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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Okay, off to try this "exercise" thing again. If anyone in the OKC(ish) area feels the ground shaking, don't worry-it's just me keeling over! XD

  2. Okay, really peeps? You could at LEAST wait for the blood to dry before you start trying to turn the Aurora tragedy into an argument for OR against guns/gun control/whatever. These aren't just statistics, these are REAL PEOPLE. People who REALLY DIED or are REALLY INJURED. And the fact that people are already trying to use what happened to them as a point of argument is sick and twisted. Get off your high horses and act like decent people![/rant]

  3. Okay, so Obama has published his full birth certificate. Now will everyone PLEASE stop spreading false and stupid rumors? I don't care if Focus on the Family or whoever says it's true, they are WRONG. Let's move past it. You don't have to like the guy, but dislike him for his politics, not his person.

  4. Okay, so, some people's numbers didn't get transferred to the new phone. Could everyone (that wants me to have their number) send it to me in a PM? Thanks!

  5. Okay, sorry, I meant to post this earlier but life happened.Thanks to everyone who participated in the Yuletide Ghost Stories event. I know our turnout was small, but I hope everyone enjoyed the stories that were shared.Sadly, I don't think I'll be organizing another event. While a few people did "show", I just don't think it was enough to justify another such event. Oh well. :\

  6. Okay, up early today! Anyone else done the weight loss schtick? Any suggestions for exercises?

  7. Okay! I think I'm actually finished this time!

  8. Okay. You know what? I'm done. I just don't have the energy to fight over something this stupid anymore.

  9. Okay. I think I've made as many tea blends as I can (for awhile, that is). I hope someone enjoys them. XD

  10. Oklahoma weather, Y U NO COOL DOWN?!?!?!?

  11. On this night of hope and salvation One child lies embraced in a dream Where each man regardless of station On this night can now be redeemed Where every man regardless of his nation Ancestral relations On this night the past can fly away And that dream we've dreamed most That every child is held close On this night that dream won't be betrayed All as one Raise your voices! Raise your voices! All as one On this christmas day! All rejoice Raise your voices! Raise your voic...

  12. On, on they send, on without endTheir joyful tone to every homeHark! How the bells, sweet silver bellsAll seem to say, "Throw cares away."Christmas is here, bringing good cheerTo young and old, meek and the boldDing, dong, ding, dong, that is their songWith joyful ring, all caroling.One seems to hear words of good cheerFrom everywhere, filling the airO, how they pound, raising the soundO'er hill and dale, telling their taleGaily they ring, while people singSongs of good cheer, C...

  13. Once Upon a Time, why would you do that to me? WHY??Poor Regina....

  14. Once Upon a Time:I love this show. But I hate it too. STOP TOYING WITH MY EMOTIONS!!! T_T

  15. One chapter rewritten and posted. Many, many more to go. x_x

  16. One day I want to copy someone's status word for word and see if they notice.

  17. Ooof. Finally recovered from lunch....just in time for dinner. Next up: CiCi's!Plan is to spend at least 2 hours on dinner. Wish me luck!

  18. Ooof. I put away two three foot subs, a few slices of cake, a bag of chips, a two liter, and a pack of cookies. Wonder why I feel like an overinflated waterbed? xDIn related news: anyone know someone who is needing to give away some 5xl or bigger clothes? Comment if you have some ideas, cause I'm stuffed into my current ones!

  19. Oooh we're off to see the wizard! Well, not really. Just the MRI tech.

  20. Oooo, it's GLORIOUSLY foggy outside.*cackles madly and runs off to cause mischief*

  21. Ooooh, dark and cloudy outside! I can has storm please? With much thunder and lightning? We can lose the tornados though. :D

  22. Ooooh. The water is off for repairs. Grreeeaaaat. *murderous, rictus grin*

  23. Oooooh? Is that a green dot in my Facebook chat? Could it be that Facebook has corrected the bug? Yay! I HAZ CHATS AGAIN!!!

  24. Oooooh. Soooo stuffed. x____x This sumo-to-be is about to pop like a water balloon!
