certainly better than it could be!

  23. Okay, Facebook, please stop messing around with how things look on the page! Seriously!! O.o

  24. Okay, freak out averted. The calls weren't bad at all really, I didn't have one angry person at all! In fact, only one person in my got an angry caller, and only one time!

  25. Okay, look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster.
